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FINANCIAL. ■ MONEY to use on Mortgages, current rate. —baker and Swan, Lister iildgs., V ictoria St. E. D i MONEY Advanced on Pianos, Furniture, • Bonds, etc. Liberal treatment, easy • repayments.—Allen, 44, So'-urity Buildings, i MORTGAGES Wanted, reasonable discounts, city and suburbs only.—Allen, 1 U. Security Buildings. j MORTGAGES — srecones and Firsts, j wanted Immediately; cask purchase; j any amount. —\V. L. Butler, 04, Queen St. D I MORTGAGES, sound, wanted to Buy, at j reasonable discounts: cash buyers j waiting.—George Mayhill, 5, Phoenix, Chambers. Q j SECOND Mortgage, £ 2f>:s, for Sale, due; ' :i years, lii pur cent, reducible £1 ; weekly ; nrst mortgage. £ 030, 5 years; i property sold substantial business man for • £ll(iO; accept £230 bedrock price.—Write -I 11. -1411. Stab. l HAKES (-Ji, Northern Co-op. Buildiug! Society, liroup 7. £17 4/ paid; take £ 10.- -Writ- \V. J3-H'.. STAB. r yiIARK.S ((;, Northern Co-op. Building j ■ S.iiioty Group 4; ',24, paid, accept; £.IC>. —Write r. -is~4. Star. ' I QHARES (a>, Auckland Building Society, : I 117 S/ . fully paid-up : take £15 ; urgent.—Write F. 4940. Star. SMALL Loans granted to Civil Ser- , rants. Schoolmasters and others, in per- I , manent positions on simple Promissory ■ Notes, Furniture without removal, and i . other securities.—Genuine, P.O. Box 1G54. n -Piflft DISCOUNT off £475; £70 off; . IvIUU £200: £35 off *C 175. Sound! i mortgages.—G. .Mn.vhill. Phoenix Chhrs. I gage over fully paid shares; undeniable security ; temporary.—Write 11. . 43S!>. Star. " T OANS TT ASY T SO QECCRE. : I MONEY ADVANCED DAY OF APPLICA- ■ TION. OX ! PIANOS AND FURNITURE (without i removal). . MOTOR CARS. BUILDING SOCIETY" ? ■ SHARE'S and every class of Security. • Orit INTEREST IS LOWER, OCR REPAYMENTS EASIER THAN ANY OTHER OFFICE. . Strictest Privacy arid Honest Treatment . Assured. Loans in other offices paid off. . Larger amounts advanced, and placed on i our easy terpis. Before negotiating elsewhere get our terras and you will borrow from us. 17>QUITABLE T OAN AND TjTINANCE pOMPANY, T TD., 1 i Second Floor HIS MAJESTY'S ARCADE. :• I Phono 44-72!).' QUEEN STREET. TIIF > : ■ J OAN AND "piNANCE QO., ; J FACTS WORTH KNOWING. : I We are now Lending Money nt LOWER . ' INTEREST than any other Office, and our P : ItKI'AY.MENT SYSTEM 5s recognised as s ' the EASIEST IN AUCKLAND. , i Being established ovei 10 years, our -'I REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALINGS • ' can be thoroughly relied upon. i,' An important point is loans are coni ducted with STRICTEST PRIVACY, and, as TI NO FEES AXE CHARGED, it will PAY ' [YOU to see us before going elsewhere. i WE ADVANCE any Amount on FURNI,TI'RE, PIANOS, MACHINES, MOTOR j CARS (without removal;; also PROMIS- : SORY NOTES. - i LOANS IN OTHER OFFICES PAID OFF '- ! AND LAHIiER AMOCNTS ADVANCED. ; ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. i, T OAN AND f^o.. ■ I WYNDHAM CHAMBERS, opp. Gas Co., • ffYXIIHAM ST - ( -''i*Y- Phone 42-061. T 'jTMMEDIATE PRIVATE ADVANCES. £5 TO £100. 1 ON Furniture. Pianos, Sewing Machines (without removal), BuildT ing Society Shares, Life Policies, ■ I and other Approved Securities. Without Fees. Fuss, .or Empty Promises. 