i 1 NORTHERN GUM LANDS. I | OFFER BY MINISTER. I I (By Telepi-ipli.—S_--erial to "Star.") f j WHANGAREI, this day. 1 i : Answering a deputation and speakers - at a banquet tendered by the Whangarei > Chamber of Commerce, the Hon. A. D. McLeod said he was favourable to open- . ing up certain parts of Crown gum lands [ in the North for settlement, provided • the right type of men came forward to [ work them! He would not stand for business men or syndicates taking «P the land in question, putting men on it who .would sink their all, and then leaA-e, alloAving the lands to come back on the Government's hands. He would not spend money in opening up these lands, but if settlers showed, bona fides, i that they would and could work it sue- ' cessfullv", then he would be prepared to settle them, and would not charge any rental for 15 to 20 years. It rested with the men themselves to make good.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 14
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 14
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