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1 -.'' PIANOS FOR SALE. . ADDISON Plnnos, low prices; beautiful models; just unpacked ; Inspect.— Moore's,*-next Waverley, Customs St. E. AGODDARD Piano for Best Value; £1 deposit secures any Piano.—Sly '». 144. Symonds St V ALLISON, beautiful model, in ideal order. Only £5 deposit.—Auckland Piano Agency, opp. Town Hall. ALLISON, overstrung, full iron frame, ivory keys; splendid condition; no bdrer ; £45.—20, Stanley Pt. BETTER Piano Values obtainable at tne National Piano Co., Ltd., corner Wellesley and Albert Sts. D "DBITISH Upright Grand, absolute bar■M gain, "£45; splendid condition; urgent. Apply 30, Victoria A v.. Valley Rd. CHEAP Piano, iron frame; splendid condition ; sacrifice for cash. Bargain.— 8, Balldon Rd„ Grey Lynn. GENUINE John Brinsmead, good condition; no reasonable offer refused. — Phone at-457. 3T |_| AAKE—Magnificent Overstrung Upright ■*-*- Grand;. sacrifice, £49 10/; no borer guaranteed ; splendid tone. —149, Symonds Street. TTIPRIGHT Grand. Piano, by Brnnns, ■V Berlin; splendid order; no borer.—Communlcate S. 1709. Star. ' TMANO,. new, £56, worth £130. Apply x after 5 p.m.—l 4, Bassett Rd.. Remuera. 382 TMANO, beautiful rosewood. Broadwood, •*■ table grand, perfect order; bargain; cash.—l 3,. Ardmore Rd., Heme Bay. T>IANO, modern, good tone, reliable order; ■*- bargain, £25. Violin Set, £4 10/.— Martin's, 32. St. Mary's Rd. T>IANOS —Brinsmead, absolutely Britain's ■*■ Best; easiest terms;, make inquiries.— Moore's, nest Waverley. 'Customs St. SEE 'US about a Jensen-Moore Piano for complete satisfaction every way, at 79 Guineas; terms arranged.—John Court. Ltd.. Queen St. (fifth floor). WB4 THE'Perfect Instrument, causing a value sensation to-day; The Jensen-Moons Piano, at 79 Guineas.—John Court, Ltd., Queen St.. Provincial Agents. WS4 WANTED 1 or 2 to share Purchase of Keel Yacht (Logan), ready for season.— Write S. 1971, Star. . i 5 OO 10/. —GERMAN, iron frame, check °*'*J*J action, good tone; absolute bnrgaln: Bord : £22.—149, Symonds St. ■RECOMMENDED BY EVERY BUYER. THE JENSEN-MOORE PIANO. AT 79 AND 89 GNS. Terms, £5 Down. 39/5 the Month. A most desirable, super-tone, high-grade Piano. Sure to please discriminating people. Guaranteed by the J.C.L. JOHN COURT, LTD., Queen Street, Agent*. C ii /•y B A M E H T3IANOS. ' I QUALITY ! ! ! , QUALITY 1 ! ! CONSPICUOUS SINCE 1824 AMONG THE WORLD'S BEST. VALUE ! ! ! VALUE ! ! ! At our prices and terms the Cramer is the finest value in New Zealand. Call and allow us to Demonstrate. AUCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, LTD!, 372, Queen Street. Opp. Town Hall. . "CIOR QUALITY PIANOS, x - At Reasonable Cost, We Offer You BRANSTON, from £75 DALLAS, from £S5 BROOKMAN, from £105 LONGMAN, from £95 Easy Terms Arranged. AUCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, LTD:,----372, Queen Street. , Opp. Town Hall. ■BSbS PS £83 10/. ' This is really unexceptional value. The I Roberts is an English Overstrung Piano, ! with a Full Iron Frame, Underdamper Check Action, and full Compass of 7 Octaves; handsome Mahogany case; height, 4ft 2in. Beautiful rich tone and light responsive touch. Cash, £83 10/. Deposit £8 7/, or Weekly Payments of 12/6. WILLIAMS PIANO : £00. WILLIAMS PIANO: £90. Pure, rich, mellow tone, and sensitive responsiveness. Full, Overstrung Model, Iron Frame, .Underdamper Action. Handsome Mahogany case. Cash, £00. Deposit, £9 or weekly payments of 13/8. ' NEW EAVESTAFF PIANO: £90, £95 NEW EAVESTAFF PIANO: £90, £95., Full Iron Frame; beautifully finished in polished Rosewood ; large Overstrung Model, full extended compass of 7J octaves. Model 100, £90. Deposit £9; Weekly, 13/8. Model 100 A, cash £95, deposit £9 10/. Weekly, 14/3. Liberal Allowances on your Old Piano ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE. L BWIS J£ E 7dY~& gON, L TD.. - "THE BOX OFFICE," 162, QUEEN ST. ' 15, Karangahape Road (next Tivoll). Branches at Hamilton and Whangarel. : ; WS CHEAP "DIANOS. " HEAP A7IANOS. Cheap enough as far as prices are concerned, but guaranteed thoroughly reconditioned and in good playing order BORD—Cottage Model, walnut case. £28 cash; £2 deposit, 5/ weekly. ALLISON, dark case, white keys, sweet tone; good practice piano; £17 10/ cash; £1 10/ deposit, 3/6 weekly. HOFFMAN, iron frame, Cottage Model; ' sweet tone, check action, dark walnut case; £42 10/ cash; £4 deposit, 5/ weekly. BRINSMEAD, dark case, 4ft 2in model: £57 10/ cash; £5 10/ deposit} 7/9 weekly. NEW PIANOS. EAVESTAFF, famous London make, rosewood ; £90 cash. Very Easy terms. ROBERTS, London, Piano; magnificent rosewood 'upright Grand, overstrung, underdamper action ; full iron frame; £83 10/ cash. SPECIAL TERMS :£5 deposit, £1 19/6 monthly. NOTE.—Pianos packed free for conntrv clients and placed on rail or boat. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Estimates free. LEWIS J> E ADY & gON, L TD.. 15, KARANGAHAPE ROAD (Next Tivoli Theatre, near Grafton Bridzp). "THE BOX OFFICE," 162. QUEEN ST. Branches at Hamilton and Whangarei ' s OVERSTOCK* ED. VERSTOCKED. ALL PIANOS REDUCED. • ALL PIANOS REDUCED. ALL PIANOS REDUCED. In order to Reduce our Stock, we art offering a Special Discount of FIVE GUINEAS off all PIANOS, either for Cash or Terms. We also have a few practically new PIANOS returned from hire, which we Intend Clearing at REDUCED PRICES. NEW PIANOS from 75 guineas, reduced ! price 70 guineas. ALL PIANOS GUARANTEED. fJIHE piANO po. t 28", HIGH STREET. c WAWTEB. TWANGS wanted, all makes, urgently — x Sly'B Piano House. TJIANO wanted, summer bach, condition •*• immaterial; must be cheap.—Fullest particulars, "Unimia," Paice Ay., Dominion Rd. ' 20 -r- . CANARIES FOR SALE. rjANARIES. choice, for Sale; Rood songsters; also, Hens.—32, Leslie Morningside, off Edendale Rd. LUUB » .
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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860Page 13 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 13
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