2 t*SE OVK MONEY— PAY IT BACK ON EASY TERMS. 1 ij IBERAL T OAN AND TJIIXAXCE r<o., 'Ground Floor, PALMERSTON BUILDINGS '• J 47. QUEEN STREET, CITY. D 4 : WEEKLY SAVINGS INVESTMENT. -" ; * * ONE SHILLING contributed weekly i. toward A UNITY SERVICE BOND i> PROVIDES FOR :— 1. Cash Payment after Seven Years.' ' 12. Educational Annuity in 14 V"ears. "~ !3. House Property Endowment 20 Years. -[ 4. Superannuation Annuity -10 Years. " 5. Guaranteed Security under "Trust Deed " 1 Motto: "MUTUAL SERVICE." s i'ou supply trees, we supply land and tend x same until maturity. CO-OPERATIVE TREE PLANTING l, SOCIETY, LTD., 5. Station, Mill. Mine and Quarry Owners ' ;i I Auckiar.d Oltice : 10, Ferry Buildings. b - i . - . . li A UCKLAND T OAK AND TjIIXANCE I JpOMPANY, T IMITED. : 14. COLWILL CHAMBERS, SWANSON STREET, CITY. o "PHONE 2191 (Three Rings). D 9 1 _ c OEIOND MORTGAGE OF £000 c j O IN THE CITY. : First-class Security. Discount £130. 4 We have a Buyer for a Small Second Mortgage. £200. I ~ j . LAND SALES. LTD., j ?,. Winstone Buildings, Auckland. j . ' I W IIEN * FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED c >V PLACE YOUR RELIANCE IN p THE "RELIANCE." 1 " ' c When you call on us in connection with your financial worries, you can rely on courteous attention, sound advice, and feel confident that the interview will be strictly confidential, for we are a financial ' firm with an enviable reputation I for FAIRNESS. HONESTY, AND HIGHEST BUSINESS INTEGRITY. Immediate advances on Furniture, Pianos, Sewing Machines (without removal), Motor Cars, Building Society Snares, and every class of security. You can choose your own terms of repayment and interest will be at the lowest rate. Existing loans paid off. Remember our name—it is your guarantee of satisfaction. rpilE TVELIANCE T OAN AND TJIINANCE /"COMPANY, T TD., " IRVINE'S CHAMBERS (First Floor) 32, QUEEN STREET. 'Phone 42-000.' ! ; J. S. EMANUEL, Managing Director (Branch Office: HAMILTON. ) D THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED LOAN . COMPANY IN AUCKLAND. j Wp Lend Money oh any Security, such as - PIANOS, ' FURNITURE. etc., without removal: also BUILDING SOCIETY r SHARES. = Terms, of repayment to suit yourself. Offices so situated as to give utmost . privacy. { Inquiries treated strictly confidential. ' ! ■ JEWELLERY, ETC., We Lend on above at Half the Current Ruling Rate in Auckland. I TDEAL T OAN AND T7IIXAXCE f^O., LIMITED. - ALSTON CHAiIBERS, G3, QUEEN ST, **Uone 44-077. r> • : i ; pITY LOAN ANn FINANCE COMPANY. - WE LEND MONEY ON ANY SECURITY, such as PIANOS. FURNITURE. SEWING MACHINES (without removal!, BUILDING -! SOCIETY SHARES. MOTOR CARS. Loans > J Granted Day of Application. Our Interest 1j is Lower than all others. Our Repayment r • System is recognised the Easiest in Auck- ' land. Inquiries treated Strictly Confidential, and absolute privacy and honest treatment guaranteed. . CITY LOAN AND FINANCE COMPANY, 3rd Floor. Room 22, 1 Hellaby'B fiuildings. Queen Street. , Opposite G.P.O.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
Word Count
952Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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