AUCTIONS. A LFRED pUCKLAND & OONS, T TD. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Buyers are notified that at all Auction Sales delivery will only be given for CASH unless arrangements for Credit have been previously made with the Management. 51 p"UMEU QALEYARDS. "\TONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 AT 12 NOON. 9AA HEAD CATTLE. Including: 5 REGISTERED PEDIGREE FRIESIAN BULLS; 3 yearlings, 1 2-year-old and 1 4-year-old. On Account of Mr. A. E. Harris. 3 YEARLING JERSEY BULLS. Also. 10 COWS WITH CALVES. 52 pAMAR A M A. (GREAT SOUTH ROAD.) ATONDAY, 9 AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LTD., have reeeiveid instructions from MR. GEO. INGRAM, who is retiring from dairying, to Sell at Raventhorpe, G.S.R., Ramarama (Mrs. Wright I, THE WHOLE OF HIS DAIRY HEED, ETC. Ad YOUNG DAIRY COWS, in full *" milk 10 CALVES. 1 PEDIGREE SHORTHORN BULL.----2 MEDIUM DRAUGHT HORSES. 3 HACKS. 2 SOWS, in Pig. 13 STORE PIGS. 1 12 and 2 8-gal Cream Cans, 3 16-gal Milk Cans, 3-cow Plant. "Ridd" Milking Machine, in good order; 2§ h.p. Anderson Engine. 65-gal Alfa-Laval Separator, Light Farm Wagon, Spring Dray, Spring Trap, Farm Tools, Sundries, etc. Luncheon Provided. 53 ATAUNGATUROTO rpUESDAY, O AT 12 NOON. 9QA HEAD CATTLE. «• W Including: 50 EMPTY SHORTHORN 2-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS 20 EMPTY FRIJESIAN 2.YEAR-OLD HEIFERS. 20 FRESH CONDITIONED COWS. 25 3 AND 4-YEAR-OLD STEERS. 50 2 - YEAR - OLD SHORTHORN STEERS. 10 SPRINGERS. 12 WELLBRED GOOD CONDITIONED 2 - YEAR - OLD SHORTHORNBULLS. 54 YX7ELLSFORD rpHURSDAY, p? 'Please Note Alteration Date of Sale), AT 12 NOON. 9SQ HEAD CATTLE. On Account of Client. 20 FORWARD CONDITIONED 4-YEAR-OLD SHORTHORN STEERS. Also, 40 FRESH AND FORWARD 4-YEAR-OLD STEERS. 20 NICE QUALITY 2-YEAR-OLD STEERS. 25 EIGHTEEN MONTHS OLD STEERS. 40 FORWARD EMPTY YOUNG COWS. 20 EMPTY 3 T0.4-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS 25 EMPTY 2-YEAR-OLD HEIFERS. Also, 1 RELIABLE HORSE AND GIG. 53 YYTAIUKU PRIDAY, "V-OVEMBER O AT 12 NOON. 9(IQ HEAD CATTLE. On Account of Mr. G. E. Yelchlch. 6 EXTRA CHOICE YEARLING JERSEY HEIFERS, from dams which averaged 5001b butterfut last season. On Account of MR. G. CUTFIELD. 1 THOROUGHBRED MARE, by Spalpeen. 1 THOROUGHBRED FILLY, 2yrs. by Prince Merriwee—Spalpeen Mare. 56 pUKEKOHE rpHURSDAY, -| 9 AT 10.30 A.M. TAAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS. AT 1 O'CLOCK. 9?£fl HEAD BEEF. 1000 HBAr> STORE CATTLE. Including, 37__ WELL-BRED 4 and 5-YEAR-OLD I U STEERS, from North and surrounding districts. 100 head of which are in -very forward condition. AT 11 A.M. Trtfi PIGS- PORKERS. BACONERS. l\J\J WEANERS. AND STORES. A LFRED pUCKLAND &. OONS, T TD., HO T A N D A U C T TON A L E. YY7HANGAREI pROPERTY. rpHE m'NNY VORTH. QMALL UUBLRBA.N T^ARM. Instructed by the Owner, MR. A. M. BRYDEN. ATESSRS. A LFRED pUCKLAND AND gONS, L TD.. Will Sell by Public Auction ait the •HAYMARKET' LAND SALEROOMS, ALBERT STREET. AUCKLAND, TjIRIDAY, "YTOVEMBEa -J O AT 2.3O PM \ THAT BEAUTIFUL AND REMUNERATIVE SMALL FARM PROPERTY", CONTAINING 3.-. ACRES (APPROX), FREEHOLD, situatol adjacent to Whangarci. and in a choice locality which is rapidly growing in popularity as a rssldmtial area. (I'aranui Valley.) The Property is well and favourably known in Whangarel. A unique farm in a high state of cultivation, containing approx. 5 acres of valuable orchards of assorted fruits, including about 4 acres of W. Bon- Chretian pears— 10 years old. The land throughout Is of good quality, and is suitable for dairying and general cultiv.itiou. A considerable trade ran be done locally by intensified cultivatiou. Land adapted for this. The RETURNS from the property during three consecutive seasons have been approximately £700-i\«00 per annum. It La anticipated that these will be much increased. BUILDINGS comprise nice homestead of 6 rooms, bathroom, -pantry, and scullery, also man's ruom. store room, packing room, milking shed, sties, poultry runs, etc etc IT IS SELDOM SUCH A PRETTY AND SO PRODUCTIVE A' PROPERTY COMES INTO THE MARKET. Purchaser of this farm will have the option of taking over all stock and plant at valnation including high grade Jersey cows, poultry, implements, tools, motor car. house furniture, etc; FnJJ Particulars from the Auctioneers, or from The North Auckland Farmers' Co-operative. Ltd., Whangarei. A LFRED pUCKLAND & QSOXS, T TD., THE " HAYMARKET." ALBERT STREET, AUCKLAND. 50
Page 7 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 7
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