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Sunset : To-day, 6.22. Sunrise : To-morrow. 4.47. Moon : Full, November 1, 4.47 a.m. HIGH WATER. Auckland To-day, 6.08 a.m. 6.33 p.m. Auckland Sun.. 7.02n.m. 7.24 p.m. Onehunna Sun., 10.311 a.m. 11.01 p.m. Kalpara Hds. .Sun. 10.34 a.m. 10.30 p.m. Manukan Hds. .Sun., 9.39 am. 10.01 p.m. . i ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Waiotahi, from Great Barrier, 6.30 p.m. ' THIS DAY. .• Kauri, from Newcnstle. 0.30 n.m. Taniwha. from Pueron, 1.55 a.m. Daphne, from Whangarel, 5.30 a.m. Clansman, from Russell, 0.40 n.m. •Jiotu, from Whakntane, 11.05 a.m. • . , DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Omana, for Tauranga. 3.50 p.m. Htkuningi, for Whangarel, 4.10 p.m. Waipori, for Westport. 6.35 p.m. Mntangi, for Tauranga. 7.10 p.m. Mako. for Portland, 5.20 p.m. Manala, for Whangarel. 10.10 p.m. Katon, for Southern ports, 11.20 p.m. (VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Maimoa. Capetown, at Fremantle. Trewyn, Now York, October 31. Corinthic, Wellington, November 1. Crosshlll, Iquique. November 2. Wlrral, Montreal, November 2. Tofua, Suva, November 3. j H.M.s. Veronica. Tonga, November 4. Hertford, Liverpool, November 4. .Canadian Prospector, South, November 6. . Canadian Challenger. Montreal. Nov. 7. Trematon, New York, November 7. Rotorna. Wellington. November 7. Alatakana, South (loads), November 9. Niagara, Vancouver. November 0. West Cahokia, San Francisco, Nov. a. Maunganul. Sydney. November 10. Hororata, South (loads). November 13. . • Raranga, South (loads), November 14. Mahaun. London, November 10. Sutton Hall, New York, November 18. Leitrim, South (loads), November 19. Port Bowen. Liverpool, November 19. Port Plrie. New York. November 21. Maheno. Sydney, November 24. Devon, South (loads), November 2S. Taransay, Montreal. November 28. Remuera, London, November 2S. Cumberland. Liverpool, December 1. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Ngatiawn, from Thames, 10 p.m. To-morrow. —Waipu, from Surftlnle and Ostend, 7.30 p.m.; Rimu, from Hokianga, 6 a.m.; Mannia, from Whangarel, 6 a.m.; M.atangi, from Tauranga, 7 a.m.; Kawau, from Omiha, Awaron, Orapin, and Cowes Bay, 7.30 p.m. Projected Departures. ■ To-day. —Apanui. for Awanui and Waipapakauri, 11.30 p.m. To-morrow.—Taniwha, for Paeroa, 11 •p.m.; Claymore, for Whangarel, 8 p.m.; Waipu, for Surfilale, Ostend, and Omiha, 0.50 a.m. WIRRAL DUE SHORTLY. An expected arrival at Auckland early nest week is the Wlrral Transport Co.'s steamer Wlrral, with general cargo from 'Sydney (C.8.), Montreal and Newport News. Her other discharging ports are Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Sydney and Melbourne. CROSSHILL ON MONDAY. Loaded with nitrate from Iquique. the 6teamer Crossbill is expected to arrive at Auckland on Monday. This vessel, which comes to the agency of Messrs. Robert Millar and Co., will carry out her discharge nt the King's wharf. OMANA DEPARTED. A departure from Auckland last evening was the ' Lamb Company's steamer Omana for Tauranga, to complete discharge of her cargo of timber and coal loaded 1 at Australian - ports. Later the Omana will load a timber cargo for Australia. THE CORINTHIC. Cargo operations on the White Star liner Corinthic at Wellington were not completed yesterday, but the vessel was expected to •leave there for Auckland to-day. On arrival on Monday she will berth at the Queen's wharf to complete discharge of her Home cargo. WAIPORI SAILED. After being delayed at Auckland for 24 •hours owing to trouble with her crew, the Union Company's steamer Waipori took her departure for Westport last evening. The Waipori's crew complained there was a leak in the after peak, but investigation showed that the trouble was caused through an overflow. THE WAIPAHI. Advice received from the Union Co. states that their steamer Waipohi left Lyttelton at 1 p.m. yesterday for Wellington and Auckland. On arrival at this port the vessel will berth at the Prince's wharf. The Walpahi is of particular interest, in that lier design embodies special features arranged for the trade of her owners., Tjie auxiliary and deck machinery is electrically driven, the main propelling machinery