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SHli*i*ralG. I TTXTOX QTEAM QJSIP jT^OSIPA^^ OF NEW ZEALAND. (Circumstances Perruituns-) CANADIAN-ATSTEALASLVN B-5L £<—«ETo Canada, United States and Eiiroi«Via Suva, Honolulu, Victoria <B.U) &a» Vancouver. . Proposed Sailings From Auckland: i S»* Qnadrnple Screw noio* ._ Ship, 17,495 Toes Regi&ter. TTnple Screy, 01] Fnel, 13.415 Tons Begiste__ I S-M.M.S. 7th Pgr__jJ_E: SXCCESIOKS TO SOSOS-CX43- - en Ar/plication. SAX FRANCISCO ROTAL MAIL LINE- _ To United States. Canada ana Europe. From Wellington, via Karotonga, la.peeijiiiO San Francisco. . RMS. MARURA...Tuesday. Sth DecetntH?* R-M.S. TAHTTI Taeedav, s£b J«™l* H.M.S MlKntA-.TresSay, M^" 1 ;" H.M.S. TAHITI 2nd R.M.S. MAKOA Tuesday. 3^.\ M . a J^ R.M.S. TAHITI TaesfliT- ->'*> Al '"i COASTAL INTERCOLONIAL. AND ISLANP SKRV7CFS. (rtslwrne and Napier. C&lls Totomam Bay with Passengers. Wjiitini Tuesday. Ist Decetnt'er. o p.™. VfVlHiigtoß and D.nnedin. (Cargo Only.i TTai;iaii Moudny. 30th Bwrn^'" , . •■ r.JQLyttdton Direct fCaxjio Only.) Kaitote Tuesday. Jst IV-ferahpT- nnon Nptv Plrmmnti (From OafiDajPjIltiraTra Mondar. aoih. 4.".f> ft-IP- Tr - — J TVeTlißFlon to Lrrfpltoii. TVanin? MonfiaT. Wpt!.. Fri., at -.4.- p-m. Maori Towflay.' ThaTß.. Snt.. st 7.45 p.m. KprtiF f.r.f.i.e'-i A-n-lT'r'-ni OScp. SxdDer r>ir?"tMaLe.isn SaTorflaT. Xn-raLpr. noon i M.iTinriiDui Friday. 11th T'c-f.. S p.m. Ma'jnrTinni ha= a(~(?min«!ial3on for Ist. gr-'fl BTirl Hri rificc T'licu-nsrrs. ■Melhctin:? Tiiifi. iFrroia Wfllir.rtr.n.> Ma tin to A!...'.:: lMh T)^-piiVi^t Srda?T iFrt.- WpJHDCtoE*. I MaTipno Friday, lllh r>pffmh?r ; Tliurs.l.-ir. -j~\h i'f-^ni^r I Fiji (S=vn,. (Nulninlofa. Kaapai. Vavani. Rnmoa 'Ar , ™' Tofua KarnrdaT. "ti, . 31 TTXIOK STEAM SHIP rOMPA-NT OF , NEW ZEALANT*. LTP. HOLIBAT AXI> EXHIBITION AREAX<SKS3EXTS!. TTEIitNGTOX-LTTTELTOX PERVICE. In fidditioi) to lie usual evenic: saffinjrs, the VTAKIXZ -n-ju make Special Daxllatl rnn= on WEOXESBAT. 23r4. -in.] TJirF.SDAY. 2411) Uwember. leaving TVflllngl-cin at KXa tLAii. aDd crririns ut Lyitelion ui>oni -"■ p.m.. m connect -nitb The niirht trains iron.' Cbristflinrclj io Imnfdin. BrNEIHN EXHIBITION. S P MAKAKOA (Oil Fseli -nUI mn a SPECIAL WEEKLY SEItVITE I.F-wcen I and I>BDffliß {lixet-t. learine I WellinL-ton on PATX"RI>AY Afie:Tic"Dß. I» 12. Der-emiwr 10. Dfremher 2C. .T:munrr 2. etc.. and remaining at Unnedin j Till Wedne.KdiiT Alternoons. One Class ' Only. Single Fare. £2 IT '6: Ilernrn .rare fincindin? l»ed aud breaifaßt tvliile at Liuneclic.i. £G/14/0. Si-op over allot Ted. SI'ECIAL FAKES TTELI-TXGTON TO I.TTT3EXTOS. In Con.i-nnr-tkin -uiiii liiil'n-BT Eetnrn Tit-ket.s ',-o Lmnecliii only: Firsl-r-lass Keiurn. £2/B/6: Second Class Herum. fl WKi. l>4 1BOROUGH NOTICES. . "DOHOrGH OF XETTMASSET. ; THE LOCAL BODIES LOANS ACT, I*l3. PROPOSED LOAN -C»F £12.000 FOR j STREET IMPROVEMENT PURPOSES. Tie NeTranEriet Borough Cfimeil hereby ] irlfef- corifp in j*tir=unEee of lie proTiKions ] of Section t< of the Locid Bodies Loans Act. i THIS:— < ] I Tiiai the purposes for trliicli tie Loan is required art :— J £ fa i The construction of npproaches to tie proposed rai;TTii,v riverbridire in Victoria Crescent, including filling