One Woman to Another. A lady was passing along the street the other day when she beheld one of her neighbours coughing violently. "You have an awful cold," remarked the passer-by. "Yes," said the afflicted one, "I got an attack of the 'flu a few weeks ago and somehow or other I cannot shake off this hacking cough I have." "Oh: What you need," remarked the sympathiser, "is some Baxter's Lung Preserver. I had an attack of the 'flu, too, but my husband brought home some Baxter's. Two bottles fixed mc up. I am 'passing a chemist's on the way to town, and if you like I will get you a i__._i.l_ it "NT---* Jott + l-_. ciiffomr wob _
bottle." Next day the sufferer was a lot better and thus another person has been added to the ranks of "Baxter" enthusiasts. Bronchial soreness, a feature of the i influenza that has been about, cannot j resist the gentle soothing influence of | this old and proven remedy. "Baxter's" i quickly heals all rawness of the chest j and lungs, stops the tickling sensation iin the throat and eases the breathing. 1 Another important feature of Baxter's ) Lung Preserver is that while it brings relief it also builds up the system to avoid a relapse. It is a genuine tonic as well as a lung preserver. You can obtain a • generous-sized bottle of "Baxter's" i from all chemists and stores for 2/6; or, better still, get the family size at 4/6. — i (Ad. I .-' -»
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 16
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 16
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