EASE FOR SMOKER'S THROAT. Soreness and irritation caused by smoking can b* allayed and soothed by the use of Pulmonas. These antiseptic pastilles dissolved slowly in the mouth release healing- vapours which effectively treat Hie whole of the respiratory org-ans. Sore and tired throats are benefited instantly. Relievo coughs, colds, innuenza. Pulmonas at chemists, l/o and 2/6. — (.Yd.; Rich, red, luscious tomatoes give Sliarland's Tomato Sauce that true flavour which is appreciated. Have you tried it?—(Ad.) Rheumatism, Sciatica or Lumbago— which of these is your bug-bear? Relief is assured by using Rlieumn, which purines the blood-stream, g-fving- you a fresh lease of lire. Large bottles 4/0 at all chemists and stores. Barracloug-h's Magic Nervine stops teeth aching—l/ 6. Corns permanently removed with Progandra—l/G.— (Ad.) A dainty dish ot cold meat, fish or fowl is all the daintier and more appetising with a clash of Sliarland's Tomato Sauce. Have you tried it?—(Ad.) Banish Pimples r= , »J By Using Cuticura Soap to Cleanse \ I Ointment to Heal Try our new Shaving Stick. Shorn fhetDaad^M^ Clergymea »nH public speak- \ /■ Ijj/i V era find HEENZO > «plend!< AJ Jl.-*['-J^ remedy for coueKa. colds end * | I tore hroat. Economical — T~fi PiThl 2/6 bottle make* pint. Saves 111 I j '\S j fully 15/- 18 1' ' ANTI-BILIOUS regulate stomach, liver and bowels, and ENSURE GOOD DIGESTION and a HEALTHY, ACTIVE LIVER. Small Pill (new size 32 in box) price 1/6. Of all chemists throughout the World. James Cockle & Co., Ltd., London. fcSfeel Without Baking in a Hot Kitchen! Spend aa little time as possible in the sweltering kitchen this summer. Buy all I your cake from Adams Bell. j Tastes like the best HomeI baked Cake. Very economit cal. Over 20 delectable I varieties. ADAMS, BELL SCO., ltd. (-"J 124, Queen St.; /-OT\ 76, Karangahape l«Hj (C\ Road; Sβ, Karal —)V<r ,T\ >VJ ngahapt Road; fr TS Three .'.amp c, Poruonby; ■L Bjoadway, ISKEATES I BICYCLES "Dominion" . ■ £8/14/6 "Popular" ~ £10/0/0 "Royal" .. £11/10/----"Empire 8.5.A." £11/11/. "Skeates 8.5.A." £16/16/EASY TERMS Post the Coupon for a free copy of our latest free Bicycle Catalogue No. 18A, fully illustrated. I enclose 3d in stamps fop postage. i Please send mc your Bicycle I . Catalogue No. 18a. ! Same ! ; Address 48, FORT ST., AUCKLAND.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 12
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