UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION. . .SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. The half-yearly examinations of - thfc Auckland University College School of Music, comprising practical and theoretical papers, were held during the past week. The examiners, Professor W. E. Thomas and ~Mt. E. S. Craston, were pleased with the .excellent Bach playing in the associate music. They report that both in the senior and intermediate grades a high standard was aimed at in the selected pieces. Scales and arpeggios were generally well performed. In the junior and primary grades the younger candidates showed great promise in the way they performed their selected pieces and in some instances very young candidates did remarkably well. The sightreading, even in the higher grades, was very weak. The results in the various grades were as follow, subjects in which passes were gained being shown in parentheses:— Fellowship.—Alma Lydia Wilson (pinno). Associate.—Doris Irene Crocker, Leura Marion Osbornc, Phyllis Rosa Mobberley McryJ >'opl Scott, Cora Coppins (piano). Senior Grade.—First-class: Thelma Jane Couldrey, 80 marks. Second-class : Gwenda Alexander Weir, 74 ; Or.ico Evelyn Dreadon, 74 : Audrey May Willerton, 72 : Patricia McCalluni, 71; Morris Campbell Green, 66 (piano). Intermediate Grade.—Honours : Wilma Maud Summerhayes. S3 marks (elocution) 1-irst-olass: Laurel Lilian Lynex, 81; Millicent Joyce Edmonds, 80; Phyllis Ellen Massey, /!); Jeanne Florence Fogerty, 79; Kathleen Joan Hlckey, 70; Constance Gertrude Clifton, 77 (piano). Second-class: Alice ££lif] Woodbury, 73 (piano): Christina chrls tj e . it (violin) ; Mavis Elsie Harris, II: Ailsa Glen Koy. 69 (piano). Junior Grade.—Honours: Joyce Mary Roper, S7 marks; Eileen Maly Landon. 86 (piano). First-class: Olive Jaffrey Thomas, 81 ; Beatrice Joan Lowe. SO (piano) ; Mary Maud. Bray, 76 (elocution) ; Hector Norman Sme'lie, 7o (piano). Second-class: Dorothy Kose Grey, 74; Esther Fisher, 73; Phyllis 21 e ™ G T?-"H m - 73 : Rnby Martin Morrison, 68 ; Phyllis Mary Beswick, 6S (piano) Primary Grade.—Honours: Huth Doreen Gourdie Su marks (piano). First-class Raymond Ferl Gamble, 81 (piano); Ronald fc-dmund, Johnston, SI (violin) ; Maurice George 80; Marjorie Alastair Stewart, 80; Evelyn Maud De Suza. 80; Jean Elen Dreadon. 7S : Marion Jean Grant («; Thomas Frederick Turklnston 78 • Barbara Williamson, 76; Beryl Bessie Kilmer 76: Marie' Gladys Hurley! 75 (piano) Second-class: Vere Florfs Mere--7 i ' '■':, Graham Stuart Umbers, 73 (piano) ; Allan Douglas Jerrome, 71 (vioT ln) ; Ji esI1 ? Ke ginald Pearce. 7i ; Eunice CO a ?piano) Gti; PhrlUs Mabel Harve 3-. The following candidates have satisfied the examiner in theoretical music •— wi™ Qβ Gr(ldp -—Honours: Phyllis Mobberley, 86 marks. First-class: Audrey Willerton, 84 : Leura Marion Osborne, 80l Charfe fey U: Second^..: Dulcle EitTr^.^f*--**™^ I™*1 ™* •■ Du,cic 77 .Tunior Grade.—First-class: Noel Hunt, ou^ ark |-, a To ar inA co " nt « s follon-s :_Hon.^c r ond-?ia S s, O G5 0 t : 74 flrSt " ClaES ' T5 t0 Si '
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 281, 27 November 1925, Page 8
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