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1 OBSCUXX MOXthlt MEEnsa E2SCLTS OFjPPEoPBaiXiaXB. Group as a3v£rfi ge t?" nir '- Group S-eS| ** =42 per £208, rating . j≥ I Group Si-Sale us navertisea"- ---! £o5 0.:<6 per £100, taimg 'Sμ Gronp 22—Sale., as aavsitWit ±c.O 10/ per £200, taking ,-»«, Group 41—Ballot. as ndvertWtk Winning Xo. 690 CS Enures) -Uμ, Group 42—Sale, as advertise!: I £S5 1 6 per £200, takinc... _-«,... Group 43—Ballot, as advertifieaWinning So. 291 c shareß) am, Group 44—8a1l Di, as advertised; "Winning Xo. 830 (-J Sharee) «■ Group 45—Ballot, as advertises; ~ Winning Xo. 351 (2 shared *m> Grotrp 46—Sallot. as advertised: * Winning Xo. 300 C shares) £i(m Group 4 1 —Ballot. as advertißeflWinning Xo. 817 <2 Shares) aa\ Group 4?— Ballot. as aavenisfid: Winning Xo. 757 (2 EhaTeK) Group 51.—Ballot as advertised:: Winning Xo. 353 (2 sharee) aui j Group 53—Ballot, as advertise!!-: Winning Xo. 56 (2 snareei £IB[) Group 54—Sale, as aflvertißea: £95 2/6 per £200, taking.... ami Group 5a —Sale, as advertised: £55 7/0 per £200, taking £400 Group 56—Ballot. ef Eilvertißea: Winning Xo. 306 (2 shares) £400 . Group 57 —Sale- as advertised: 1 £91 il 6 per 200 (taking.... £409 ; Group CiS —Sale. .as ad-rertiseO: £90 5/6 per £2(Kt tnkrnc £jjm Group sS>—Ballot. as advertises: Winning Xo. 215 <2 snareß) -£iOC Group 6(l—Sal?- as advertised: £96 7/6 per £200. taking Jm AMOUXT APPEOPBIATED AS aptoimd £11600. GBOrF PCttA i Opening DECEMBKB. First Sallot, mi A FEW SHAKES AVAILABLE. J. C". GBIEESOX, o7 Secretary. _ TENDERS. PBICE wanted- Scooping, Grey Lynn; mc la-'-?? jnb.—Particulars, L. ■\Vallath, 18, Park lid, Phone. rpEXDE-BS for Painting and Pnperaangiii; J- X«t Bungalow. yLt- ATaert. —Citnili. Ar.-adia S]dgs..'i:<lenaa]p. Pbnpf l'4-*4n. rT\EXI)ESS. I'laFTerins, Atibotts Tin*- -*- iic>a«e, AlT>err St., opp. GntliriE, SDwrnn. Particulars on job- Tenders clese Sdoh. MonCaT. rpE2CDEB.S, Paintin? Abbott's 'Wtrehoisit, -*- Albert St.. opp. Guttorie. Hmrm. Particulars 011 job. Tenders cloae Sunn, MondaT. I rpO PAIXTEKS AXD rAPEEHAXSEBK. -*- Tenders, olvsiiiz 10 a.m. Wednesacr. ■waniefl for X'aintinir and I'ai>eriiu: 3-Tunmeil house.—Ax»Tilf "WaUert and rinlayson, LtL TfiTßfe. Pnnsopliy. Bt TO BUILDEE?.—HOrSE. IX TTOOH. AT XABBOW XECS, DETOXPOET. Tenders for atiove -wnll be recareil-up to S p.m., MOXDAT, December ■?. ■. ■, I*. C. GABEETT, A-X.Z3.A., ArriiWct JSS Ta3e"s Bides.. 85, Quera Street OOTTAGE (IX WOOD}, -OTABrCSTTenders closing ai Xoon on ITUPIT. Deeem'ber 4. Ift2r t . ai-e Invited for tbf ebort. H. L. MASSEX. >m»», AJSXLA. KegiFtered Arcliitect, SS, Siortland Street, Phone 4.V3<>7. £ Ix> O A D FOEMAIIOS, Tender? trtll be receaTed by the tmtasigned up til] Xoon, THrRSr>AT. Deeemiw 10. for 22 Clrainc Ilcmd Formation. ""HiliBcre* Estßte," Ho-n-iL-k, on lieinll of B. Be'-kett. Esq. 1 Plfl-ns and .^pec-incation? maj fee seen at Mx. H. Beckett'* Besidenoe. HDTfict. m at mj •Office. 24.. Bellamy's Buildinsm Qnem j street. Aucklnnd. Lotrest or any taite not necessarilT acc-epted. .7. McSIXLAT, ifll OiT-a and Mining Engineer., I rpHBEE-STOEST REIXFOECED €0SI -•- CBETE GAEAGE For XOBTHEEX ArTOMOBILES, LTD, J Tenders for ilip abnTp are luviteS until ■ Xoon on TFESI'AT. Deefmlier S. j Plans. Specifications anfl General Cμ--1 djtions of CJoniraet may be seen at t« j Offices of TTILSOX AXD MOODIE, L RegiFtered Architects, ' 306-7, TICTOBIA AECADE, jLnckland. " i ——■ " ; pUBLIC WOBSS KEPT. — STOI2S. Quotations, closing- 4 p.m. Tin flttM Ebcnm, are invited for tip Supply _f» : ' UJ 14 23X: Ironbark Piles. 29/12/25. ; 27,55 i* Saj»er Feet Hard-wood Tunlffi. „. (2) Galvanised Steel CnannelK. S/12/-* (3) 700 MclDtyre .lointiag Seeres, S/12/25. Quotation Form? may bp obtainefl from [PmbUt: Works Offices. Auckland. CMMI cßurch and Dtmedla. and from S»r» j Mauarer-f Office, TVtllington. ; TYETEXCE BriLDIXGS. POET TiEAi J- , rrx.i- etc. PAIXTIXG AXB KEXOTATIXGTenders. cloi4ng wlli tne . J'ublic Work* Tenfierf Board. '; en TUESHAY. December la. _ I^ pi sj invited for rainHmr and Beno«a« ■ Delence foa SppfSfitaiioas may be seen at !-«• *-" m " Auckland. „. 1.. 3. CAMPBELL. I 11 District Enpneg-^ j STTTT.DTyG. S-6 posted.—Ribblewhile- Oseen sl_ REGISTERED FLTTMBEBI-^ i/>HAPFELL AXD COCBTEXAI, ; V_/' Albert Street. 'T'linne 41-j?- | , I Cos'f H-t FβCtTv. Knrancahape fe±.— { Vaccnin Proress.—Domestic Tcnnan *J»J tug Co.. 'Strand Arcsfie.. j MERCHAKT TAggg^,^ . * F. JXISOGHTK, Expert J±. Tailors- tnpioTed; no iactory rcr*- r 2J7. Karaiirans;.;- lid. . --jj VOC can Tc-ii tbe snccessM J- -veil dreseea arpearance.—»»-^ ; The Tailor- •"" J ELECTRO-FLA^^ggl-^-^ A Ex*rW: _ I Works, Ltd., 63, Alben St. Srnfi ii^*"
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
682Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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