BE WITTS PILLS CO-OPERATE WITH NATURE AND THUS ACHIEVE BESULTS UNOBTAINABLE BY ANY OTHER MEANS — YOU CANNOT CHOOSE A BETTER REMEDY FOR Kidney Trouble YOU cannot doubt the ability of De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills to do you good because tliey give you visible and positive proof of their efficac\ r within twelve hours. Carefully read the special circular enclosed in every box. and then make the test for yourself. Take two of De "Witt's Pills just ; ■ — before you go to bed, and in the PROOF THAT MUST morning you will be able to see that CONVINCE EVERY the pnrifyinjf, lieali »S aml strengthening ingredients have passed right SUFFERING READER through your kidneys and bladder. A Living Witness One dose Will prove your choice is right \ Until you have proved it by actual ' th;lt one dose of " De Witt ' 3 Pills can |f«|/', mjFp* / make so much difference in so short a mc - T ne reason is tna *- De Witt's J Pills are unlike any other medicine >*( "' s" oa nave ever seen or tried. They act directly upon the kidneys, and Mr. SHAW (fromphoto.) your physician or chemist will tell Writing from Parcora, South you that healthy, active kidneys will Island. Mr. 1. Shaw says:—"l * . . , „", . . , - ~ endured live years of pain before' eliminate harmful uric acid from the I heard of De Witt's Pills, bnt blood as fast as it forms. Thus, by %&isSs£&£*l?S&\ *»W»e DeWi "' s Rlls ' yon overcome , always be thankful I tried De your kidney trouble, improve the of every organ of the have .the opportunity." body, and regain your normal health — —— and strength. Decide that you will try this remedy to-day. Tour kidney trouble may not yet be serious, but that dull ache in your back or loins is a symptom you dare not ignore, Let De Witt's Pills free you from the pain and ensure your future good health. The World's Home Remedy for 40 Years— DeWITTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER TAKE TWO TO-NIGHT I H B dt^tf Take two of De Will's Pi!!; to-iii.cht I 9 S mid in the morning you wi I lee ami ■ leel and kno« lor certain that they X HL—_■ mart do you good. JQ BBBH HflH^^fe^^ Watch for such symptoms as pitffiness under the eyes, heaviness oj the limbs, tteollmifeet or ankles, foul breath, scalding pains, gravel or stone. These symptoms usually precede attacks of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica or serious Kidney Trpuble, and much suffering and expense may be saved by quickly "etting a box of De Witt's Pills from the Chemist and taking them as directed. iwwiiw^ ——^i^——^^ Object—to raise funds lor s Kβw Sports Ground in II Dunedin —28 acres—for iLeagne Football, and to II V assist "Soccer" Football throughout N^Z. \\\ £S,OCK> IN PRIZES . - "" '■■■• i - 7 T■"' AD ™ Alluvial Gold.' \\ Ist Prize .... «3,000 \\ \ c Prizes of £50 ea. " 300 \ \ V 10 „„ £25 ea. 250 \\ 2O „ „ £10 ea. 2C«) \ \ 100 „ „ £5 ea. 500 "COLOSSAL I I Tickets from Tobacconists and Stores—or use Coupon. I First Prize . . £3,000 Tickets . . 2/- I To be drawn 21st December. Book of 12, £1. _ , „__ _. Dy Permission of of 139 Big Prizes — 139 Chances. internal Affair*. W. J. POTTER, P.O. Box 1505, Auckland. Please send mc tickets (books). I enclose remittance of (Enclose stamped addressed envelope for reply.) I Name • —•• I II Address .:....:...... .....: ~ - I ' HLmmb mam mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmm mm* ■n m mmm mmm I
Page 13 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 13
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