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DOMESTICS WASTED. / "*OOK, or Cook General, wanted; refs.; wages 35/. —Inquire Star. 51)7 /"i'OOK General, experienced, no washing; adults; refs. required. —'Phone 1107 ',-' rings). ( AOOK, female, wanted lor local hospital; also Male Cook lor shearers. —Labour Agone.v, Huftilil. CIOOK General, capable, not over 35 ; '' references ; two. aduits ; marine suburb, Write H. 4847, Stah. COOK General, for small boardingbouse near Auckland ; woman with child not objected to; wage 20/. —Write XV. 4315, Star. ■ _____ /SOOK (Female), young, experienced '—' boardinghouse; wages £2; also Gene ral, £1 10/. —W. G. 11. Wolfe, Te Awa miitu. GENERAL Servant wanle<l to work b> day ouly.—Apply Meredith, Westbourut Crescent, Remuera. GIRL wanted for housework, all duties. Apply 74. Federal St. GIRL, about 15, to help light housework Apply 30, St. Benedict's St., off Sy monds St. GIRL, about 13, as mother's help, 2 children: fare paid.—Mrs. White, Tutanekal St.. Kotorun. 3fl GIRL, refined, intelligent capable, wantec for general household duties ; gooc home ; R.C. preferred.—lnquire Stab. 58( G.IRL (19 to 22), smart, reliable worker; plain cooking, for Epsom.—Phone 21-4*::, 5.. Q .O to C p.m., or 45-504. 10 a.m. Vo OUSEKEEPISR, working; must l>. capable and experienced ; r<vfei-ejie<?B required ; wages 30/. —Apply 140, Kanuigahiipo Rd. HOUSEMAID Waitress, good, wanted.— _ BiilmonU Ten Rooms. St. Helier's Bay. LADY Help, young, for suburban home; fond of children.—Apply W.V.A., Bos 350. G.P.O. WOMAN and Son, or Brother and Sister, able to milk.—Excelsior Registry, 30, Phoenix Chambers. 114 VX7OMAN or Git! wanted, for household '* duties; easy place.—Mrs. W. Bright. Niger St.. Otahuhu. 2o WOMAN, young, respectable, wanted as Housemaid Waitress; breakfast only. 3, Grafton Rd., 3 doors off Lower FJTTnonrlH St. WOMAN or Girl wanted. Assist Kitchen ; hours 10 to 4. no Saturday-Sunday work.—Apply hpfore 5 Friday, after G. Saturday.—24. Wviirihnni St.. nnsrnlrs. T ESLIE PRESBYTERIAN ORPHANAGE WANTED, CAPABLE WOMAN AS COOK, FOR ABOVE INSTITUTION. One Used to Children Preferred. Apply to MATROX, At Orphanage. 'Phone 24-995. 13S BELL'S Registry, Queen St., Winstone Bldgs.—Chef, Second, Kitchenmaid, Waitresses, Relievers, Laundresses, Housemaid, Generals. Steward. . TJELIABLE Registry, 15, Queen St.— -*-* 1 Cook nnd Waitresses, Cook Generals, private and. hotel; W. Houseki'epers. Milkers. STRAND Registry, Strand Arcade,. Groum Floor. —Cooks, Seconds, Generals, Re llevers. Waitresses, Housemaid Waitresses Laundresses, Handy Man. MUSICAL iWSTRUMENTS FOR BALt AMBEROL and Edison Diamond Dis> Records and Phouograyhs only a Edison Shop, 153, Qiieen St. I A UCKLAXD PIANO AGEXCY, 372 •-*- Queen St., will gladly demonstrate th< outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phono gi-aphs. I AVOXIA Portable Gramophone, cos A fO, sell with Records £4 15/ ; bar gain, as now. —75, Eden Terrace. ■ 4! BEFORE deciding on any Gramophom hear the Peerless.—New Zealand Agents Cinema House, 103, Hobson St. T BUY and Exchange your Records at IS Darby St.; large selections available All Repairs cheaply executed. BUY Your Xim.s .Instrument now ! Ou Bunjo-Mnudolins, complete, £3 10/ ar ewonderful. —Meltzer Bros., 65, 67, Vie loria St. CLAMPERS! What about that Ukulele We'll do you them from 19/G.— Mpltzer Bros.. 65, 07, Victoria St. "PLECTROMOPHON Electric Graroophom -■— Motors, Acceessories, best ever pro duced.—Sole Agents, "Phoneries," 18, Darbj St., Auckland. 2 i~l RAMOPHONE and 20 Records, splendii tone.—Apply 46a, Vermont St., Pou sonhy. . RAMOPHONE Records, big selection, bij concessions; Portable £7 model, new for £0.—107. Williamson Ay. pRAMOPHONES. Floor Cabinets (new) vJ glorious tones; demonstration will con vince you: £20.—27, Ardmo're Rd.. Pousonby U! Q.UAMOPHOXES — Build your own Motors, Tone Arms. Accessories. Plans Particulars, "Phoneries," IS, Darby St. Auckland. jt rrRAMOIT-lOXE. handsome, inlaid mahogany gany Cabinet Grand Englisli; prunran teed: fIG 36/; terms.—Write Rawle, S3 Wakefleld St. XTARMONIUM, small, good fmo. £4 10/.- --- - - Bambury. 14, Barrie St., off Pictoi St.. City. ; TTUNDREDS of Records to choose froir -*-*- 2/6 each, exchange 1/; Music, Gd copj 42n. Ponsnnhy Rd. TVrUSICAL Instruments; every description - LY - L to he Auctioned December 1 and 2 tremendous saving.— Bl-8. Victoria St. T>ORTABLE Gramophone, Decca. practi - 1 - cally new; price to, or nearest offerInoulrp Star. 571 VyiIEATSTONE Concertina. 48 keys, con * v CPrt pitch, excellent condition: £10 near offer.—f>B. Second Ay., Kinssland. MUSICAL IWSTRUtWEWTS WANTED. Amberola Phonognipii wanted - 1 — with Records: state lowest price fo; cash.—Write R. .1315. Star. 41 Records wanted: larg. or small quantities. Call or write — 31. Edpn Terrace. Auckland. pj. R/.MOPHONE Records wanted, classical pieces preferred.—Writ particulars. B. f-2C4. Star. ' 4; ORGAN, small, suitable for Merry-go --Mind, wanted.—Price and nartipnlan to Wil'ouchhv, The ifansions. Hnstinga. T>EIVTISTRY. "DETTER TEETH FOR LESS MONEI at HOWET WALKER'S, DENTIST, City Chambers. I WIRELESS APPARATUS FOR SALE. A B-SOLUTELY Latest, Best Radio Parts -*v^ at lowest prices from Radio Limited, "Herald" Buildings, Auckland. I "j\/rAGXAVOX Loud Speaker, with horn •*-*-J- cost £35; £12 or near offer.—Han nay,- 107, Williamson Ay. "PERSON'S waiting for cars at Symond; -t ■ St. look in Tutt'e Seecial Window. I
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
Word Count
779Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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