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SITUATIONS VACANT. STATIONERY Assistant — Smart Lad £3' wanted: Queen St. shop.—Apply, own handwriting, to _ 5314. Star. rpAILOK wanted urgently.—Apply Ancell ■*■ and Jaggs, Corner High und Chancery Sts. _ TAILOR wanted, good coat maker.— T. McConncll, o,>, Queen St., Ist floor, upstairs. TAILORESS. for finishing vests nnd making hand buttonholes: good wages. — J. Robinson, _____ AVeilesley St. atROI'SER and \ : ost Hand, first-class; also Improver.—Paddy Pa-scoe, St. -."Yin's Arcade. Karangahape Rd. Y\7OMAN. middle-aged, nursing experience, Vt efficient and capable, for varied duties, seml-lnvadid and parent; good romuneralion: suburban. —Write S. 4022. Star. ""yOI'TH. about 17 years of age. for x Warehouse: refs. required.—AA'rite B. 5275. Star. 143 _T*IHDRCH OF ENGLAND HOMES, A-/ AUCKLAND. Applications are Invited from Registered Nurses for the Position of NPRSING STSTER to St. Mary's Homes. Otahuhu. Midwifery and Infant Welfare Qualifications essential. Salary _150 per annum, with quarters and board. Application, in first instance and for full particulars, to MISS BAGLEY. Department, of Health. 13 Auckland. ptITY OF AUCKLAND. VACANCY PUBLIC LIBRARY. Applications will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Auckland, ap to 12 Noon on TUESDAY, the Sth December, 1925. for the POSITION Oi< JUNIOR CATALOGUER at the Public Lil'irai-v; commencing salary, £SO per annum. Applicant must have passed Matriculation examination. Conditions of Appointment may be seen at the Town Clerk's Office, or the Public Library. J. S. BRIGHAM. 126 Town Clerk. /"XOURT CITY OF .AUCKLAND. VJ NO. 3975, A.O.F. Applications are called for Ihe Positions of MEDICAL OFFICERS to the above Court. B.M.A. conditions. Applications, which are" to be forwarded to the undersigned, close on MONDAY, December 7, 1925, at 2 p.m. THEO. J. SPRY, Secretary. 20G, Victoria Arcade, Auckland. 22 T7. or c i g n Fancy. MANAGER WANTED FOR OUR CHRISTCHURCH HOUSE, To Take Charge of Our Fwncy Goods and Glassware Department. Apply by letter, stating age and experience, enclosing copies of recent references, to SARGOOD SOX AXD EWEN, LTD., P.O. Box 40. Dunedin. -jyi" A T R O N AY A N T E D. Applications. addressed undersigned, receivable up t6 December IS, for Position MATRON. Mangonui Hospital. Salary, £ 200. General and Midwifery Certificates. Forward two late testimonials. Duties to commence January 1, 192 C. C. McKINNON, 32 4 Secretary, Kaitaia.
"DAPATOETOE ORPHAN" HOME. \ LADY ASSISTANT WANTED. Must have institutional experience, and be accustomed to young childreu. Apply to MATRON 71 YOUTH wanted for Accessory nnd Spare Part Department. Must be of good education and nddress, able to drive, and have some knowledge of tlie trade.—Apply at once, SCHOFIELD AND CO., LTD., Chevrolet Agents, 301 Newmarket. WINES FOR SALE. BRAY'S WlNES—Special Choice Assorted Case Our Famous AA'lnes, 50»: freight paid nearest railway.—Bray's Vineries, Ltd., Auckland. D BRAY'S WINES. — Health redeeming, robust feeling. No. 1 Port, 35/. Freight paid nearest station.—Bray's Vineries. Ltd., Auckland. p CROAVN AAMnes, 227, Karangahape Rd.— Xo. 1 Port, 42/ case; Golden Sherry, £2 8/J Royal Preserve Port. £3. D STRONG AVincs. unfortified, 17 per cent. Invalid, 30/ ; Special, 35/ ; 2/ dis. cash with order.—C. Kendrick, Otahuhu. C A7"ELLA'S Celebrated Wines for Xmas.— * Special Port, 50/ ; Muscatel Sherry, 50/ : Old Tort. 40/ : Assorted Case. 45/ per case, 2 gallons ; freight paid : delivered free. —Johu S. Vella and Son, The Terrace A'iueyards. Gratia. Auckland. 5 WINES, quality, 30/ case; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded: freight paid.—F. Sherwood, Severn Bank Vineries, South Rd.. Henderson. A Q FECIAL VMAS QFFER. THE PROPRIETORS BRAY'S FAMOUS WIXES DISTILLERY BRAY'S FAMOUS AVINES DISTILLERY OFFER: 2 GALLONS OF THEIR FAMOUS RICH PORT FOR 35/. 5 GALLONS, £3 2/6. GUARANTEED PURE GRAPE WINE. SEND CASH WITH ORDER. 12/0 Refunded When Keg Returned. pRAYS "Y7TNERIES, ___, TD " G. H.M. ARCADE, AUCKLAND. 92 pORBAN'S WINES FOB QHRISTMAS. Christmas is a time for GOOD Wines. You can get the Choicest New Zealand- ' made Wines—rich and delightful In flavour and strengthening and invigorating in uualitv—wines which are aged in wood at least three years—if you order CORBAN'S AVINES. They carry no Customs duty, hence these prices.
PRICES. PORT (Invalid), 1 doz. qts. (2 gals.) 42/ CLARET, 1 doz. qts. (2 gals.) 42/ RED. I doz. qts. (2 gals.) 48/ SHERRY, 1 doz. qts. (2 gals.) 48/ SHERRY (Extra Special), 1 doz. qts. (2 gals.) ...; 60/ PORT (Special Reserve), 1 doz. qts. (2 gals.) 60/ Freight paid to nearest railway station or to first transhipping port, or delivered FREE in Auckland City, immediate suburbs, or across harbour. Assorted dozens mnde up at above prices. State occupation when ordering for a No-License district. ORDER YOUR CASE NOW ! A. A. CORBAN, Mount Lebanon Vineyards, • . . Henderson, Auckland. B - W| W-EBB APPARATUS FOR SALE. L _. _**"* Best Eadio Parts - Umit^r-He,^,, lo^ Prices from Radio, nernia Buildings ..„.-in-,) D M lcofl with horn; ?-H__________VUUaS^^ P^^lr^^^P^nt: wtmtwsm Potention Meters il/. 10 „ megs, • iof/V -_l!______a_] / r S,' booklet,' "Key /0 t _ VAriRELEss £.' ! T3ROOD Mare Peter MnksV - .
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
Word Count
797Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.