JACK AND JILL WENT UP THE HILL To fetch a bucket of water; Jack kept to his feet, for he thought of the treat of " Price's" to follow after. All kiddles love that delicious cordial made witn Price's Concentrated Beverages. Tryfiavourea orange Kola and flavoured limes. They are out on tnelr own. 1/6 bottle makes three gallons. All grocers sell it. See that you get "Price's.''—(Ad.) 4
Regulations are gazetted in regard to the Government Stores Control Board, which is to consist of the Minister of Public Works, chairman of the Railway Board, Under-Secretary of Public Works,: and the Secretary of the Postal Depart l ment. An advisory committee is also to be appointed comprising the Comptroller of Stores, and the stores managers of the Public Works and Postal Departments. , . Dunedin usually provides permanent employment for 500 carpenters, but at i present there are 800 members of that branch of the union. The Exhibition, of course, accounts for the extra 300. The secretary of the union thinks that the work of the Exhibition will last until the end of next month, and then about 200 men will have to look for work elsewhere. A large number of carpenters will probably return to the North.Tonson Garlick's Sale Extraordinary will be continued next week. Purchasers will find scores of bargains in each department, but early buying is advised. (Ad..). 1 .
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
Word Count
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 11
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