« ' »—: GRAECO-BULGAR INCIDENT. LEAGUE HEALS THE BREACH. EVACUATON BY GREEKS. (By Cable.—Press Association.—Copyright.) PARIS, October.3o. An official statement from Athens says that the evacuation of Bulgarian territory by Greek troops has been completed in accordance with the request of the Council of the League of Nations. The Council has appointed a Commission of Inquiry into the dispute between Greece and Bulgaria, with Sir Horace Rumbold (British-Ambassador to Spain) as chairman. It will consist of one Foreign officer, one Italian officer, one Dutch civilian, and one Swedish civilian, and will meet at Geneva early in November and then proceed to Macedonia. In- the meanwhile the three investigators sent to the frontier by the Allies will remain on the spot. The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Austen Chamberlain) announces that the Commission of Inquiry will be empowered to fix the responsibility for the recent outbreak, and to suggest measures to prevent a recurrence. It will also be authorised to fix the indemnity. Greece and Bulgaria have both intimated that tlieir Governments will accept the decision of the Council.— (Reuter and "Sun.") SPIRIT OF THE LEAGUE. THE PEACE OF EUROPE. (Received 1.30 p.m.) PARIS, October 30. The Council of the League of Nations ended with the receipt of a telegram from the Allied military attaches, announcing that the Greeks had completely evacuated Bulgaria without incident by midnight on October 28. Count Ishii. the Japanese statesman, in a speech, attributed the success of the council's settlement of the Graeco-Bul-garian incident largely to the spirit prevailing since the Locarno conferenceM. Briand, in an eloquent speech, dilated on the spirit of world citizenship inspiring the negotiations at Locarno, which he said was the spirit of the League itself.—(A. and N.Z. Cable.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 9
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 9
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