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APARTMENTS VACANT. I p-OOMS (2), front, unfurn.—3o, Newton Rd - 104 | pOOMS (2 ov 3), furn. or unfurn—7s I -J-* 1 Rtchmund Rd. __o_|_ ! pOOM. single, furn:, gas ring, convs.—l, x- 1 Cobden St., Xewton. pOOM, front, suitable one or two business A-m gu-is.—lß, City Rd., City. pOOM, nice, large, suit two working -__ men.—6s, AVakefield St. pOOM, large, unfurnished or partly fur-A-i> uished—2s, St. Paul St., City. pOOM, single, furn., suit sober working AH man.—l 92, Victoria St. West. pOOM, single, all convs.; 3mins. from ' J -*' Queen St.—so, Wellesley St. E. pOOM, double, nicely furn., c.1., bath, he -___ water; handy city.—las, Kelson St ' 1 ROOMS (2). front, sunny; c.1., gas stove, -*-* 1 bath, convs.—la, Mt. Eden Rd, "R,°_? MS <2) * furn -' waterfront, or Board A-* 2 persons.—lß. Hackett St., Ponsonby. . 91 pOOMS (2), large, and kitchen, gas AY stove, fireplace—l 79, Pon.onby Rd 87 pOOMS 02), unfurn., own stove, meter; A- v sunny position.—4s, Carlton Gore Rd. . - 58 pOOM, furn.; respectable young man; AY all convs.; lOmins. G.P.O—IG. Union pOOM, large, in city; suit dressmaker; can xt' have use sewing machine.—lnquire Star - 550 pOOMS (2), unfurn., and kitchenette, sep. -" entrance ; c.1.—13, Wood St., Ponsonby. . 231 pOOMS (3) furn., and kitchenette, all -"' convs.; car stop at gate—s4, Mt. Edeu 5 a - 74 pOOMS (2), front, unfurnished, use convs „ , „\ Der week. Include c.1—114, Cru:nmer Rd. __,g pOOMS (2), large, private verandah, own Parnell VG; ° n Car Une: 20/ '— x > Fox st - pOOM, furnished, suit refined young lady 7 _ n TT P .., Is out; S/-—Apply 51, Cooper St. Arch Hill. goo pOOMS (2), unfurn., sep. gas stove and a-» meter; 17/,—20, Tranmere Rd., EdcnpOOMS (3) and cellar, range, gas stove: a-* sep. meter.—So, Summer St., Pon 52____ _ pOOM, front, double, furn.; use phone __* and all convs.—s, Selwyn Terrace, Parnell. ' "DOOMS, 1 single, 1 share; c.L, clean, comA-*> fortable.—s4, Cook St. Under new lnanagement. pOOM, single; superior locality; break- -__-* fact optional. — Apply 33, Eden Crescent.
pOOMS (2), front; c.L, gas stove; 5 ■*-*> minutes reservoir.—12, James St 'Arch Hill. I+} ' pOOM, single, furn. ; suit man or girl; use f- v convs. ; handy Symonds St.; 7/6 — Inquire Star. (! - )9 pOOM, suit 2 friends; central; c.1., soft A.v washing, mending.—7, Osborne St Newmarket. jgg pOOMS (2), large, unfurn., c.1., own •_■* stove; rent cheap; no children.—l 27, Eden Terrace. gg pOOMS (2) and Kitchenette, best part to -. Mt ' E c cU ' n :_-30/.—The Home Finders, oS. Queen St. 2 01 pOOM, single, to Let; privato entrance • ■*■*> breakfast optional.—The AA'illows, 33 Symonds St. pOOMS (2), furn. or unfurn.; use kitchen. „ convs. ; nice bungalow.—92, Surrey Crescent, Grey Lynn. 239 pOOM, furn.; respectable working girl A-*> or man; near St. James' Church.— Inquire Star. 554 pOOMS (2), large, kitchenette, c.L; lmin X- 1 Three Lamps; 25/. —31, Prospect Terrace, Ponsonby. 1 T?OOMS, furn., own gas stove and meter, Ix ~ to quiet people ; reasonable.—l 3, Carlton Gore Rd. . pOOM, front, unfurnished ; fireplace, c.1., A-i> gas ring; handy Newton.—24, Maekelvie St., Grey Lynn. 145 pOOMS (2), furn., convs., c.L, gas. handy XX train, tram. bus. — "Perndale," Fowlds St., EUerslie. pOOMS (2), unfurnished. c.L, gas included; A*> 22/0, or 11/0; no children.