THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECT. The principal of the Seddon Technical College, Mr. C. J. Park, has Just issued a circular to members of the Auckland A. and P. Association, in which he draws attention to the decrease that has taken place in recent years in the number of students taking the agricultural course. This decrease has taken place despite the fact that the total attendances have substantially increased. In other words, there Is evidently a lack or Interest in the course, and Mr. Park points out that it is of value not oniv to those who intend to rollow agricultural pursuits, but also to those wnuse business occupations are likely to bring them into contact with farming interests. Emphasis Is laid upon the Tact that three subjects which are a bugbear to many students, namely. French, Latin, and mathematics, are dropped Hum the agricultural course, which iuclurt -s ' English, arithmetic, book-keeping, botany, chemistry, dairy science, general agriculture, and either wood work or metal work. "Economic conditions ror the moment are such that farming has lost some of the popularity which it had some years ago," says Mr. Park. " Parents, however, in choosing careers for their hoys, should not be guided by ttie economic conditions at the present time, for the present is a time or adjustment and to-day's conditions are not a reliable guide to the future, ir conditions In the country are not at the present so prosperous as they have been in the past, it is but a matter of time when town occupations will also be less attractive than they have been. Indeed, we would suggest to parents that in the next SO to 30 years all occupations will require greater sKUI and greater knowledge than have been needed In the past 20 years. There will be a much more pressing necessity Tor sound preparation for lire on the part or young , people who wish to succeed in their chosen occupations."
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 6
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