OPTIMISM OF THE CANDIDATES. This is the last week-end before the poll, and candidates are particularly lively on the hustings, last night's meetings being marked by more than ordinary fervour on the part of aspirants for Parliament and by increased enthusiasm on the part of their supporters. One feature that cannot help impressing the average elector is the wonderful feeling of confidence expressed by the average candidate. Nearly all are exceedingly optimistic of their chances of return. Whether they are absolutely convinced themselves, or whether this display of optimism is purposely made, is open to question in some cases, but in others the belief is undoubtedly sincere. As is usual on a Saturday night, the number of meetings to be held is less than through the week, although all the Labour candidates will mount the platform or the box. Monday will see an intense renewal of vociferous activity, and, on the eve of the poll, on Tuesday, it is practically certain that every candidate will be making an impassioned final appeal for •preference.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 14
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 14
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