. The Otahuhu Borough Council met <>n Thursday, the Mayor. Mr. U. 1!. Todd, pre--1 skiing, mere also being present. .Messrs. tr.. t, | Civil, J. W. Whyte, C. X Petrie, C Ariin-- > ton, BT. J. Hall, and J. l'aine. , Loan Money.—The Public Trustee advised ' that loan money would cost 'J per rent wjiu 1 per ceut sinking fund fur a period of .li. i years. | j Building Permit.—Mr. I-\ Soustcr po<=Isesses property in Jlo_ Street with a frontage of lrHft, 7_:ft of whi'-h is tak--n n;i hy au existing building. He sought perniissiou . to ere.t two dwellings on the remaining , 'JOft. The by-law provide* for a ."oft fr int- ' age. but owing to the depth of the sections giving more than the neressary ar.-a. pc-r- ---, mission was granted. Cr. IVtrie opposing [ the proposal on the grouud that the same . leads to congestion. Plunket Society.—A request wa* received ! from the Tlunket Society for v- usual council donation of to :> , whi.-h was again granted. aietal Cartage. —Mr. .T. H. M-Analty | objected to the council's proposed reduction I of 1/ per yard on metal i-artage. necesst- ; tated by the closing of the borough quarry. . on the grounds that the meta! has to lie lifted from the ground. The matter was referred to tbe Works Committee for a ! report. Straying Horses.—A resident of Prln -es Street complained of horses straying on the roads at night time, causing aeeidents to several people. It was resolved t,, instruct • the acting-foreman to impound any horses found on tile roads. Cycles Without Lights.—The Au-kland Automobile Association wrote stating that 1 in the borough, after dark, lately, numbers , of cyclists were passed without lights. The police are to be notified. Council Officps.—Plans for nerv ,-oun-il offices were presented, whi-li | rovide for ! conncll chambers, library and reading room. Consideration of same was deferred til! next meeting. Building Permits.—The following huildins permits for the past four months have been Issued: —Buildings completed. £i"i.S4S: fee* for same, £87 4 X: new residences. £17.sic: new business premises. £Cl4O. Bcsin-ss n-»t ' : yet completed. £2noo; residences, £7<?nn. Enginper's Kpport.— " be lmroiiij eiiiineer , (Mr. A. G. Walken reported that the Utt-ai ?outh Road improvemtnts were being carried out expeditiously, and when the u«p of the quarry was asain nrailnh'o imp work : should soon be finished, flood progress was also being made with t_e Walm-Vr It iad contract.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 22
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