being steam driven. Her dimensions are: Leugth 250 ft. breadth 37ft 6in, depth moulded to shelter deck 24ft. She will carry about 2000 tons deadweight r/n a moderate draught. Built to Lloyd's highest classification, S he is of the shelter deck type With topgallant forecastle, and has large ' .J™ laslu P deckhouse with extensive side Sn«£ G £. ln ™T ay ot the engine and boiler •SSa ?, Ue offl< : er ß' quarters are sltufire^ aml £ B, }L PB *£? th °ae of the seamen and 11 de <*s aft. Cargo wiU Sether^XV ,7 incue «. tomacblnetT in ti,l windla ßs and auxiliary cally driven Ti,J ing i ine , roo,n are electriln the after aSSS: steering gear, situated mc gen S° ! , c ' i* steam driven, quipped thwK£ * ntts **«» fitted and latest Board of tv„ , to cott »ply with, the machinery has LZ fle The J™«? r £ y a "« Co' 11 o W Ie <* by Messrs. G consists ora . Bet^ ' t <* South Shields, and engines stroke, supplied 4m. 31 i n - 52 J". by 361n hollers working at T»,J ,team ™°m two niean «p«H, a „,«■ £ »\ of loch? v> a. waded condition. c vessel being
The Richardson steamer Mako Bailed last evening for Portland to load cement. She Is expected to return to port this evening to complete her cargo for East Coast ports. She will berth at the Prince's wharf. EXCURSIONS TO DUNEDIN. For the convenience of persons wishing to visit the New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition at Dunedin, the Union Company's steamer Marnroa is to commence special excursion tripß from Wellington to Dunedin on December 12. THE TREKIEVE. Following the steamer Wirrall, the Haln freighter Trekieve is scheduled to clear Montreal on November 16 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Sydney and Melbourne. THE TAMAHINE. Built to the order of the Union Company for the passenger trade between Wellington and Picton, the new steamer Tamahine is expected to commence running on December 11. THE KAIWARRA. For Newcastle to load another coal cargo, the Union Company's steamer Kalwarra is announced to leave Auckland at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The vessel ?s berthed at the Central wharf. THE SUTTON HALL. To the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Co., the steamer Sutton Hall Is expected to arrive at Auckland from New York on November 26. Her other discharging ports are Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. THE REMUEHA. Besides mails and cargo, the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s liner Remuera, which is due to arrive at Auckland from London and Southampton on November 2S, has on board 550 passengers. She will complete her discharge at Wellington. THE ULIMAROA. Movements of the Hnddart Parker Co.'s passenger steamer Ulimaroa are at present Indefinite owing to the shipping strike In Australia. The vessel, which has ueen held up in Sydney for two weeks, was scheduled to sail for Auckland yesterday. THE TOFUA. Returning from her monthly trip to the Islands of the Western Pacific, the Union Co.'s steamer Tofua is now expected to arrive at Auckland on Monday evening. After medical inspection she will berth at the Queen's wharf. THE MAKURA. In completion of her voyage from Sydney to Wellington, the Union Co.'s Royal Mail Steamer Makura was expected to arrive at San Francisco yesterday. She is scheduled to sail again on Wednesday for Wellington and Sydney, via the usual ports. THE R.M.M. AORANGL En route from Auckland to Vancouver, the Union Co.'s motor liner Aorangi arrived nt Suva yesterday afternoon and was expected to continue her voyage at 8 p.m. The Aorangl left Auckland on Tuesday evening and is due to arrive at her destination on November 13. KAURI ARRIVED. An arrival at Auckland at an early hour this morning was the Union Company's steamer Kauri, with a cargo of coal from Newcastle. After inspection in the stream she berthed at the King's wharf. The Kauri experienced an uneventful voyage from the coal port. THE KARTIGI. According to a rndlo report, the Union Co.'s new cargo steamer Kartlgi will arrive at Auckland from Westport at 8 o'clock this evening. She will berth nt the Central wharf. On completion of her discharge the Kartigi is to proceed to Hoklanga to load timber for Adelaide. THE