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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE. A £40 GRAMOPHONE for £15 15/ it you build it yourself. Write, ask us I how.—Superior Products Co., Blair St., Wellington. KB ACCORDION, small, 15/ ; Symplcxophone, 12, 0 ; Kazoo Cornet, S/U ; Tubcphone, 12/0: post free. —Meltzer, 05, Victoria St. AMBEROL and Edison Diamond Disc _ Records and Phonographs only at Edison Shop, 153, Queen St. D AMERICAN Organ aud Stool. Mason aud Hamlin, 12 stops; in excellent cons*. tion ; £20 or near otter. —Inquire Stak. 8-4 AUCKLAND PIANO AGENCY, 372, Queen St., will gladly demonstrate the outstanding qualities of "Sonora" Phonographs. D EOEHM Flutes, Banjos, Mandolins, Steel Guitars, Jaaz Drums. Instruments on easy terms. —Sly, 144, Symonds St. C BUY and Exchange your Records at IS, Darby St. Large selections available. All repairs cheaply executed. COLUMBIA Gramophone, Mahogany. almost new: 10 Records; bargain, £7 10/ lot. —0, Warwick St., Morningside. FLUTE, in good order; £2 10/. —Inquire St a it. SH2 GET our Lowest-ln-Xew Zealand Price List for Gramophone Parts. Dominion's largest stocks. —Superior Product- Co., Blair St., Wellington. RB CIRAMOPHONE, oak floor cabinet, new, T £70 model: for quick sale, £25 10/. —- 27, Ardmore C"< RAMOPHONE A'nlues. Easily, outstandT ingly the best in the city obtainable at "Phoncries." IS, Darby St. J_ C GRAMOPHONE Cabinet, H.M.V. BeaullA" ful collection of Records. A bargain. 22, Dryden St., Grey Lynn. pi RAMOPIIONE, handsome inlaid mahogany Cabinet Grand, English, guaranteed; £16 !(>/; terms. —Write Rawle, So, Wakefield St. XJORTABLE Gramophone, English, as new. A Garrard motor; 12 Records; £4 10/ lot : cheap.—7s. Eden Terrace. 408 "OECORDS, large selection, 2/0 each, cxA* change 1/ ; New Music, Cd copy.—42a, Ponsonby Rd. CAXOPHONE (Conn), Eb alto, late model, perfect order ; cheap.—3s, Vincent St., City. CJANOI'HONISTS.—For good second-hand instruments, here's your chance. Terms to suit you.—22. Dryden Wt.. Grey Lynn. SAXOPHONES (Conn), new and secondhand ; beautiful instruments. Cheap. Terms arranged.-—22, Dryden St., Grey Lynn. SEMI-READY" Unassembled Gramophone Cabinets, Motors. Accessories, solve problem of cost.—"Phoncries," IS, Darby SL X rTUIE Musical Depot for Instruments and ■A Accessories. Gramophone, 24 x IS. new. £15.—27. Ponsonby Rd. B rriOLIN Strings, the best that the worln » can produce.—Hewitt, Violin Maker, IS. Swanson St. B "V7TOLIN Repairs skilfully executed. V Restoration, Adjustments n speciality. G. Nlcholl. 0. Palmerston Buildings, Queen St.. Auckland. C XYLOPHONE. also Drummer's Outfit: splendid order: sacrifice.—Apply 27. Halesowen Ay.. __________■ VYLOPIIONE. 3 octave. "Liberty" —A- Lightweight, collapsible, with case; perfect order: cheap.—Write S. 10S2. STAR. XYLOPHONE: good condition: 2_ octaves : suitable beginner : £4. Also. Cornet (Trumpet Model) ; £B.—lnquii"! Stak. SjU ITIHE "MEW T A p LORIA. WE ARE THE ORIGINATORS of the EASY TERMS SYSTEM of purchasing as applied to Gramophones in Auckland. WE CAN STILL BE ORIGINAL aud OUR LATEST ' ORIGINALITY is A DOUBLE FEATURE! A N EW L A Q-LOMA (The Best Toned Gramophone in the World), AND "y-OUR "OECORDS FOR 2/6 A W- EEK--2/6 A W- EEK--2/6 A W- EEKREMEMBER! 2/6 A W- BEK--2/6 A W- EEK--2/6 A W- EEKBUYS YOUR "OECORDS AND TA /"I LORIA. You have no need to delay Purchasing a LA GLORIA because of the expense of NEW RECORDS. You can have a continuous monthly i supply of A.C.0., ; ZONOPHONE. . ; PARLORPHONE, REGAL, -■ ■ . And COLUMBIA RECORDS. : ' THINK WHAT THIS MEANS! \ IS IT NOT ORIGINAL; ; WE can do it because NO FINANCE COMPANY or MONEY LENDERS FINANCE US. OUR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS Is SHARED WITH OUR CLIENTS, And OUR EASY TERMS SYSTEM Is a Private Matter Between YOU nnd US. So PLAY WHILE YOU PAY. T A PJ-LORIA Q. RAMOPHONES, LIMITED. 157, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Opposite Bank of New Zealand, NEWTON. (The Firm that puts Ihe EE's In EASIE TERMS !) D EADY'S. THE OLD FIRM. TOADY'S. AD VS. THE OLD FIRM. A_ADY'S. ! "yrUSICAL "INSTRUMENTS OF -T7VYERY "PRESCRIPTION*. j ALL POST i'REE. j VIOLINS, COMPLETE OUTFITS. Case, Bow, Extra Set of Strings and Resin, £2 10/. £3 10./. £4. £5. £0 and up tc £75. ! 'CELLOS, with Bow, £10, £12 up j FLUTES. Concert. 8 keys, £5, £5 10/, £0 up. i CLARIONETS, Albert System, £5 £0 ur , j CORNETS, with Cases, £0. £7 7/ up. I MANDOLINS, with Cases, £3, £3 5/, £3 I 10/. £4, £5 up. I HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITARS, with Cases, I £3 10/. £-1 15/', £5. £5 10/, KG U p. UKULELES, with Cases, 30/, 35/, £2, ! £2 5/, £2 10/. 1 UKULELES. Genuine Kumalae Make, with I Cases, £3 7/0. BANJOS wilh Cases, £-1 10/, £5, £0, £7 £S 10/. £10 up. I ACCORDEONS. .To/. 35/, £2, £2 10/. I Sole Agents for the celebrated BOOSEY I CO. Brass Band Instruments. Write to us 1 for any information regarding Musical Instruments. Full particulars 'losted free I with pleasure. I Kindly Note : Our Only Auckland Address !is A. EADY AND CO. (EADY'S). 112-110 , QUEEN" STREET, Vulcan Lane Corner. S MOTOR TYRES AMD ACCESSORIES. I(CORD Tyres, 33 x 4,' £5 10/.—Para _-_ Rubber Co.. Auckland or Hamilton. B jTjVJUI) Owners can reduce Benzine Costs jA- .pi p,. r cent; eliminate carbon with ' Wesco Attachment; 15/: •"iai-ioic«.<i . ■Write S. 2_o__3, Stak. CJPARTA Batteries for Fords. £0: Dodge. kJ £0-— G. W. Barker. 404. Queen St. D ! ENGINEERS AND FITTERS. ACETONE Welding ami Brazing of nn.v Meta..—Stewart and 47, l Albert Si.— Phone 42-422. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
Word Count
863Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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