to fomataoaa. le-rels. erection of retaining trails, feneins. ftorin'waier drainiipe and ateraijoiis to bniidinp* S7iK» (1") The paving in concrete of tlic jiiirtion of tte a]>proacief forming road-way unci the coiiFtrucuoE of 1 crot-■waj-s liereon 25.50 (ci Selaying "sraitrmains in Artlinr Srreeu Osbome Srreet, Carl tun Road and HunUy Avenue 171*3 (dl The ecquisitien of land at iht fr>;]oirinr X"'int? for ihe ]iuri«ose of effectinc improrements in traffic condiiions: ill Comer of Pass and Cro-whnrrt Street: (2i corner KhTbei Pass and Clarenaon: Street; and (3) corner of Cariton Road and Victoria Creseeni 10M> (c) Tit i>crclm?e of a motor driven street FTveejiing and cleansing machine 1630 Eiisrineering and contingencies SSO £12.000 (2) That The Netraiarie; Borough Council t>eing Tillable to provide the necessary fnnds for such trort out of ordinary revenue, proposes to I>oixotv a fuhi not csceedJ ing £12.000. (Si That the proposed seenrity for the j riaid Loan shaJi be a Special ilate of threei i>eace haif-pcniiy (SJd.i in tb-e £ (m the J annual ratable value of all the ratable property in the Borongh of Newmarket. (4) That the Ne-n-msrtet Eorongh Conncil proposes to mate such loan repayable tvi'Ti in a period of 1 v tin J years and provision lor the payment of a Sinking J*und of • not less than nro and one haJf"(.-") per cenium i>er annum. (3) That it is the intention to pay out of «uch loan -snch eosits. charges and <:•■!;- ---pen?es as the Xetrmarkpt Borough Council I may determine to nave been actually mii c-uned in connection Tviih sach loan, to- ! gether with the interert and Sinking FnnS ' thereon for the first year. H. WILSON. Town Clerk. I hereby give notice, in pursuance of Section lo of the Local Bodie:- Loans Act. 1913 that a Poll of the Ratepayers of the Borough of Newmarket, "sviJl be taken on the at>ove mentioned proposal on THURSDAY. ] the 10th day of December. li<2s, becvreeii j tie hours of S a.m. and 7 p.m. S. DONALDSON. JiiayoT. Dated at Netrmariet, ;_hi9 C;h ilav of I November. lt*2-j. * 31 TOILET SPECIA LISTS. CHILI'L-EN'S Sani-ShlngHns, beautiful:? mil, gentlfimtn experife; lite Sydney. iiiy-LiEie. 417, Queen St, near Tabernacle. _» I—"&¥O~ Hair Restorer, sold bj all Vx;£emiEt.s. Z/ bttttle <iJ S poited), from I F;-i-l;-.f. CflenJ-'t- i'oii-'C'Uby. A '-i Ai O" i'arJiens Grey Hair, remwes !IV iiandnoS - . Stops Felling: ?,/ bottle liS S r-or-teoi. — i> 'les. <">;-t:u;gt. a i "vfADAME THOKA TATE. Bon Marehe. : 3-L >>j-:32.—Hair. gkiTi T"restinent. SiatoI ing, Cn'ttinjr. Waring. EUampoeing, Electro- , i-rsis.—Phone 46-PJ7. lysußAycT; cqmpa>~iss. A LLIANCE -SSCTS—KC£ CO.. LTD. Assets £23.000.000. Phone 43-123.. PI. St. Manager. Wilfred Shegs. 1) J T>RITISH TRADERS' INSURANCE CO_ *-> LTD« Fire, Marine. Accident.—Union i Bnildines- Brarca Manager, Geoffrej NevilL CABfTiETmBJCERS ASP UPHOLSTERERS. BELLTS N-10-T, opt- Toxm SalL—Fundrare maSe. anj design. Crampo Patent s. Speciality. D T3. HeTT-OS AND SONS, Sr-etSalistß in • General Csbinennaiing. — ISS, Kcrangahape B.d- Pnone 40-659. B
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
913Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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