AUCTIONS. QN rpHE p ROUND, pLARK pOAD, pAPAKURA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER -J _l 2.30 PM , Instructed by the District Public Trustee we will Sell by Public Auction as abovt in Estate, Thomas McCall. deceased. T OT I—l ROOD 11 PERCHES, L.T.T TOT 2—l ROOD 4 PERCHES. with -" Cottage of 4 Rooms thereon, L.T.T Full Particulars Later. V 7 T OAN AND TITERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LIMITED. Lower Albert Street. 4_ -\TILFORD pEACH. "ITILFORD "REACH TJRGENT 9 pESIDENCES WITH BEACH FRONTAGES. PRIDAY, "V-OVEMBER 19 AT 9 P.M. QAMUEL T7-AILE AND OONS, JTD. (In conjunction with Messrs. Anderson anri Co.), will Sell by Public Auction at their rooms, S3. Queen St., on above date CONCRETE RESIDENCE of 6 largi rooms, spacious front verandah, 41 3 9, bathroom and washhouse, 9ih reinforcec walls with 2in cavity, plaster finish inside : 2 sets folding doors : pore. b. and b., call font, gas stove, septic tank, p.w.c., concrete garage, insurance £1500. Section Witt 149 ft frontage to FAMOUS MILFORE BEACH by 169 ft and 69ft to Audrey Rd. at back : splendid position for seaside pri rate hotel, apartments. YEW BUNGALOW of 4 rooms, sleeping porch. bathroom and washhouse known as No. 10, Audrey Rd. One room 21 x 14 : up-to-date finish and appointments heavy beam and plaster ceilings: ward robe, linen press, pore. b. and b., califont gas stove: garage, section 70ft to Milforc Beach x 165 ft and 12ft to Audrey Rd. an Ideal beach home. Owner is prepared to sell these proper ties at a GREAT SACRIFICE. Terms anc further particulars on application. 1_ QALE BY PUBLIC TRUSTEE. SUBURBAN TTOME AND /~iVER 9 A CRES MASSEY ROAD. MANGERE. PRIDAY, 1Q AT 9 P.M. CAMUEL T7"AILE AND QONS, T TD. Acting under instructions from the Public Trustee as Administrator of the estate of NOAH BUCKINGHAM, deceased, will Sell by Public Auction at their rooms 83. Queen St.. on above date. CEMI-BUNGALOW of 5 rooms, comprislnf dining room, 3 bedrooms and kitchen also bathroom. pantry. scullery and attached washhouse ; new Record range, gai and water throughout: shed containing feedroom, storeroom and cowbail; fowl house and run : insurance £800. 2AC. ORO. 26P0.. rich, level land, havinj a frontage of 220 ft to MASSEY RD. Pari in garden, shrubs, hedges and fruit trees bal. good English grass, capable of carry ing 2 cows. The property occupies a very attractive position in the best residential portion o Mangere, being about 1 mile from the sta tion and King's College by tarred sealet road, and close to public hall, school ant store. Further particulars and terms of sale or application to auctioneers or to Publit Trust Office, Upper Albert St., Auckland 1_ PRELIMINARY NOTICE pESIDENCE AND pUSINESS QITES Q. RAFTON p RAFTON. p RAFTON. WITH FRONTAGES TO pHYBER p.ASS, pARK A V., AND XTUNTLY A V., Being part of the well-known Outhwaiti Block, situated on the corner of Khybei Pass and Park Road, and extending across the railway line to Huntly Avenue; sub divided into gECTIONS Q Suitable for Residences. Shops, Garage, oi other Business Premises. AUCTION SALE, PRIDAY, i)fl AT 9 P.M. AT THE SALEROOMS. S3. QUEEN ST Plans and full particulars from C R WILLIAMSON AND pp. AGENTS, 16. FORT STREET. CSAMUEL AND QONS, T TD. AUCTIONEERS, S3, QUEEN STREET. 11 pRIDAY, ft AT 1-f O'CLOCK. VKiT pLNGALOW AT rpAKAPLXA. rp "ATANDENO JACKSON, Instructed by THE GUARDIAN TRUST AND EXECUTORS CO.. of New Zealand. Ltd.. will Sell by Public Auction, at th-'ii Rooms. l). COMMERCE STREET, AUCKLAND, on the above date : p.OOD KAURI BUNGALOW of 5 rooms and j-acre section on main tram line, between CLIFTON KOAD ANP HAURAKI ROAD, TAKAPUNA (2nd tram seetioni, and having 66ft frontage to a concrete road. The house contains all usual conveniences. gas stove, sink, bathroom, porcelain bath. basin, califont, and washhouse with Hudson copper, tubs, etc. TERMS: One-tbird Cash, balance 3 year* at 63 per rent. ' 10 MERCHANT TAILORS. 4 BSOLUTEI.Y Guaranteed Tailor-made ■"- Suits. Spring and Summer Goods Just opened.—Hill. 116. Karangahape ltd. TW> A F. DONOGHUE. Expert Tailor: mer ■**-• tailors employed: no factory work.— 257. Karangahane Rd. _ ATA Glance!— Guaranteed Tailor-made Suits at £7 7, . —Glance, Tail.;.-, 7.':, Victoria St.. W. . n JjMiNIK ROBERTS. Karangahape ltd., opp ■* Newtr.n P. 0., gives Genuine Value fur All Suits.—'Phone 45-2.'0. r YEW Patterns Arrived. Alteration-! an< -*-' Remodelling a Specialty.—Little Tailoi Shop. Victoria St. E. 'Phone 43 08s. V "\7"OU can tell the successful man by his A well dressed appearance.—Mcßride I The Tailor. r
Page 7 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 7
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