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ARTICLES FOR SALE. AUCKLAND Gas Cooker, new, bargain. - Apply 12, Hadyn St., City. l* 3 BARGAIN— Sewing Machine, Boale, perfect order ; Tables, Couch.—2l, Leamington Rd., Valley Rd., Dominion Rd. BEAUTIFUL Rosewood Half-plate Camera. portrait landscape lens; almost new ; copy or enlarge ; £5. —Write •<~-\ Star. . "DED Springs (2), 3ft, for Sale, as new.— A~> Apply first cottage on left, Hollywood Ay., Pah Kd.. Epsom. pERKEL Bacon Cutter, and Avery Com- ±> - puting Scale, cheap; good as new. — Apply 199. Svmonds St. BOWLS, Taylor's, new, £5 ; others ; perfect order ; cheap.—Findlay. opposite Store, AA'oodward Rd.. Mt. Albert. Home anytime. CABIN' Chest, mahogany, Bey. Mirror, Folding Pore. Basin, only £6 (worth £15).—69. Parnell Rd. CALIFOXT, Chip Heater, perfect order; price £2.—Annly 27, Prospect Terrace, Pnnsoriby. near Three Lamps.
CALIFOXT. Fletcher, perfect order: W--rl-„Se. mirror front: (--nmf>rthn-,». Easy Chairs.—2o. Bracken Aye. Phone 20-799. C CAMERAS, postcard, half-plate, quarter; J Mackenzie AA'ishart slide; focal plane shutter.—Xewton Studio, 130, Karangahape CIHEAPEST 3-Piece Moquette Chesterfield Suites in Auckland, and selling by manufacturer. —5, Xoraua Ay.. Remuera. piORNISH Grandfather Clock for Sale, J over'2oo years old; good time-keeper. Also very fine collection of Kauri Gum. — Inquire 'Star.. 627 COT, Rimu, dropside, 32/6; Push Chair, single handled, seagrass, 25/. —32. Albert Rd.. Devonport. 24 t MjI'NTEI. Case, 3ft, sloped top, very cheap; also, Dressmnkcr's Mirror, 48 -i <*•• s-. Mtv's ltd.. Ponsonby. 25S DINNER Suit, smartly cut, tailor-made, silk lined; fine material; cheap for cash.—AA'rite S. 5335. Star. DOLL'S Outfit, Seagrass Pram, Cradle, Doll's Clothes Machine; good order.— Ring 20-252. £__i . ~,ji,i. S Seagrass Pram, with leather i-J hood: almost new.—AVrite Elley, Rush- ' ■ t».--- t,_t__ 233 DOUBLE Iron Bedstead. Wire-wove and Kapok Bed. also Tiled Washstandj very cheap.—lnquire Star. »L_ EXTEXSIOX Dining Table, hardly used: P v t... leaves.— Inonire STAR. _V7__ FIREGUARD nnd AVicker Pushchair, good tyres : chean. —J. Kennedy, 03, Sackvilie St.. Grey Lynn. . I FURNITURE, 4 rooms and kitchen ; sun C dries.—Apply 23. The Drive. Epsom. GARDEN" Roller, good, cheap.—Apply 21, Camnbell Rd.. Grey Lynn. GAS Stove, quick meal, cheap. —32, Herbert Rd.. Mt. Eden. GAS Stove, Main, perfect order, £4 10. bargain.—Brick House, Xew Xorth RaMt. Albert. 14 ' GA, Stove, small, with Dixon-Evans hot water attachment; in good order.—H> A'ictoria Aye.. Kcmuern-i , p ATE, 4ft x 3ft, by Oin ; Posts, 6x6; *-T fittings for bungalow ; little used; £3 5/. 12. Coonr.iPs Rd., Remuera. 133 GREY Reed Loom Pram. In perfect condition: also Canvas Collapsible Cot.— 3, Mt. Eden Rd. HANDSOME Polished Rimu Cheval, Leadlight Cupboards, practically new; sacrifice.—Sl. Shortland St. ICE Box, cost £10, sell for £6.-245, Jervois Rd.. Heme Bay. KEROSENE Stove and Oven, practically now ; £3.—Apply 9, Bond St., Arch inn. , KITCHEN Table. 4ft x 3ft, two Kitchen Chairs, Bronze Fire Kerb, Gas Ring; cheap.—l 7, Grafton Rd. KIAVI in Glass Case, perfect condition, very rare; best offer; immediate sale. I'hone 26-063. KODAK, post-card size, F 77 lens, nearly new; leather case; cheap.—2S, George St.. College Hill. KODAK, postcard size, practically new; cost £7 15/, sell for £4 15/. —311, Smith's Building. Albert St. LADIES. —Use Broad Elastic Garters (not sewn), with patent everlasting fasteners ; all wearers praise them: these last years ; nice present.—Send address and 2/ to Tomsey, Agent, 20, Lower Queen St., Onehunga. ______________ LAAA'X Mowers, ball bearing. lOin, £2 5/ ; another. 37/6; ISm, £2 5/.—48, Elgin St.. Grey Lynn. 11 MECCAXO, No. 4. cost £4 10/, reduced to £1.—55. Cromwell Rd., off Dominion Rd. 330
