NO CHARGE NOW FOR STRONG ~fc GOr,D GIRDLE—WAS 8/ EXTRA. Inlii its balance 1W ft that Your Hand Can,t Get Awa y From > I Bill <The Over ~ size Pen with 25 -y ear Poini H wM&WI y uo ordinary pens 1 wit k your eyes shut! ft HSlp JET your hand get a taste of Parker il * ''•<*&: Duofold's super-smooth point r' t '*'" * Snd balanced swing and you won't wonder that people are passing up ordinary pens to pay twice as much for B black " ti PP ed ' lacquer-red Classic. m \fts&m Take a look at its Over-size bamS and \ > \ you'll see why it holds such a bumper inkre supply. Flash yoar eye on its color and you'll ft t-*?JM Bee T^e caUs ** handsomer than jl jfVffMM gold—why it makes this a hard pen to lose. Buy Parker Duofold and you'll soon Pcsfppl§ discover ,lhat you'll write from inspiration— I ' ' not rom '^ c prodding of your conscience. j§ilpfpl|| .Tien when someone calls for a pen yon can P P u " out y° Qr Duofold and lend It **—^ or nost y' writing , can distort this 25----vjk 7 ear Native Indium point f->, i .Veal Cold Pocket-clip or Ring-end tree It', \ as well as strong Cold Girdle. A 60/- ---\ ( . J value for 42/-. At all pen counters. I ' 3on't be put off. If stocks are not P available, leave your order, or write M ||§£-"' : i§] direct to the Local Agent. foidlrSks o .' !'«J| With7heJlsYear Point ff\sZZ. t T W Dcosol<aJanlo*3o/-/ jo 7\\ MdyD««loH3o, A./r->. \ ; W Sar?i except for size IA / I )) With rin« / cjg \( J \|/ j) fordißtwaine Made by the Parker Fen Co. in the United States and Canada. Other styles-16/6, 18/-, 21/-. Pencils-7/6, 22/6, 25/-, 30/-. On sale at all Stationers and Jewellers. Distributors: Brown and Stewart Ltd., Gordon and Gotch (Aust.) Ltd., Frank Duncan and Co.. Ltd. Sole Agents for New Zealand: SL ADE. ALLAN and Co Box 532, G.P.0., Auckland Dandruff, the danger signal SEBUM — that oil in your scalp which is the cause of most hair troubles —is the oil that nature uses to give your hair its , : silky gloss and life. So, when your hair is healthy it is this oil which gives your hair its natural beauty and lustre. But like other skin secretions, it is often in excess.' Then your hair gets oily and dandruff and scales may follow. This is the danger signal. For sebum, once exposed, decomposes quickly. If neglected, it becomes the chief source of harm to your hair. It forms' fatty acids which, held in contact with the scalp inflame it and in most cases, if allowed to continue, burn away the tissue, and kill the hair root. Scales and dandruff choke the hair follicles. This, with lack of stimulation, supresses the oilThen comes dry hair that is brittle and dead looking The first step, cf course, is the same as any skin disorder. Remove this surplus and purge the pores. But you ivjst dissolve the sebum—remove it. Not with ordinary soaps—they are often too harsh—but with scientific tested methods. Our chemists have evolved ih'PalmohVe Shampoo the best way that is yet known to do this. If you have been using hit or miss methods, for your own sake, stop them at once. Select and use that one treatment for your type of hair, which will restore the crowning glory that nature intended you to have. We make it easy for you to start. Just fill in the coupon, mail it to us and we will send you in return sr treatment —free. At all chemists. Full size bottle, 3/PALM OLIVE SHAMPOO <4£&, THE BLEND OF PALM AND OLIVE OILS j TRIAL BOTTLE psh29 j mSgtfm I THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY ! WPHI : (Australasia) LTD. : [ Dept. 352. 12 Woodward St, Wellington. N.Z. : " l enclose 6d. to cover packing and postagt; please ■ Vl post trial bottle of Palmoliva Shampoo to ■ • j Address A.S., 27/11/25.- j .» YDVfim _ W 'U prevent the »!eep-dil- 5| ; = - PVOfSUB Vurbingnightcoughiof both Sk. " -J •"■ "■ rV ** i * children and .<3ult.. ~9f t-" ■■ ■ — " IJ F.mily Size 2/6 Sifc
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 12
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