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I ■gPKP-WO. I "W'ORTHEBN QTEAMSHIP T. TD - I Time of Sailing, Receiving and Shipping Cargo subject to weather and other circumstances permitting:— LEAVES LEAVES AUCKLAND: OUTPORTS: ARKLE'S BAY, MANLY, BROWN'S, i MURRAY'S AND DEEP CREEK. ; WADE HEADS S.S. OMANA • Tues.. 3rd. 3.30 p.m. Wed.. 4th, 9.30 a.m. A\VANUIf..Sat.. 31st, 11.30 p.m...APANUI COLVIL,LEt...-2nd Nov., 1 p.m...HAUITI Calls Papa-aroha'nnd Amodeo Bay. COROMANDEL. CHAMBERLIN'S AND ROTOROA—S.S. HAUITI. Mon.. 2nd. 1 p.m. Tues., 3rd, 5.30 a.m. ■ Fri.. 6th, 3.30 p.m. Fri., 6th, 9.30 p.m. I GT. BARRIERt--Wed., midnight..APANUl j HOUHOHAt 2nd Nov., 2 p.m. WAIOTAHI I KUTAREREf..2nd Nov., 4 p.m.. .OTIMAIJ j KERIKERI 16th November TUHOE | KAIMAUMAUt-.2nd, 2 p.m WAIOTAHI KEREPEEHIf.. .2nd, midnight WAIPU KAWAU ISLAND KAWAU 2nd Nov., 10.30 _ni. If requested. Passengers, oth, 7 p.m. S.S. Claymore. LEIGH. KAWAU. OMAHA..S.S. KAWAU Wed., 4th." 11 a.m. Thurs.. Sth, li a.m. MANGAWAI, KAWAU, LEIGHf. Mon.. 2nd. 10.30 a.m. Tues., 3rd. 8 a.m. MARSDENt and ONE TREE PT..TOREAJ 4th, 3 p.m. MERCURY BAYf-.2nd Nov., 4 p.m.-.PONO MANGAPAIt and PARUA BAY...TOREA* 4th, 3 p.m. MANGONUI...Mon.. 5 p.m... .CLANSMAN MATAKANAt ALGIE'S B.S. OMANA Thurs., sth, 3 p.m. Fri., 6th, 9.30 a.m. NGATEA S.S. WAIPU ■Mon., 2nd, midnight Tues., 3rd. 7 p.m. •OPOTIKI 2nd Nov.. 4 p.m OTIMAII PAEROA AND TE AROHAf. - .TANIWHA Sun.. Ist, 11 p.m. Mon.. 2nd, 7.30 p.m. Tues.. 3rd. midnight Wed., 4th, 9 p.m. PATETONGAt..2nd Nov.. noon.. .WAIPUj PARENGAf..I6th Nov., noon. .WAIOTAHI RUSSELL AND OPUA S.S. CLANSMAN Monday. 5 p.m. Calling Deepwater Cove when required. SILVERDALEt OMANA Tues., 3rd, 3.30 p.m. Wed., 4th, 8.30 a.m. SURFDALE, OSTENDt AND OMIHA. Mon., 10 a.m., Fri., 6.30 p.m OMANA Wed., 10 a.m. S.S. WAIPD Sat., 1.45 p.m S.S. HAUITI COWES BAY and Way Ports. Wed., 10 a.m S.S. WAIPU Sat., 1.45 p.m S.S. KAWAU TOHEHAPE, KAIHERE Thurs. and Mon., noon TAURANGA. MOUNT. TE PUKE, AND STATIONS ON EAST COAST RAILWAY. S 8 MATANGI. Freight Prepaid Except Tanranga. Mon.. Wed., Fri., Tues., Thnrs., Sat., 7 p.m. 7.30 p.m._ No Cargo landed at Mount from 2 to 7. Consign Tanranga. TURUA and KOPU..4th. 2 p.m...HAUITI TAHUNA 2nd Nov., 4 p.m TOREAI TAIRUA. HIKUAI Oth. C p.m. WAIOTAHI TE AROHAf See Paeroa Time-table TOTARA N.t 2nd Nov.. 2 p.m. WAIOTAHI THAMES S.S. NGATIAWA Mon.. 2nd Nov.. 2 p.m. Tiles., 3rd, 8 a.m. Wed., 4th, 3 p.m. Thurn.. sth. 9 a.m. Fri., 6th, 3.30 p.m. Fri., 6th, 10 p.m. WAIPUt 4th. 3 p.m TOREAJ WAP.KWORTH, WAIWERAf KAWAU WHANGAROA..Mon.. 5 p.m.. .CLANSMAN WHANGAPOUAf 2nd Nov.. 3 p.m...PONOt WHANANAKI 16th Nov TUHOEj WHANGAMATAt 9th. 6 p.m.. .WAIOTAHI WHANGAREI S.S. MANAIA Mon., 10 p.m. Tues., Tr. 7.40 p.m. Wed., 10 p.m. Thurs., 7.40 p.m. Fri., 10 p.m. Sat., 7.40 p.m. WHANGAREI (Town) S.S. CLAYMORE Calling at Maraden Point and One Tree Point, Reotahl. with and for Passengers, If required. Auxiliary Scow Every Monday. Sun.. Ist, 8 p.m. Mon.. 2nd. 7 p.m. WHAKATANE 2nd. 4 p.m MOTC WEST COAST PORTS. HOKIANGA...4th. 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10.. .RIMU Cargo at Hall, Noon, Tuesday. NEW PLYMOUTH S.S. NGAPUHI Monday, 2nd. 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10. Thursday. sth. 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10. Cargo at Rail. Tuea., Wed., Fri.. Sat. BAGLiN and KAWHIA S.S. RIMU Monday. 2nd. 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10. Cargo at Rail Saturday. WAIKATO HDSt..About 3rd..ARAPAWA WANGANUI About 3rd ARAPAWAWAIUKUt. AWHITU. POLLOK. WAIPIPI and TE TOROf O.V. VICTORY Mon. and Than. Cargo Doily at Rail. N.B.—Ne> Cargo received within one hour of. steamer's departure, or after 11 a.m. Saturday. Overtime charged after 4 p.m. tFteiftat Prepaid. JCargo Only. Rinc 'Phone 43-BSO for Traffic Information. COMPANY'S OFFICE. QUAY STRERT Tj%AST mHROUGH QERVICE. WHAKATANE, OPOTIKI. GISBORNE, 16i Hours. 