TREWYN. Carrying general cargo, loaded at New York, the Ham Line steamer Trewyn Is expected to arrive at Auckland this evening. She will remain in the stream until to-morrow morning, when she will berth at the Prince's wharf to put out the local portion of her cargo before proceeding to Southern ports. THE MIDDLESEX. Cabled information received by the local office of the Federal Company states that the steamr Middlesex cleared Liverpool on October 24 with cargo for discharge at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. She is due here about the second week in December. This vessel was originally not expected to sail until December 5. ROTORUA AT WELLINGTON. Telegraphic advice confirms the arrival nt Wellington this morning of the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rotorua with passengers, mails, nnd cargo from London and Southampton. A list of the vessel's passengers was published in last evening's edition of the "Star." From WeU lington the Rotorua is to come to Auckland to put out the balance of her cargo. MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr. H. Burt has signed on the Wingatui's articles fts chief engineer vice Mr. .1. ,T. Flaherty. Mr. C. D. Morris has succeeded Mr. J. McNeil as second officer of the Corrlna. Mr. J. Lundie. extra second officer of the Tahiti, left the vessel at Wellington, and Mr. W. Jones joined as second officer. Mr. W. P. Goulfl is now fourth officer of the Tahiti in place of Mr. G. F. C. Mugford. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Movements of vessels under the flag of the- Union C,ompnny are announced as follow: — The Katon took her departure for Southern ports late last evening. The Wninui undncked this morning and berthed nt the North. Wall to continue her overhaul. The Knimanawa left Portland yesterday afternoon for Wellington and Lyttelton. This vessel has been fixed to load at Westport about Friday for Auckland. The Kakapo is to load coal at Grey- : mouth on Tuesday for discharge at New Plymouth and Auckland. The Whangape is to shift from the i Western wharf to Chelsea this afternoon. This steamer cannot complete her discharge before Tuesday next. The Wanaka arrived at Bluff yesterday morning, and is expected to leave there ; .about Tuesday for Auckland, via ports. The Wingatui was expected to leave Lytelton for Dunedin at mid-day to-day. The Karorl waß expected to leave Greymouth last night for Gisborne and Auckland. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES —YESTERDAY. Zita, for Waitara, 4.45 p.m. • Kaltoa, for Nelson, 6 p.m. ARRIVALS—THIS DAY. Ngapuhl, from New Plymouth, S a.m. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Tauranga, October 31.—Arrived : Matangi, from Auckland, 6.15 a.m. Wellington, October 31. —Arrived: Rotorna, from Southampton, 7.15 a.m. Wellington, October 30. — Arrived: Athenlc. from Timaru, 3.30 p.m.; Tutanekai, from Westport, 4.15 p.m.. Sailed: Maunganui, for Sydney, 3.10 p.m.; Willaston, for New Plymouth, 5.30 p.m.; Kawatirl, for Newcastle, 5.55 p.m. Lyttelton, October 30. —Arrived: Wingatui, from Wellington, 4.50 p.m. Sailed: Waipahl. for Wellington, 1.20 p.m.; Talnul, for Wellington. 5.15 p.m. Dunedin, October 30.—Sailed: Kent, for Wellington, 3 p.m. OVERSEAS. Suva. October 30.—Sailed : Aorangi, for Vancouver, S p.m. ■ Adelaide, October 30. —Arrived : Kaiapoi, from Greymouth. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels ara expected to be within range of the Auckland wireless station to-night:—Niagara, Tofua, H.M.s Veronica, EnMerner, Trewyn, Suva, Waiporl, Aorangi, Trefußis. Waltomo. Fiona, Hinemon, Sierra, Knimanawa, . Maheno, Katon. Victor, Kartigi, Omana. Kaiwarra, Corinthic. For Sunday.—Niagara, Tofua, H.M.b. Veronica, Easterner, Suva. Waipori, Aorangi. Trefuais, Waitomo, Fiona, Hinemoa. Sierra, Knimanawa, Maheno, Kato.i, Corinthic. Victor, Kartigi, Omana, Kalwarra.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 8
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1,875SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 8
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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 8
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