ATTCTTONg. J£OHIMARAMA pEACH. ONE OF THE BEST BUILDING SITES IN THE DISTRICT. HIGH ELEVATION. J-ROOMED DWELLING, WITH GOOD OUTLOOK OVER THE BAY. •J-ROOMED BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO BEACH. Q-ROOMED BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO -BEACH. ON THE EASIEST OF TERMS, WITH LOW DEPOSITS. 3 7,L^^ r $°*i Es( l" who is leaving the . -In \v faT °ured us with instructions IZ L t l ,. c , above Properties, upon which there will be extremely low reserves. pREEHOLD pROPERTIES, As.under: YyELL-BUILT 6-ROOMED DWELLING, ~,.„„ !!' th keeping porch, return verandah, large airy rooms, the living room being 21 ». .L hro i ,m ' pore - bath and hand-basin, gas range, electric light throughout. washhouse, with c. and t.; also 2roomed Bach at back of section. nn?n T k.-F>, ROXTAGE T0 KOHIMARAMA aH?£u h . i n area of *" acre - Can be submother ma pifl«nt position for -_V.. i n ns€ ' The situation is highly OnTv a S dIDS extensive sea views ?SJ £»^w nte _ f , Tom the beach. TERMS', -JW) LASH. Balance Easy Terms. 11A ACRES ADJOINING THE ABOVE. «„.« F l lne election, with nearly Jof an acre good orchard, about 40 lemon trees ; ?n aC «nn 1 T y t level, wlth am P le space, lor tennis lawns and garden or would sub£w ' . givißg 2 s Plendid building sites. hi?n re * ,s eT i ry llke| ibood of a new road being formed at the back of this property, which would enable it to be divided into ?'„™ te !' There is great value in this block. Low deposit. Balance easy terms. T EASEHOLD ON GLASGOW LEASES. BiiWAinS 50 a W BLL-BUIDT BUNUALOW of o Rooms, Bleeping porch, large verandah; living room 22 x 16 : breakfast room lo x 12 vestibule 8 x 10; bathroom, pore. bath; hand-basin, chip califont. gas stove. Well-built motor garage. S s ECT I?- X ' D PL T L i" A CRE, with frontage to Speight s Road. The lease has about 17 yearß to run, at the extremely low rental of _< per annum. Terms, £200 cash ; balance easy. VT7ELL-BUILT 3-ROOMED BUNGALOW, » * with 2 SLEEPING PORCHES : motor garage and workshop. Full i-acre Section, with frontage to Speight's Road, next to the corner of Neligan Avenue; leaese about 17 years to run, at £7 per annum. Terms £100 cash ; balance easy. Full particulars from our office or from Mr. Watson, at Kohi. RUCTION — — A UCTION. jyrQNDAY,, -J n AT 7.30 PM H* OUR UPSTAIRS SALEROOM, Opp. Town Hall. RICHARD A HTHUR, T TD., LAND AND FURNrTURE AUCTIONEERS. 62 ACTING UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FORM THE OWNER. MODERN "DUNGALOW. ODERN J->UNGALOW. NO. 2, EPSOM AVENUE. FINE LEVEL SECTION. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ONLY _-MIN TO TRAMS. VERY EASY TERMS TO APPROVED BUYER. WILL BE OFFERED BY AUCTION. rpUESDAY, -J rk AT -11 A.M. AT SALEROOMS, OPP. TOWN HALL. ■piCHARD A RTHUB, T TD., 63 Q.REAT' -VTIGHT . A UCTION. Q.REAT "JTIGHT V UCTION. Q.REAT "JJ-IGHT AUCTION. rpHURSDAY, "M"OVBMBER f)G rjIHURSDAY, 9ft AT 7.30 PM AT 'TQA P-M. rpHE pEST pUILDING QITES rpHE pEST pUILDING <3IT-_S rpHE pEST pUILDING mTES IN ATOUNT A LBERT. ATOUNT A LBERT. I»TOUNT A LBERT. in pLEVATED (SECTIONS 1Q (CHOICE, pLEVATED QECTIONS -JQ /CHOICE, pLEVATED SECTIONS IN mHE pANLEIGH pSTATE. rpHE pANLEIGH pSTATE. rpHE pANLEIGH pSTATE. Thft property of -THOMAS FINLAY, ESQ.. who has. favoured us with instructions to offer at Auction, UPON THE EASIEST OF TERMS: CASH DEPOSIT: J__9P> IN 3 MONTHS; BALANCE 3 YEARS'AT 6 P.C. THESE SECTIONS HAVE FRONTAGES TO 4 MOUNT ALBERT -ROAD MOUNTAIN ROAD. RANLEIGH ROAD. Only a few minutes" easy walk from the trams. Also, NEW BUNGALOW, almost finished, fitted with modern conveniences, "with frontage to Mountain Road. ON THE SAME EVENING, pEMUERA. pEMUERA. TJEMUERA. pEMUERA. TJEMUERA. pEMUERA. - pORTLAND pARK "pSTATE. PORTLAND pARK pSTATE. PORTLAND pARK pSTATE. VERY FINE BUILDING SITES. SITUATED AT THE FOOT OF PORTLAND ROAD. TERMS:. £10 DEPOSIT. .£lO .3 MONTHS, £10 6 MONTHS. BALANCE 3 YEARS. G P.C. Plans will be ready next week and can be obtained from the Office of the Auctioneers. piCHARD '~ A RTHUR, T TD.; AUCTIONEERS, OPP. TOWN HALL. 51
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 7
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