18. Hours. 24 Hours. Leaves Auckland : MON.. WED., FRI. per S.S. MATANGI. for Tauranga. thence per Ball and Motor, or Motor Direct. RETURN: Leaves Gisborne, TUESDAY*. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Motor and Rail to Tanranga. or Motor Direct, arriving Auckland. Wed.. Fri.. Sun. Through Single Fare. £4 7/6.—Further information at NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.'S OFFICI-' . D_ TH OS. pOOK AND CJ ON, HO S. t/ OOK0 OK AND t0 O N, Steamship and Railway Agents. 150—Offices Throughout the World—lso PASSAGE TICKETS ISSUED BY ALL LINES AT TARIFF RATES. SaUing Lists ALL ROUTES Post Free. Passengers' Baggage Insured. TraveUers' Cheques Issued. - INCLUSIVE TNDEPENDENT rpOURS. -*- Providing -»- Travel Tickets and Hotel Accommodation, Transfers Between Stations and Hotels, Sightseeing, Excursions, Guides, etc. SPECIMEN TOURS IN EUROPE— Itinerary A. 21 Days' Tour. MARSEILLES. RIVIERA, ITALY. SWITZERLAND. PARIS, LONDON. First-class Throughout, £57 Each of Two. Itinerary C. 33 Days' Tour. NAPLES. ITALY. ITALIAN LAKES. SWITZERLAND. PARIS. LONDON. First-class Throughout. £91 6/ Each of Two. Tours are Individual, Private and Independent. Itineraries and Quotations Given for Any Route. Class of Travel and Hotel. THOS. _~XOOK AND OON,. HOS. AND OoX. N.Z. Insurance Bldgs., Queen St., Auckland (1) RB /"CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MERCHANT y~j MARINE. LTD. AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. DIRECT MONTHLY SAILINGS BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND, UNITED STATES, AND CANADA. Cargo also accepted for United Kingdom and the Continent. Through Bills of Lading at Lowest Current Rates. TO NEW YORK, BOSTON AND HALIFAX. CANADIAN PROSPECTOR. About 7th November. FROM MONTREAL (DIRECT). CANADIAN CHALLENGER. About 7th November. For Rates of Freight and further particulars, apply to CANADIAN GOVERNMENT MERCHANT MARINE. LTD., AND CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS, 5 and 6, Ferry Buildings, Quay Street. NOTE our Phone Number, 43-089. WS iBESDEEN TINE. TO SOUTHAMPTON. HULL and LONDON Via Melbourne, Fremantle, Durban Capetown and Teneriffe. Toura at Reduced' Rates to AH Parts of South Africa, including the Victoria Falls. All Passengers Disembark at Southampton. , Steamer. Tons. From Sydney SOPHOCLES.... 12.500 Early! DIOGENES 12,500 13th Nov., 1923 » DEMOSTHENES 11-50 nth Dec., 1925 i THEMISTOCLES 11.250 Bth Jan., 1926 KTTRIPIDEB 3.5.000 sth Feb.. in-2.-. FARES FROM AUCKLAND — Saloon' 1 South Africa. *72: to London. £102. Tbirtf i Claaa to South Africa, £23; to London. f39 For full information apply to i DALGETY AND CO., LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD A. 8. PATERSON AND CO.. LTD. V W -aiTE S TAR J_INK TO UNITED KINGDOM. VIA DURBAN AND CAPETOWN Tours at Reduced Rates to All Parts of South Africa, including the Victoria FallsSteamer. Tons. Lea-yes Sydney. i «SUEVIC -. 12,300 Early . tCERAMIC 18.500 4th Nov., 1925 . »PERSIC 12.221 4th Dec, 1925 - *RUNIC " 12.500 2nd Feh., liftO •Passengers Disembark at Southampton. > tOmits Teneriffe and Southampton. t Dae Plymouth 22nd Dec., London 23rd Dec CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. • Auckland to United Kingdom.. ..£65 to £95 ■ Auckland to South Africa £42 to £55 For full information apply to 5 DALGETY" AND CO.. LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO.. LTD A. S. PATERSON AND CO.. LTD. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
Word Count
1,072Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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