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SxTUA'IIUNS VACANT. ■ I Prepaid Adveriisements, not exceeding nueen words. One ShiUloK; three consecutive insertions. Two Shillings *nd Sixpence.] A AIAT-URS and Professionals wanted, i ■—*■ au kinds vaudevuie acts; good fees i-a.U. —Mccombe. 2a,~H.-M. Arcade. BOOT Trade.—Wanted, First-class Bench Man for Ladies' Work.—Apply Barton, _„ig_and. 1 1 BOOT Trade—(Machinist, first-class, for Light Work.—Apply Northern Boot, ( Ltd.. federal St. I j BOOT Trade.—Wanted, First Class j Pressman.—Apply The Murray- Shoe j Lu.. 3-, Cook St. . j L4OI, smjj-t, wanted for Errands. —Apply. -P Uexter Motors," Ltd., Aihert Sf. a 64 BOY, intelligent, for Office and Errands. — ( Reliance Printery, 153, Albert St., C.ty. - ' ■ _i BOY, for trade.—Apply the People's f ' Furnishing Factory, 104, Khyber Pass I t BOY, smart, wanted for messages, etc.-- ( Apply Meltzer Bros., 65-67, Victoria St. West. , 12 . LJOV smart, wanted for messages.—The ] -O Unity Press, Ltd., Kingston and Federal Sts. BOY, to assist in warehouse: one just from school preferred.—Hoare and Co., 1 Wakefield St. J BOYS, smart, wanted at once, to sell con- j fectionery; must be clean and tidy.—■ 1 Princess Theatre. ■ ; _: BOY, smart, about 14 or 15, wanted.— ( O'Leary Bros, and Downs, Ltd., Seeds- , men. Cook St. . ; ' j BOY (17) wants Apprenticeship to Build- 1 ing or Joinery; technical experience: r '~<«ni<o vi-ritp p. -10.03 Star. 135 BOY wanted, smart, hotiest, as Apprentice to Manufacturing Jpweller.—Apply Wnltor Pen'son. 96. Queen gt. - DOY WANTED FOR QUARRY OFFICE, -° Ellerton Road, Mt. Eden. PP y J. J. CRAIG. LTD., !71 100. Queen S>"-er, BOY, SMART, \\A-M_iJ i!Ui.4 / WAREHOUSE. Must have references. A. EADY AND CO., 1 "The Old Firm," 112. Queen Street. BCSHMEN (2), good, wanted.—Apply 314. Jervois Rd., Heme Bay. 430 CIABINETMAKER'S Machinist wanted; ' must be first-class' man.—Shenkin, 72. Williamson Avenue. la CABINETMAKER wanted, good wages, constant work right man. —Apply, Newton Manufacturing Co.. Newton Place. 54 CARPENTERS, good men only.—Apply Snt. only. 2S. Atherton Rd.. Epsom. CARPENTERS (2), good, wanted.— Dunmore, Builder. Lake Rd.. . Tpkprii'T'a. C CARPENTERS wanted, tradesmen only.— J Ring 26-432, between 6.30 and 7.30. r McLaren. Bnyder. CARPENTERS (2) wanted, good wages to good men.—Apply new Job, Amaru Rd.. Campbell Rd. CARPENTERS, tradesman only, wanted; good pay; no Saturdays.—Manukau Rd., onn Gardner Rd.. Epsom. CARPENTER, for Building Sheds and Outbuildings; start at once.—Glen Eden Poultry' Farm, Great North Rd., Glen Eden. fNARPENTERS, good tradesmen, good yj wages.—Apply T. McGnire, Builder, Mariri Rd., Royal Oak, or Fortes' St, Qnei hunga. CONFECTIONERY — Chocolate Dipper, 1 who can also wrap,-pack, etc.—2l, Hall of Commerce, High St. ." I -pvRESSMAKING —Smart, artistic Girl IX* wanted; one used to embroidering.— Apply Gwen Smith. H.M. Arcade. ' 408 FORE&IAN Carpenter; must be capable man: to take charge house building, i Apply McCallum Bros., Shingle 61. Endcan's Bldgs., Queen St. j 339 GIRL wanted for Plain Sewing.