OAK Suite, 3-plece (moquette) ; 1 Oak Bed and Dressing Table, practically new ; any offer.—9s, AA'est End Rd., Ilerne Bay. OILED Rimu Oval Table, with club legs, and Six Chairs to match with spring seats : as new.—l 7, Cornwall Park Avenue, Epsom, 24 ORB Range, 3ft, and Elgin Grill.—Apply 0. AViliiam St.. Mt. Albert. /"ARB Range, 3ft, with boiler aud tap ; good as new; cheap.—Apply F. Hitchcock. Takanini. . 40 "DRAM. Seagrass, new condition ; £3 15/ or JL offer.—37. AVyi-.yard Rd.. Mt. Eden. 7G PRAM, new condition, nickel-plated handle ; £3 10/. —35, Ardmore Rd., Heme Bay. S9 1> USIICIIAIR, seagrass. nearly new; £3 '■>,'. —12. New St., Ponsonby. 22S lUUSII Chair. seagrass hadd, nickel handle ; will Exchange for good pram. Inquire STAR. 6(i.~i SAFE (Midland), 40 x 23 x 20 (outside), good order; £25. Royal Typewriter, good condition. £12.—AVrite S. 5164, Star. CJEAGRASS Push Chair and Hood; price .3 £i.—Apply 239. Xew Xorth Rd. 12S SEAGRASS Pram; healthy child; £4 or offer; cost £S 10/.—Nash, Muritai Rd., ■Milford. ©EAGRASS Pram, with seagrass hood, like new; bargain.—l, Dunedin St., St. Mary's Rd.. Ponsonby. SS SEAGRASS Pram, new tyres, painted cream ; splendid order, cheap.—lS3, Arthur St. East. Onehunga. SEAT. upholstered, convertible to bed t large recess for linen), 37/0, worth £5. —69. Parnell Rd. _ SHOP A'.'indow Fittings, good ; cheap.—6, Strand Arcade. SIDEBOARD, Oak ; Chesterfield, Moquette, Oak finishings, 3-piece. beautiful designs ; Kitchen Table. — Apply 46. Bellevue Rd.. Mt. Eden. SIXGLE Beds (2), Springs and Mattresses. Piano ; suitable bach ; £20 lot. Inquire Star. 610 SINGER (66). Oak Drophead Machine, latest model, as new; cost £18 S/; sacri-fii-e £11—Inquire Star. G35 M"\ABLE. Oval, dark-stained, 6 by 4; Domesx tic Vacuum Cleaner, Table 'Mangle. — IK. Vincent Avenue. Remuera. TENT and Fly, S x 10, fi.oz drill. Le Roy make; all fittings.—Apply 11, AA'ynyard St.. City. . TILES. 500-odd. first-class, second-hand, Duuedin make: reasonable. —Top Bun17R.TING Desk, with pigeon-holes, also ♦ V Cnnboard. 3 drawers, all combined.— G__. Walters Rd.. Kingsland. -J ELGIX Grill, with long tube: 25/. — 40. Rocklands Avenue, ' Dominion Rd. Term i n its. 3-PIhCE spring edge Chesterfield Suite, Moquette. largest size, any design frnm maker to you ; guaranteed. — Particulars ring 20-042. A A 4-MTXUTE Cylinder Records, 2/ each ; 4fcU o Sannhire Sneakers. 10/ each.—2. Eden St.. Xewmarket. 131 A BOUT Prams ! See Powell's Prnrhette, xx -4 !.-,/. Knglish wheels, strap sprung. any colour. —40. Fden Terrace. T_ ABSOLUTELY TOK CHEAPEST PLACE in Town for Xew Furniture. GEORGE AA'ALKER. Salerooms. PS. Queen Street. "COME RIGHT UPSTAIRS." D A LL Shades Coloured Suede Raffia aud xx fane for Baskets: X.Z. Souvenirs. — Miss Ayliug, Strand Arcade. A XCIIORS, Mooring Blocks, Rope, CarXX. dening Tools, Hose. Ice-cream Machine, Hedge Clippers, Large Assortment Tools. — Gray and McLachlan. 62. Albert St. B A RMSTROXG'S, Eden Terrace —Orion xx Range, with high pressure boiler, £G; Mitre Box and Saw, 40/. A RTISTIC Range o'_ Sunshine Purses. xx Ladies' Hand Bags, latest shapes, just landed.—l hompson's, Symonds St.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,042Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
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