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LAND TRANSFER MOTTOES. . T AND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. Notice is hereby given that the several parcels of land hereinafter described, will be brought under the provisions of the Land Transfer Act. 1915. unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same, on or before November 30. 1925. 6809—WALTER FRANCIS COLLINS. — | Allotment 315, town of Tuakau North, containing 1 rood, occupied -by Applicant. Plan ISSS4. ! T451 — JOSHUA MATHERS AND CHARLES ALBERT LOUGHNAN.—Lots ] 9 and 10 of Allotment 215. parish of j Pukete. containing 14Sa, 2r. Sp. occupied by j James Alfred Bailey. Plan 14534. Diagram's may be inspected s.t this office. Dated this 24th day of October. 1925, at j the Land Registry Office, Auckland. A. V. STURTEVANT. j District Land Registrar. 156 EVIDENCE OF THE LOSS OF CERTIFICATE of Title Volume 33. Folio 234. I for Lot 5. of Section 6S. of Allotments 34. 135 and 36. of.Section S. of the Suburbs of Auckland in favour of WILLIAM MASSON. lof Auckland, schoolmaster, having been I lodged with mc. together with an application for a Provisional Certificate of Title. ! Notice is hereby .given of my intention to I issue such Provisional Certificate of Title accordingly on the expiration of 14 days from the 29th day of October. 1925. Dated at the Land Registry Office, at Auckland, this 24th day of October. 1925. A. V. STURTEVANT. District Land Registrar. I 157 MEMORANDUM OF LEASE NO. 9831 of Lease No. 3722. for Lots 26 and 27 on Deposited Plan 5074. being part section 37 of Block I. of the Tarawera Survey District, and being part of the land comprised in Volume 107. Folio 253. of the Register Book, from THOMAS HENRY SLOANE. of Rotorua. land asrent. Lessor. to Leslie Henry Charlton. of Rotorua, motor car proprietor. Lessee. The above named lessor having re-entered and recovered possession of the above described land for non-payment of rent, it is my intention to notify such re-entry upon the Register Book on the expiration of one month from the 29th October, 1925. Dated -at the Land Registry Office, at Auckland, this 24th day of October. 1925. A. V. STURTEVANT. District Land Registrar. 15S MEMORANDUM OF LEASE NO. 10504 for Lot 81 on Deposited Plan 15716. being part of Sections 2S of the Suburbs of Rotorua. and being part of the land comprised in Volume. 399. Folio 65, of the Register Book from ROBERTSON ESTATE. LIMITED, of Rotorua. Lessor, to JAMES HENRY AISHER, of Rotorua, electrician, Lessee. The above named lessor having re-entered and recovered possession of the above described land for non-payment of rent, it is my intention to notify such re-entry upon the Register Book on the expiration of one month from the 29th October. 1925. Dated at the. Land Registry Office, at Auckland, this 24th day of October. 1925. A. V. STURTEVANT, District Land Registrar. 159 DYERS AOT) CLEANERS. VTTE gERYE - Y ou . T>ETTER IN cleaning and t-\yeing. Leaning and -L^yeing. Give Us a Ring to Collect and Deliver, Or Leave at Receiving Depots. Receiving Depots: 148, Symonds Street (Below Scots Hall), 12, Darby Street, 224, Ponsonby Road. Also, in AH Suburbs, j THE AMERICAN DRY CLEANING CO., Tuperlrt Road. Greenwood's Corner, (Opp. Tram Workshops). 'Phone 20-534. TS " rpHE NEEDS YOU YOU NEED "THE EMPIRE." ? ? WHY '! ? Because if you are thrifty and economical you will not throw away your Old Suits, Costumes, Frocks, etc. Just send them to EXPERT MODELLING, "THE EMPIRE," or ring up No. 44-767, and our vans will collect. EXPERT DYEING, EXPERT CLEANING, EXPERT REPAIRING. Old Garments made as new in a few days at a trifling cost. COUNTRY ORDERS receive special prompt attention and Return Postage Paid. Special ' Fur Department for the Renovation and Remodelling of all kinds of Fur Works EMPIRE CLEANING AND DYEING CO (Furriers, etc.), 258, Queen Street. '"* .(Opposite Main Entrance, Town Hall). By Special Appointment to His Excellency. Viscount Jellicoe. C YT7HAT IS RE-MODELLING? DO YOU KNOW? Re-modelling is the art of transforming old clothes into practically new ones. We are experts at this work. We first of all .thoroughly cleanse the old garments remove all stains and crumples, take out the shabbiness, and freshen the fabric. Then -we completely reshape Coat, |tume or what not. and adapt the very ! latest mode. When we have done with them, they look so smart, clean, fresh and fashionable, that they are fit for best wear. rjIHE QROTHALL J}RY QLEANTNG AND "QYEING po., 4S. CUSTOMS STREET EAST 137, SYMONDS STREET. 109, DOMINION ROAD NEWMARKET—Next P.O. PONSONBY—Opp. P.O. ONEHUNGA—QUEEN STREET. CITY AGENT: ARNOTT, la, QUEEN ST. WORKS AND HEAD OFFICE : 33-35, EDENVALE RD., MT. EDEN. C p| AND A. BROWN, Dyers and Cleaners" A-/. Shortland St.—Works, Grafton Ter' 'Phone 45-764. Established 1866. B 7i\'oo and DellTer ' Sultß ' T /6.—'Phone rpHE DIXIE Cleaning Co., 514, Queen St' ■*■ Hat Blocking. Repalrß. Alterations, Dry' Cleaning: same-day service.—'Phone 46 74« We collect. none 4S ,48. \\JE have Cleaning and Remodelling- De v » partments for Ladies' and Gents' Hat« Cox's Hat Factory. Karangahape Rd. p "5! DREW for Cleaning, Dyeing , . • Renovating of all descriptions—7o Wellesley Street. Phone 46-629. c 44"600 _C > RPETS Owned and Dlsln»WV fected. Electrical Beating Vacuum Process.—Domestic Vacuum Clean ing Co.. Strand Arcade. D TOILET SPECIALISTS. JJOWE'S "ECZEMALIN E." IA POSITIVE CURE OF EC7F7UA PSORIASIS AND ALL SKIN DISEASES Price, 2/6 pot. Postage 6d. From W. PEDDIE, CHEMIST 118. Riddiford St.. Wellington. A SK for "Hemsley Burnet," the marvel- * lous Hair Colour Restorer, for ««. maturely Grey Hair; 4/9.—Chemists: V "PjTNTHIA," perfect non-greasy Face V-> Cream makes powder cling. Does not dry skin or cause dampness. njj ■yrADAME ALDWYN, Queen St., 'Phone 46-413, recommended by medicos for Removing Superfluous ' Hair. Consultations free ' . WS -VTADAME THORA TATE, Bon Marche" I c^ ton ^ Ha . lr ' Skin Treatment, Stainlug Catting, Waving, Shampooing, Electrl lysis.—Phone 46-047. *_ s * emo " FOX, Face and Scalp Specialist.----•«A Shingling, Busters, Marcel Wavtn* Manicures. Hair Work.—Mavtaela Ton-V f£°** : Hallenstein's Bldgs-TcUy!* 'Pabne -YTYSTIC Blackhead Cream, 3/6, post free f-*- A positive cure.—Bainley Agency ">o Security Buildings, Auckland. geney ' 2 |j CHINGLING and Buster CuttlnTbTTH *»' °g^g CHEMISTS. A. th. J '.- LAMB ;v Chemsst tßy Exam.). Pharmac r.>-°- 10„Kara B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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1,011Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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