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TO IJBT. ALGIE'S BAY—Furn. Beach Cottage, December and February; firewood.— Phone W. Algie, Mullet ft. . AVONDALE —House, 6 rooms, conve., 3 mine, station; rent moderate. —Mulvaney. Great North Kd., Avondale. BACH, furn., 2 rooms, verandahs; minute beach; from January 3.—ilerlin, Rugby Rd., Birkenhead. , BAOH, Murray's Bay, 3 rooms, sleeping porch, 8 beds, garage.—Apply Lethaby, 16, Strand Arcade. ■DHACHLAXD—Cottage, furn., 3 rooms, on ■*-* beach; accommodate C—Apply Jcnkinß, Landscape Rd., Mt. Eden. BEAUTIFUL Shop, Dwelling, new building; reasonable rent; brilliantly lighted. 305, Dominion Kd., nest Empire Theatre. "DOAIIDINGHOUSE, Otahuhu, 20 rooms; AJ> good stand; splendid opening.—Apply 6, Wallace St.. Heme Bay. 81 1 BON MAKCHB CHAMBERS, Karangaliape Uoad—Modern Offices, suitable doctor, lawyer, healer, optician, dressmaker, photographer, agent. T>KICK House, O-rooracd, Ponsonby; ■" £2 10/.— Winger, opp. Town Hall. BROWN'S BAY—Cottage on beach, to January 3.— Inquire STAR. 000 KOWN'S BAY—Cottage, 3 rooms, sleeping porch; comfortably furnished: ' mm. beach; month, November 'JS.-» mo B. 5253. Star. lin BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, modern, £2 10/5 2 doore Jervois Rd.; bandy cars.—Apply IUO, Jervois Rd. BUNGALOW, 6 rooin-5. Kitchenette, every cony.; 2nd section.-Apply 11, Volcanic St.. Dominion Krt. Termlnny. l^ BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, New Lynn; workman's weekly ticket 2/3; firewood found. —Edwards, 30, Cobden St.. Newton. BUNGALOW, furnished, 6 large rooms, garage, telephone; three more months; December; rent reasonable. — Ring 25-209, : mornings. __^___ BUNGALOW, furn., 5 rooms, sleeping porch; 10 mins. bathing shedß, 5 • mins. trnm ; 2 months.—Phone 25-292, or T'mn'rp Star. 55° />OTTAGE, 2 rooms, stove and gas; 10VG. — Apply, with reference, to 20, Edwin St.. Nrwtnn. . ' good. 2-roomed. Parish Rd.; VJ Edendale tram; rent 15/.—Apply 10 and 11. Monday. : COTTAGE, 2 rooms and kitchenette, nicely furn.: convs.; adults. —112. Park n<l.. Khyher Pare end. 12_[ piOTTAGE, Furnished, attached; North At., Narrow Neck.— Harking, 25, Grey ■ St. Dpvonport. 'Phono 06. IS". COTTAGE, 3 rooms, Bear New Lynn Golf, ' Links; 15/ week. —Apply F. Child, Willfi-ton Avenue, New Lynn. COTTAGE, at Kawau, close Mansion ' House, two weeks or more, from January 7.— H. R. Cooke and Bon. . pOTTAGE, 4 rooms, fully furn., nil *-J convs., from January, 6 weeks or longer; £3 10/ weekly.—Jickel, Cantor Buy Bench. Milford. 31 OOTTAGE, furn., Milford, 4~~ rooms, VJ , verandnh: let till Easter; suit party; refs necessary.—Particulars, Hunt, Dommett Ay.. Epsom. Phone 21-050. 100 DEVONPOHT.— Nicely Furn. Flat, selfcontained ; also Bed Sitting Room, kitchenette; waterfront. —Mansion House, Jubilee Ay. DEVONFORT— Superior Residence of « rooms unfurn.. from December 7th; all ' convs.. motor garage; for term.—Apply 34, Calliope Rd. DOMINION RD.—2 uflfurn. self-contained modern Flats: 3-V each.—Samuel Vailo and Sons. Queen St. DOMINION BD.—Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchenette, c.l. ; sleeping porch, every conv,—Pnrk. Weston Ay.. Mt. Albert. 27 DOMINION RD.—House, 5 rooms, kitchenette, convs.: splendid order ; large workshop-—32. Douglas St.. Ponsonby. El ELLEKSLIE —6 Rooms, .convs.; gardens, fruit trees; views; 40/. —Land Sales, • Ltd.. 3, Win stone Buildings. Queen St. Houses everywhere; also Homes * built, Government loans, 25/ weekly.— 7, Hellnlfl'B Bldgs., opp. G.P.O. 103 EPSOM. —6 Large Rooms, elevated, convs., blinds; near car; rent £2 10/. —49, King George Avenue. 72 EI'SOM (best part)— Double-fronted Shop, with or without living rooms.