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'" —- =3» PBGPSST-ES FOR 6 AXE. REDUCED FROM £1350. TO £1000. £1000. £1000. THE GREATEST BARGAIN IX HOUSES EVER OFFERED To THE TUBLIC. BEAUTIFUL HEART KAURI SEMIBUNGALOW, of 5 lovely rooms* 2 open lire;.la,-,-, leadliglits. porcelain bath aud patent, art range and .-tove. Plenty of built-in cupboards, dressers bins. etc. Built-in wardrobes. Natty hall.' Elevated position, grand open section laid out lawn, gardens, fru,; trees, flowerbeds concrete borders, tarred ami .shell paths livj hedges. THE HOUSE IS FOR URGENT SALE, AND I GUARANTEE A SUBSTANTIAL TURNOVER. j DEPOSIT, £200. OR OFFER. BALANCE 35/ WEEK. This House is a little past 2nd section. Sole Selling Agent, CHARLES COWARD, 41. QUEEN STREET. Phone 43-131. Private, 214)64 * 393 LADIES! LADIES! FORTUNE. * LOWER SYMONDS STREET. (l-MINUTE.) Do you want to start a really select ana high-class small PRIVATE HOTEL? or would you prefer a a APARTMENT HOUSE ? The property we have to offer job .19 simply "IDEAL" for either purpose, and is the best value property that has been offered in this locality for the past 5 years. .lust fancy. 12 FINE AND LOFTIt ROOMS, electric high-pressure range, gas stove and califont, and every modern convenience. The owner, who is buying a nne property in Remuera. has authorised hi to practically give this away for £2300 (certainly not tno-thirds of its valuei, and ai it is unencumbered, can accept a nominal deposit of. say, f-JO?, and will take back the whole balance for a term at 6i per cent. Reason this out.' A 12-roomed Mansion for £2 10 a week rent. Now don't miss t&is. Drop everything and rush to VAUGHAN, TALLISS, AND CO., ARCADE. Opp. Rendeil's, NEWTON. and be "FIRST," not an "Also Ran." 401 HOBSONVILLE FARM. 80 ACRES. 80 ACRES. i Partly cleared and ploughed. Beautiful ■shelted hedge on boundary. Easy undalattag land, lying nicely to the sun. A}i ploniliable. Chocolate loam soil. Permanent creek of water. Very suitable dairr farm, fruit, strawberries, etc. School, post office, wharf, within easy distance of the property. This is an exceptional opportunity of i securing a nice-sized holding in this ftstimproving district, within easy reach of Auckland City, and at a BARGAIN PSICE, as owner must realise. — PRICE, £15 PER ACRE. Terms Arranged. Owner will consider Subdivision of above. j FRANK HARRISON, "AGENT RELIABLE," 523, INSURANCE BUILDINGS. 415 MORNINGSIDE t Oa Tram Line).-*?iew Bungalow. S rooms and kitchenette. Beautifully finished, every nioderji convenience., c.l. and hot water service. Total Price, i'lOSa Deposit £liO. r> LEX EDEN.—3-Roomed Bungalow BBd *-" kitchenette. Large rooms, all conrtP l " ences; with 1J acres, well sheltered; pate ideal poultry farm. Total Price, £1300. Deposit £12"). T7IDENDALE. _ Concrete Bungalow, & J - J rooms and kitchenette, all conveniencesGarage. Well laid out lawns and garden. Total Price, £140*. Deposit £100. ONE TREE HILL.— 5-Roomed Semi-Bun-galow. h. and c. water, c.l. Large section. Lawns anil garden. Total Price, £lir>o. Deposit £2Vi TJOINT CHEVALIER iFormby Road). Ba s -*- passes.-4 Rooms and kitchenette, front and back verandahs: c.' . p.b. and basin, p.w.c. This house is beautifully fitted > n " side, with even- i-onvenience Total Price, £I_.V>. Deposit *£2'>". We have. Homes and Sections in all dl ß ' tric;s at all prices. Let i:s knoiv y»nr requirements. TAYLOR MORRISON, 41, SECURITY BLDGS.. QUEEN STiNext John Court's*. NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS. j_* ONE TREE HILL. ONE MINUTE TRAM. TjyrSUALLY WELL-BUILT AND 1 SPACIOUS RESIDENCE of important appearance. containing 6 LARGE ROOMS fuid KITCHENETTE, built about 10 years, and has just been modernised and extremely well re-decorated outside and in: electric light, range, and gas stove riled in side by side: deccaHte draining boards, " white enamelled bathroom, p.b. and b., h. and c. water, 2 p.w.c.'s. 3 modern open fireplaces, bay windows Oft wide in three principal rooms. AH the rooms are larse, the smallest being about 12 I 12. Magnificent Level l-ACBE FREEHOLD SECTION, about 70ft frontage. The whole slightly above the level of the road, and surrounded Pf a fine tec ma hedge. The paths have recently been re-tarred aud shelled, and there is a co..d orchard. Also, » large garage. Firs! Mortgage £1000, at tii per cent for ." years. Tennff i: 300 fash PRICE, £1700. BARFOOT, 144 \EWMABKE___ DON'T MISS THIS. £50 DEPOSIT—ROYAL OAK. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOX HOMP" SEEKERS ._,_,_ f* LARGE ROOMS AND COXVENIEXCP 5 - u magnificent iv Mtuated, everloonne Manukau Harbour Section has '.tOft fraUl" age to Main Road Buses pass door e«rj few minutes: 12 n.inute-' walk traßl. THE PRICE IS £1350, L.VI OEPOSI !' ',:,■< DEPOSIT. BALANCE r, YEARS A'l '! I'EK (' EXT ' SMITH, DUNNE & CO., LTD-, ]..\Nl> DEPARTMENT. :;:, FORT >T»EET. WE HAVE TWO PROPERTIES IN PONSONBVONi: will! l- I liur|...ur virW*. Ualldf »* beach llHd It. e-sslt,;.- to tO.WD. A modem i-„uv rt ,i,-ii.-r-. eicnionally «"" built, 't rooms aud kucln-r.rtff £1973. , r\NE c ( ,o,| ,:ev,uo:. S..ou.l'.Jto»J_J yj rooms at:,l . ..nv. not s. witb « r » c 'ui'ab:. : r gar.i-'----£IOSO. 1'..,1b an- ■:, l'\ -H.-ii order- •| i:i:m> i.asv GRAY AXD~COCKROFT, WINSToVK s lil lI.I'I.NUSS,
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
Word Count
810Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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