""* : ; RESERVES 44-232. ;, ■*■* OW SJ'KOAVixo. c William Fox Presents "THE ARIZONA EXPRESS" "THE ARIZONA EXPRESS " ' "TUX ARIZONA EXPRESS ; "THK ARIZONA EXPRESS "TIM-: ARIZONA EXPRESS:' ;;THK ARIZONA EXPHKSS •• "THK AUIZONA EXPRESS" "THE AUIZONA EXPRESS. - " i " warning; "—i If you have a weak heart. s t ay I It reeks with Sensations. "fpHB A lUZONA T^XPRESS" -±he Arizona -^xpS-. Six Reels. Also, "MY DAD." "MY DAD." "MY DAD." "MY DAD." "MX DAD." "MY DAD." )"" With """"■ I JOHNNY YX7ALKER THE TTUMAN T\OG, HE .JJ-UMAN -LOG EIN - ifHIN - mix. ' , IN - J- IN -J- IX. MY TVA.D. , " y ■Lad." "MY DAD." "MY DAD." Six Reels. ] CJEE ntHE T>EST T>RO<3RAMME \ <*->EE J- HE -DesT -t ROGRAMMEi FOR fpHE T EAST A/TONBT. OR J- HE -LEAST -^ONEX; DAY CJ.ESSIONS: fiD, nfi, Rn . ay Sessions: "d, O Di O d ; CIESSIONS: -| / -i / -i /' Sessions: -I-/» J-/, 1/. ffIOAP •^OAP GIVEN T?REE. IVEN * REE. HUGE IV.fATINEE UCE -^J-ATINEE mO-iMORROW QATURDAY. i j -o-'Morrow Saturday. ' commencing o p.m. *• P.M. {* PICTUKEiS WILD BE SCREENED, n I XT az;el, "R ig "RATH CJOAP. -OATH *S©AP. GIVEN GIVEN. I GIVEN REE GIVEN. . THROUGH COURTESY ) WALLACE-DAY AND CO., "WALLACE-DAY AND CO., Agents, Aiizac Avenue. HIPPODROME "XfOW iQjHOWBJG. ii'PODROME -"ow Showing. REGENT XT' P S 0 11. E O E N X -Ei P S 0 M. FRIDAY AND 'SATURDAY, AT S. GRAND DOUBLE TROGRAMJIE. J First National Present, J ".rnilE -VTECESSA-RY TjVVIL. ,, J "J- HE -"VIL." ! AVith VIOLA DANA. FRANK MAYO, BES LYON, GLADYS iBROCKWELL AXl> THOMAS HO-LBING. Taramount Presents, "TT<iMPTY TTANDS." -O-ANDS." With JACK HOLT and NORMA SHEARER. The Story of a Girl and a Man Lost in tin Wilderness. PHONE 20-142. _ T-\IXIELANT\ A T TJOINT /CHEVALIER. AFTERNOON SESSIONS, 2 TO 5 P.M. mO-NIGIIT. mO-NIGIIT. DANCING S TILL 11 P.M. Buses Leave G.P.0.. QuPen Street, Every Evening, S p.m.; also. Top of Pitt Street direct to Cabaret Every 10 Minutes. Bookings at Lewis R. Endy and Son, or Cabaret Telephones 43-333, 2G-Gls. 123 RAFTON LIBRARY HALL. PIANOFORTE PROGRAMME AND LECTURETTE By MISS M. A. PARKER, DECEMBER 7. is Postponed to MARCH 12, 1026, When Some of the Items will ho Alrored. 19 SPORTING. '"' mAKAPUNA JOCKEY QLOB. SPRING MEETING, 1925. rpO-MORROW (SATURDAY), ">J 0V - 28, AXU "jirONDAY, NOVEMBER f FIRST RACE STARTS ABOUT jj_ # 45 9/fi — THROUGH TICKET — O/fi - J/ U — THROUGH TICKET r- **' Includes Ferry Return and Admission to Course. Naval Men in Uniform of H.M. Warships in port will be admitted Free to the Outsiue Enclosure. ' Children under 12 years of age will NOT be admitted to Grandstand Enclosure. No Person who has at nny time since the passing of the Gamins and Lotteries Act Amendment Act 190 S. followed the occupation of a Bookmaker or Bookmakers Ciers. no Disqualified or Undesirable Person, wm be admitted to the Takixpuna Racecourse during the Sprinir Meetilit!, and if an - v .,^ u ," person is found on such Course '•« w "' " removed therefrom and prosecuted for trespass. Tho promotion of Sweeps is proWWteO, and any person infrinfflng this rl '" ulat n l ° will be removed from the Racecourse anu prosecuted. SPECIAL STEAMER, FREE FOB RACEHORSES ONLY, Will leave Hobson Wharf at 9 n.m.caen day, returning at 0.30 p.m. Horses cou veyed on other vehicular trips Will w charged the usual rates. R. WYNYARD, 9 Secretary-^
Page 14 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 14
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