—l 4, • Arcadia lid., Epsom. FACTORY Space, about 2000 square feet, Lower Nelson St.—Apply Oldfteld and Henry. FACTORY to Let, floor space 40 X 23, e.I M gns, water, etc.; drive motor right in ; rent 30/.—lnquire <Stab. 588 GARAGE to Let—Apply IS, Hackett St., Pon.sonby. S4 GARAGE or good Storage; apply before l<) or aftev G.—l7. Kipling Aye., Epsam. CI UAFTON.—HaIf House, fnrn., own gas -*" stove, meter, entrance: cheap; respectable roiiplp only. —Inquire Star. 500 HALF Furn. House, in Pt. Chevalier Rd. Inquire Star. 527 HALF House, beautifully furu.. piauo, c.i.. self-coutnined: adults only. -.12, St. Stephen's Aye.. I'.mieil. Di HEXI.EY IJD., Mt. Eden.—Superior β-rri. Residence, all modern convs: £2 10/ weekly for loug term.—.Samuel Vaile and Sons. * S3. Queen St. HOUSE, small, all modern convs.; board owner.—Write Francis, Regiua St., Grey Lynn. HOUSE. Heme Bay, furn.. garage, 4 weeks from December 24.—Lethaby, 16. Strand Arcade. HOUSE, 7 rooms, c.1., lanler, patent, Ktoblfi. pore. bath.—Apply No. 1, HrpTit"*vnorl Ay. HOUSE. 7-roomed, c.1., pore, bath, basin, eulifonr, patent.—Clark, 40, George St.. Dominion Rd. 146 HOUSE, furn., 3 mins. car, two bedrooms, 2-3 months from Dec. 22.— Write H. 43r.r>. STAR. , HOUSE, 7 rooms, c.1., gas stoves, ranse, pore, bath, 'conveniences.—Mummery, Grocer. 110. H"hson St. HOUSE, furn.. 5 rooms and convs.. Bayswater, handy bench and boat; harbour views.—'Phone 40-290. HOUSE, 5 rooms, every cony., califont: Kenple St.. hnmly Newtou; perfect order: 35/. —Inquire Stab.-. as<) HOUSE, S rooms, outhouses, 3 acres; Great South Rd.. Ellerslie.—Dignan', Armstrong. Vulcan Lane. Auckland. HOUSE, plainly furn., 4 rooms, kitchenette, washhouse, c. and t., c.1., gas; 2 niinK. car, 2nd section.—lnquire Star! r>4fl HOUSE, furnished, 6 rooms, electric light, telephone: motor garage: best pa-rt i'lKom. Imhi. t-ar; any term: £4.—Write H 44iv?. Stab. HOUSE. 5 rooms, to Let and for Sale: 76. Symonds St.. Royal Oak; 2mins.' car: motor shed.—Apply James Hill. Forbe* St.. Onehunga. xi 7 IMMEDIATE Possession.—Splendid Houses and Flats : rents from £2. Shops. 25/. Fentherstone. Mt. Albert. Phone 4(i-375. 34 KOHL —One Furn.. one t.'nfurn. House ; short or long term : rents moderate. '- Annlv rnthhPrisnn. Knhi. Oil IM ARAM A —2 Lnek-np Shops ; 5-Roomed Furnisht-d also. Furnished Bneh.—Huliher. Kobimnrama. ' HILFORD— lluum-.s. furn. and unfurn.: so. :>r,/ and 45' per week: lease.—Fi R. Kailev. Viifn-rl ltd. l'ho»e T2f>. ■\fILFOKD, Craig Kd. — Holiday Bools- -»■«- ings: favourite Bach -- Lullaby " ; new fittings nnrl furniture throughout. Atfpnrlii'.pe nfrernnnns. MT. ALBERT —To Lot. part or whole House, furn. for short term ; all convs. ! Inquire STAII. 573 I \\'? ALBERT— HoiifO. '.) ni(.in>. with -JJ- double fronted S!:o]i : rent £3 per week. I Fell's. 12. Piilinersfon l>!<]ir°. j MT. ,ALBEKT. —Bungalow, 5 rooms, sleeping porch ami eonvs.; f•> • } meant. —N. J. ns. Queen St. MT. EDEN.—G. Mewburn Aye.. β-roomcd House, to Let.—Apply 145, Balmoral I RiL. Mt. E<len. »n MT. EDEN —To Let. House, ," rooms, every eonv.: good position ; immediate possession.—B. M. Luxton, Duart Ay., Mt. Albert. iTOUNT EDE^ 6 rooms, range, ■ IYL gas stove; 50/ week advance; refs.— Anply 21. King Edward St. MODERN Bungalow. 5 rooms and ki£. ehenettft; c.1., cal.. all convj.—273, Remufii-a Ri7. - 124 "VTEW Brick Shop and Living Room, pro- -*-' greislve district.—Apply 44, View Bd.. Mt. Eden. S3
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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1,025Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 2
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