—Apply McCarthy. Tent Maker. Eden Terrace. GIRL, young, wanted, to assist; no wash ing.—s, Lawrence St., off Dominion Rd. __. GIRL, young. for Typing and general office WQr t. —Write, stating age, experience. jto Box 432. G.P.O. i_ CI IRLS (2). juniors, wanted for factory.— J Apply Garland, Ltd., Manufacturers. 1 Arthur St.. Ponsonby. 127 GOOD Tally and Yardman, also Man take charge Sawmill; must bo good Saw Doctor and able handle men.—Write H. 1220, Stab. . HAIRDRESSER, first-class; one used to ladies' and children's work preferred. ; Salon de Luxe. 77. Queen St. •_ LABOURER wanted, to excavate ; one able to level off floor preferred.—Apply Newt_n Manufacturing Co., Newton Place. 55 LABOURERS (2), good, wanted concrete building job ; also Carpenter. Monday Morning. 3 m:ns. from wharf, Devonport.— J. W. Simmonds. Builder. 1 LAD, strong, good, wanted for Blacksmithing.—Apply, W. Lawson, Blacksmr'i. Ot'-huhu. 112 LADY Canvasser, Sell Latest" Song Hit.— 1 Apply Mr. Goocb, c/o Brown's, Gage's Bldgs.. Karnngahape Rd. LADY Canvasser wanted, experienced preferred. —Apply 9 o'clock Monday morning. 122. Pacific Buildings, City. LIVE Men wanted, Sell Ovalock Paper Towels ; good commissiftn basis. —Re.liauce Printerr, 153. Alb-rt St.. D 4 MACHINIST wanted for our Oaakune Mill.—Apply G. A. Gamman and Co., I Ltd.. Mamaku.nnd Ohakrne. - b MACHINISTS, experienced, for frocks and overalls. —Apply Miss Jackson, Cross and Jackson, Hill and Plumber's B-i'd'lngs, llobson St. \ MAN wanted, to load and consign timber ; must be experienced.—G. Syme, Ltd., i i-...t.M. __ MAN, energetic, of good address, for Collecting and Canvassing; must be reliahle.—Write S. 1724, Star. MEN (2), good pick and shovel, for Mountain Rd. job. opposite Boys' Grammar School : also 2 Good Carpenters for St. George's Church job. Ranfurly Rd., Epsom. Apply on job Monday morning; A. G. Grinter Builder. Papatoetoe. ' isn MILLINER wanted, make hats at home. Star. SjTf MILLINERY —Wanted, Smart Improver. Apnlv. with refs.. Bon Ton Millinery Hq"°p. 151. Svmonds St. 484 MILLINERY SALES. WANTED. \N \<s«l<sT\\"T FOR SF.COND SALES IN MILLINERY SHOWROOM. SNEDDEN'S, T'-ppr Sr-nonds Street U>2 MOTOR Mechanic. Ford agency. in <•■ -untrv ; experts only: use lath".— Rin" 20517 E. T. McQuillan, 13, Third .Avp '-InHrol OTOR ENGINEER. FIRST CLASS. rwd to Tr""k Work. Duds Need Not Apply. Write ENGINEER. P.O. Box 37. Auckland, OFFICE Boy wanted, for city legal firm ; previous experience unnecessary.— Write F. 1512, Star. OFFICE BOY WANTED. Good prospects for intelligent youth. SMITH WYLIE AND CO., LTD.. 3_j Smith's Building. Albert Street. 504 . A F F I C X LAD W ANTE D. Apply, with references. After 9 a.m., CAS WORKS, I'EAUMONT STREET. PAINTER wanted; long Job if suitable.— 16. Essex Rd., opp. Cucksey's Corner, >'t. Eden. 467 PAINTER, good brush hand, wanted.— Anplv McLeod. Mansion House, Jubilee I Avenue. Devonport. PLUMBER wanted.—Apply Purdie. 17, Buchanan St., Glenmore, 133 (Situations Vacant Continued ob Page 2.)
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 1
Word Count
912Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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