THE LICENSING ISSUE. #rr\ OW N f TT AL L. JL O W N J-X ALL. mO-MORROW (SUNDAY). J- O-MORROW (SUNDAY). 2.30 SHARP. " The Hour of Decision." " The Challenge of Science." . " The Verdict of America." HEAR D R W. A. C HAPPLB ' (Formerly M.P. for Tuapeka. and 15 Years Member British House of Commons.) World-Famous Lecturer and Author. Be Early to Secure a Seat, as DR. CHAPPLES high reputation is bound to draw a crowd. DR. W. A. CHAPPLE was Chairman of Liberal Imperial Group, British House of Commons. He was a member of the Empire Parliamentary Delegation to South Africa. He was a Major in the R.A. Medicai Corps during the War,'and Operating Specialist and Lecturer on Military Surgery to Overseas Medical Officers. He is the Author of a Book of Medical Stories now on sale in New Zealand. D R W. A. C HAPFLE IS A MOST INTERESTING AND FORCEFUL .SPEAKER. DON'T MISS A TREAT. DOORS OPEN 2 P.M. CHAIR 2.30 SHARP. pUBLIC i # QUESTIONNAIRE. rpOWN TTALL, rpO-MORROW (SUNDAY), 3.30 P.M. WHY Should we have Prohibition ? WHY Give up our Liberty? WHY Let the Pros, tell us what to Drink? WHY? Why? Why? Why get a headache about the thing? LET BURTON Have the Headache, Boys. We'll ask the questions at the rpOWN TTALL, rpO-MORROW (SUN.) AFTERNOON, AT 3.30. Admission Free. ON SUNDAY NIGHT at 7 o'clock. Rev. Lionel B. Fletcher will speak in the Town Hall on "Christ and Prohibition." Great crowds have been attending Mr. Fletcher's meetings all through New Zealand to listen to his passionate challenge to this Dominion in these days of crises, and in some of the Cities hundreds of people have been unable to gain admission. The certainty that a huge audience will wisn to hear his last address in Auckland before the poll made it imperative that the largest hall in the City should be used for the occasion. Friends and opponents of Prohibition are alike invited to be present. rpOWN TTALL, rpO-MORROW (SUNDAY), IJ P.M. JJJAPTIST rpABERNACLE. JJAPTIST rpABERNACLE. CJUNDAY, "V-OVEMBER -| 7 P.M. gUNDAY, NOVEMBER -1 7 P.M. "REV. JOSEPH T'-EMP Will Deliver A Stirring Message To the Electors of New Zealand on the Eve of the Poll. Subject: " THE UNTAMEABLE TRAFFIC." Bright Singing. Come Prayeffully/for a Great Blessing for Victory. rpoWN TTALL rpOWN TTALL * . rjOWN JTALL gUNDAY, -| gUNDAY, -NOVEMBER -I ' 7 P.M. * HEAR R EV " L IOXEL J} -pLETCHER, JR ET - I/ OXEL g # pLETCHER, ON " OHRIST AND "PROHIBITION." " Christ and t BOHIBITION." I ' JBe Early to Secure a Seat, as Thousands Turned Away in Other Cities. "-HEATRE ! OFF KARANGAHAPE ROVD I i rpcESDAY, VOVEMBER O | FINAL TREMENDOUS ! RALLY. KEEP THE DATE CLEAR To Hear JJON. QEORGE pDWLDS And JJOBT. J/IDLAW; ESQ. After Their Tour of the Dominion. DON'T MISS ! A WONDERFUL OCCASION. ! BE EARLY TO SECURE A SEAT: I ROYS' OUTFITTERS. jpALKNER AND CO.. 114, Karangahape | . R . d - offer , - v ? u Kreatest value In". Boys' ( and loung Men s Apparel. " B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 10
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