—l4l, Crummer Rd.. Grey Lynn. sn ptJOM, large, 2 beds; suit young ladies, -*- w gents; breakfast if wanted. —39, Richmond Rd.. Ponsonby. <is pOOM, front, unftirn., fireplace, use ■A- v convs., gas; handy trams; 12/6. —1-5 Essex Rd., Mt. Eden. pOOMS (2). unfurn., large, front; fireAA> place; use convs.; near St. Stephen's Ay Parnell Rd. pOOMS, single or double, board, with pri-A-v vate family.—l 2, Surrey St., Grey Lynn, near Reservoir. ' pOOMS (2), partly furn. or unfurn.; use A* convs. ; 3 mins. terminus.—32, Pene_r__ow Ay.. Mt. Eden. 140 pOOM, large, double, furn.; Ist section; x-* 1 everything provided, including gns for cooking.—lnouire Star. 633 ■DOOMS (2), furn., all convs; at St - LV Helier's Bay.—Apply Black, Hairdresser, St. Helier's Bay. 47 pOOMS (2), large, front, unfurn., separate AY entrance, use all convs.; reasonable. — 40. Franklin Rd.. Ponsonby. pOOM, double, furn., .ground floor, kitx* cbenette; also, Single.—Kenyon, 452, Queen St., opp. Myers Park. ROOMS, furn., Cheltenham, with use of kitchenette and other cony's.—Apply SO. Vauxhall Rd., Devonport. pOOMS (2). unfurn., kitchenette, gas -*-* stove, califont. c.1.; near boat; 25/. — Seaside. Box 7. Devonport. 272
pOOM, furn., for holidays; own Aii entrance: close beach and tram.—Bny View. Eirppeh Ay.. Takapuna. 113 pOOMS (2), large, front, unfurn.; sepaxx rate convs. : handy Symonds St. ; adults—3 Stewart St.. Mt. Eden. 131 pOOMS (4), unfurn., kitchenette, sep. A-\ meter, califont; car stop.—Prospect ■Rise. 1. Bourne St.. Mt. Eden. 85 pOOM, double, comfortable, vacant; xX suit two friends ; terms moderate.—24, Lovcor Svmoids St. Phone 45-548. 171 pOOMS (2), furnished, unfurnished, use x* kitchen, all conveniences; will let separately.—26. Arthur St., Ponsonby. pOOM, double, furn.; suit m.c. or 2 x* friends ; with or without board; ________ —In. Cmmmer Rd.. Ponsonby. pOOMS (2), large, furn., use all convs.. -"-*• with li-rhting; 30': good locality: suit m.c: iv 2nd sec'ion. —Inquire Star* 587 pOOMS (2). front, furnished; fireplace, c. -__-*' light, convs., own entrance: also Single Room.—sS, East St., off Symonds St.
pOOM, front, furn., c.1., hot water, own meter, private entrance; also Single and Double Rooms.—l 2, Xixon St., Newton, I near reservoir. | pOOMS (3i. separate entrance; all convs.. , A-v elec. light, gas oven and heater; reut I reasonable.—Apply immediately, 22, Bavj field Rd., Heme Bay. ' ~jg ! SYMONDS ST. Section—Furn. Front Bed Sitting Room, hall, verandah, private I entrance.—l2o, Newton Rd. | fTIAKAPUXA—SeIf-contained Furn. Flat ■ ■a- handy tram, beach, glorious views' spacious grounds; 2nd section.—lnquire ! Star. g-., T/ACAXT, double furn. Bed Sitting Room * single beds, board if required.—ls 'hurch St.. Onehunga. _ 2 LARGE Airy Rooms, separate gas stove, Ir. '„• f ™ e: terms moderate.—24', , P_ompnll_r_Terrace. Ponsonby. i 18/6~ ROOMS (2) ' "nfnrn.," separate entrance, meter, fireplace convs • bandy cars.-45. Lincoln St.. Ponsonby j ELECT-_.O-P__ATEKS. A LL Classes Bronzing, Lacquering, Plat!xx ing.—Helton's Electro Ltd.. 63. Albert St. Phone 45-335. ____ -VfICIIOLAS AXD WHALEY, Electrox- - platers. Nickel. Silvering, and Bronz ing. AA ork guaranteed.—96. Albert St T'hone 44-614. r-j fiOMERVILLE'S, 398, Queen St., opp. NJ Town Hall, established ISB9, for all classes Plating. Silver or Nickel. ENGINEERS AND FITTERS. A CETOXE Welding and Brazing of any xx MetaL—Stewart and Longbottom, 47, Albert St.—Phone 42-422. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,021Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
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