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PROPERTIES FOR ________ I ONEHUNGA—BungaIow. 4 rooms, kitchener:;.,- <" ttP ! water frontage, beautiful views.—Laycock and Faithfull, 32, Queen TTURRAYS BAY—Bach, 3 rooms: lariro _r_. section, handy beach, one hour city. *____■ —Inquire Stak. 837 -("50 DEPOSIT — L °ok at this—Close Top °*'- /v - f Symonds St.—New up-to-date fiveroomed Bungalow, bathroom, p.b. and b.. gas cooker, c.1., p.w.c. Balance. £850, payable as rent.—Alexander aud Co., 58, Queen Si. 3y-, CI 195— MODERN Bungalow, 4 rooms °7 7"*"" and convs.. large section : soldiers" mortgage, £050, repayable as rent: motor entrance, room garage. Cash over wanted or offer.—Vaughan, Talliss, Arcade. nnn. Rendell's, Newton, 402 COST £5000 TO BUILD. REDUCED TO £2800. ANY TERMS. BIGGEST RARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN AUCKLAND. OWNER LEAVING FOR ENGLAND. rpHIS riLORIOUS tTOME. Built T'nder Supervision of Architect. contains sis magnificent rooms, and two glassed-in sleeping porches. S r " l £ T nx BEAUTIFUL CORNER SEC--1 lON. coniiiiandiiig Lovely Views of Harbour and City. MAGNIFICENT BILLIARD ROOM, Finished in Oak Throughout. This Is one of the Prettiest aad Most l'|)-to-Date Bungalows in Auckland. FINE MOTOR GARAGE. In fact, everything possible in a home is here. ABSOLUTELY BEYOND DESCRIPTION INSPECT FOR YOURSELF. JUST THINK—COST £5000. SELLING PRICE. £3^ ANY TERMS. SIH.K SELLING AGENT: FRED BALL, KEW'S CHAMBERS, 1".. QUEEN STREET (Opposite G.P.0.). £100 -DEPOSIT £100 HERNE BAY WATERSIDE. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO PURCHASE. A VERY DAINTY BUNGALOW OF 4 1 P°°?J S AXD KITCHENETTE living V"!' , 1 :. rp ' lK rooms, having bean, ad, n new ,""," \ tt **\ C, »PP«I brick open fireplaces and handsome electric light fittings. Hw> bedrooms with wardrobes, etc., kit- • the In W ' th ? V r ~y. m,,| l° r '' appointment. bathroom, porcelain bath, and sewer draln- - MOTOR GARAGE. . (CONCRETE FLOOR.) MAGNIFICENT VIEWS OF THP nu; HOUR, WHICH CANNOT BE BUILT OUt! FREEHOLD SECTION, neat lawns, quite level, and splendidly laid out. PRICE, £1400. ONLY £100 DEPOSIT REQUIRED. Balance Principal and Interest No Mortgages. CHEAPER THAN A FLAT ' i SOLE AGENTS: j GEORGE WALKER, j AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT ' Land Department (W. E. Lloyd, Manager),! 38, Queen Street. PUone 40-373.' Member Land Agents' Association. VALUABLE PROPERTY REMUERA WATERSIDE. OVER TWO ACRES. OVER TWO ACRES. £ 3000 £ 3000 QAPITAL BLOCK OF LAND, 2_ Acres v.-ith 221 Jeettvoutase to Orakei Road! FREEHOLD. TTOUSE, G rooms, verandah, city drainage *._. se veral outhuiidings. ' VERY SUITABLE BLOCK FOR SUBDIVISION. PRICE £3000, '£500 CASH. FREEHOLD PROPERTY'"' PARNELL r-PARNELL PARNELL PARNELL £3U(I Mm) CASH Q.OOD KAURI HOUSE, (I rooms, drawing room, dining room, 8 bedrooms, kitchen, ! gas stove, etc., bathroom, washhouse, copper < antl tubs: p.w.c., electric light throughout. | .Shed. etc. Valuable section, laid out. Good 1 harbour view. i PRICE — £ 1300—PRICE I REMUERA WATERSIDE?'! NICE FREEHOLD PROPERTY CLOSE TO Bl'S. £li.-,0 £14.-)0 ! ATTRACTIVE HOME, o rooms (3 bed-. -~- rooms, sitting room, breakfast room, • kitchenette), gas stove, cupboards, bathroom, workshop, etc. Beam ceilings, and all up-to-date appointments. Good Section, 50 \ 108 feel., I £1450- £200 CASH. ; T. MANDENO JACKSON/ ."'— ( ' <):VIMEKrK STREET, AUCKLAND. motor cycles .for sale, i A STLEY. for new and used Spare Parts : — A Cylinders Ground; Pistons, etc., manufactured at 5. Belgium St. 1 A J.S., t'.:e outstanding masterpiece of -A-. British engineering. Latest models from £70. Easy terms.—Auckland Cycle and Motor Depot, opp. Newton P.O. B BIG X, 1020 model, perfect order, new lamp, good appearance ; £30 ; trial.—2o, Wiingcaui Aye. ' BIG X Combination, first-class ordei., ' recently overhauled, cheap for cash.— 23. Spring St.. Morning/side. 32S fHItAK Helments. new. 2 only: approved 1 v-' Anto-Cyile Union; £3 each.—2l, Henley j St.. 2SS j DOUGLAS, 2Si like new; offer : wanted.—No. 5, sth Avenue, Point 1 Chevalier. ! DOUGLAS, 2-J. two-speed; perfect order: 1 £30. Cleveland, .v;, two-speed; £15. — | 24. Henley St.. Parnell. ____ ■ ENGLISH 2J J.A.l'. Engine, 2-Speed gear. ; A bargain.—Geo. Bond. 40. Lome St. ; HARLEY and Indian Sidecar Outfits at 1 reasonable tirices.—Geo. Bond, 49, I__r_e Si. \ i HARLEY Combination. 1025. 10-12, as new. any trial given.—Particulars 25, Onslow Rd.. Dominion Rd. HARLEY Combination, good order, rubber excellent : terms suit any purchaser.— Byron. P.O. Box 55, Auckland. HARLEY". combination, electric, 1920: splendid condition. Don't miss this bargain ; £G5. —09, Richmond Rd., Ponsonby. , _T INDIAN Scout, In first-class order, balloon . tyres: cash offer. —Blease, Euston Rd., Ed____«__ Terminus. INDIAN Combination, 7-9 h.p.. 1922 model; perfect running order; cheap for cash. Apply 11-, Richmond Rd., Grey Lynn. 47
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
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705Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 5
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