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PUB LIC NOTICES. --— 2DEN BOROUGH COUNCIL. UJI ' . KAMB OF STREET. Public Notice Is hereby given that the Vt Kden BorougU Council, by resolution, dee'lded that the name of East Avenue be altere d, and that it he hereafter known as NICHOLSON AVENUE. S. GREY, Town Clerk. - 6 , . TV THE COURT OF ARBITRATION OF I \E\V ZEALAND. NORTHERN X IXIfuSTXtIAL DISTRICT. t« fim matter of The Industrial Ooneil--10 MtSS and IrtiUwthm Act, 100S, and its Amendments. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Arfrftrntlon will ronimenre its next S ttlng tt Auckland on WEDNESDAY, December U, lir T U e a fojlowin| matters will be dealt with b Vh U e e ffiand Timber Workers' IMspute. The Auckland Merchant Service Dispute The Auckland Builders' General and Other Labourers (Concrete Manufacturers' Labourers) Dispute. The Auckland Electrical Trades Dispute. The Auckland Certificated En*r ne-< rivers and River Engineers and Marine Ensnne Drivers' Dispute. The Auckland City Cleaners, Caretakers and Liftmen's Dispute. THE SOUTH AUCKLAND BUTCHERS' it is notified for general information of the public that application has been made to amend the hours fixed by this Award for d °ftdltlon OP to the above matter all miscellaneous applications to Add Parties, etc., S to this date will be heard. THE APPRENTICES ACT, 1023. AH applications filed under the above Act will also be heard at the Sitting above me Dat°ed ed 'at Auckland this 27tU day of member. ™% Q WEBS TEB. Bβ Clerk of Awards at Auckland. pKOWS LANDS FOR SELECTION. Applicntlons for the undermentioned sections, at the Capital Values stated, will be received at the Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, until 4 o'clock (p.m.) on MOND^BH? Cem o.R." , 15 OK RENEWABLE LEASE.'—I6O3 acres, 9 miles from I'lkowai, ■mwv 556 acres, 11 miles from Otorohanga £S4O and £100*. 400 acres. 25 miles from Frankton Junction. £1230- 400 acres, no miles from Waltakaruru. £580 and £120*. acres, P miles from Kopakl. £700 and SOO*. 80 acres, near Patetonga, £200 and £400' 057 B'-'res. 15 miles from KawMa, a WITH RIGHT OF FREEHOLD AT REVALUATION.—9O acres 8 miles from Te Teko, £14S0 and £360* 130 acres, 8 miles from Tairua, £760 and £240*. 107 acres, 5 miles from Cambridge, £600. RENEWABLE LEASE ONLY.—I7O acres, 5 miles from Tauranga, £140 and £235*. 6tO acres, 23 miles from Awakino. £600. Sls acres, 6 miles from Uangiriri, £500 and ,« Loading for improvements, repayable on easy terms. Poster plans may be seen at the Principal Post Offices or obtained from this 0U " e " K. M. GRAHAM, B7 Commissioner of Crown Lands. tvON'T 1? UY T>ROPERTX UNTIL WE'VE INSPECTED IT FREE OF /CHARGE. .That's the only way of being certain that the dwelling or other building you propose to purchase does not harbour wood borer and other destructive vermin. A message by phone or letter will place one of our experts at your service free of charge aud obligation. If the place' is infested -with - Borer, Bugs, Fleas, Spiders, Silver Fish, Mice, or Bats, the only sure method of extermination is by FUMIGATION WITH ■ BLADE'S PATENT GAS— A Highly Scientific process that has been tried in all classes of building, and has Invariably been successful. Blades Gas is also a Powerful Germicide ■and- ■ Disinfectant, yet it is harmless to furnishings. If you are a" property owner, present or prospective, be positive about the borer—ring up, write or call at once. , T»LADES "DATENT fi AS TpUMIGATING Z^ o -. .PREMIER BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 41-173 AUCKLAND. . AR DENTISTRY. "VfY OWN SPECIAL METHOD OF xv - PAINLESS EXTRACTION Possesses Many Great Advantages ■Which are Distinctive. HERE ARE SOME AMONG OTHERS: 1. NO PAIN. 2. NO NEED to come back the second time or oftener, as under other methods. 3. EXPERT EXTRACTIONS. No broken teeth or stumps left in the gums. 4. PERFECTLY SAFE for all ages. I can safely use it on a patient of So years. B. IF YOU HAVE A WEAK HEART, or suffering from other complaints, it will not affect you. 6. NO PAINFUL PRICKING. 7. NO SWOLLEN GUMS. 8. ABSCESSED TEETH are painlessly extracted. 9. EXTRACTIONS FREE when teeth are ordered. Also ANALGESIA, .lhe Most Marvellous Discovery in Dentistry Drilled, Filled, Prepared for Crowning, BrWge Work, Pivots, etc., without the Slighter Pain Whatever lou are conscious, yet unconscious to pain And I have proved this Most Wonderful • Machine to be an Absolute Success in every operation. Therefore Patients who are nervous need no longer fear the Dentist. PAINLESS DENTISTRY MY ROOMS IS NOT A MYTH, BUT A FACT. J)ENTIST v jyjUNROE TfJMANUEL, FIRST FLOOR, ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS (Next G.P.0.). OPEN EVERY EVENING. Telephone 41-604. Take Elevator. A TJETTER Teeth for less money at Howey ■*-* Walkers's. 209, Queen Street. D Is worth doing is worth doing "' well. Get your new Teeth at Howey Walker's. D MEETINGS. JJLECTRICITV. MEETING. OEVONPORT TRANSFER TO POWER BOARD. MECHANICS' HALL, TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), AT S P.M. Come and Hear the Other Side. Meeting convened by Waiteuiata Chamber of Commerce *47 UAR. THOMAS, Secretary. DANCING. T7"INGSLAND CRICKET CLUB,— xv "Hursts" Hall, Morningside.—A Dance will be held in the above Hall, To-morrow Evening, Saturday. Gents 2/, Ladies 1/6. Aoana Orchestra.—B. SHiRK, Sec. 144 LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. jyTOTOE Mechanic, first-class, wanted. — •j. Apply Seaerook, Fowlds and Co.. kymonds St. XSS JOST, Purse, embossed brown leather, "r u?? ntnlninfr one pound note, three VUtle Theatre" tickets, and small purse, «itn change: reward.—'Phone 24-112. T?NGLISHMAN, young (20), Carpenter Improver, wants Work with good BnlldPr.—Write F. 4946. Star. CSINGEH, 7-drawer, oak, droophead, cheap; 4-drawer Automatic, £4 15/; terms.— Ulnhp. Short's Buildings. 154. Queen St. "RAT Trap, large else.— -Apply J. Bpnnet 140, Karangahape Rd. 'Phone 45-449 JPLATTIE, 10ft. sails fully equipped ; trial P»rn D ii S:ven: Dar eain.—336. Brighton Rd. JERSEY Heifer Calf, three weeks, fron: ri,lnn P i ivi id « rade Jersey house cow.—s inlnnfl Rd.. Rpmupra. TOST. Watch. IV,b. Medal, engraved "J Snsr»." near Grnfton Bridge. FindPi ■rewarded—s. Park Ay. ° ' na % JJ'RASSMOULDER -wanted; permanem Job suitable man.—Phillips and Smith 11 Adelaide St., Freeman's Bay, 10;
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 5
Word Count
994Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.