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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. MT. ALBERT—I MINUTE CARS. BUNGALOW, 5 Rooms and Kitchenette, every convenience, tiled grates, pov> eelain b. and b.. h. and c. water, range, high pressure boiler. All rooms are large. Level Section, 50 x 150, well elevated and laid out. Gardens, asphalt paths, fowlhouse; also Motor Syode. Price £1350. Deposit reasonable. No agents. A SECTION FOR £212, ON £10 DEPOSIT. 1 This is what rye can offer In the I I WESTVIEW ESTATE, WESTVIEW ESTATE, ! HERNE BAY. ! . HERNE BAY. I The Estate is situated at the junction ! of WEST END 110 AD and GARNEi ; ROAD, overlooking the upper reaches : of Auckland Harbour, and comprises •gentle slopes .vita hinti elevation ana i sunny aspect. WESTVIEW ESTATE, WESTVIEW ESTATE, is close to both Heme Bay ana Grey Lynn trams. Gas, water, electric Bgnt available. PRICES FROM £5. ! pf:r foot, on £10 deposit. £10 in 1 month, ' | £10 in 3 months, balance 3 i LARS. INTEREST AT ti PER L'IC.M IE« ANNUAL ; Already over half the Sections have , been sold —there is no time io lose in luasing a choice. Illustrated T!aiis ou Application. I SAMUEL VAILE& SONS, LTD. | . S3. QUEEN STREET. | NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT > l GOOD." j REMUERA WATERSIDE. i TWO CHEAP HOMES. j 4?"|4.~iy-XEw BUNGALOW, just com- : f""~ -* J *J pleted, 5 rooms, kitchenette. bathroom, wasbhou.-e and workshop, front | and back porch, l.e.iui ceilings, folding doors between sitting and breakfast rooms; ■built-in wardrobe, linen press, large number of cupboards, panelled papering, gas stove, electric light and hot water service; sewer drainage: section 50 x 105 feet. PRICE ONLY £H."iii. Terms, i2<>o cash. Ilurbour view. Close to Bus Service. j CLOSE ARNEY ROAD. j "DUNGALOW, 5 rooms, sleeping verandah, j ■*-* bathroom, etc.: newly repainted and in good order inside; rooms nice size: cali- : font, gas stove, electric light, sewer drain- i Section appro*. 50 x 150 ft. SPLENDID HARBOUR VIEWS. Owner has refused £1750 for this property, but is now prepared to accept £1650. Building Society mortgage £1050. SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. S3. QUEEN STREET. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S ) GOOD." TAKAPUNA BEACH, ONLY ONE DOOR FROM POPULAR LAKE BEACH. I pOMFORTABLE HOUSE of 5 rooms, *—' comprising 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, bathroom, large glassed-in verandah in front with cascr incnt windows. Washhouse. Section 5u x 125. Charming situation, just off the beach aud commanding beautiful views of tins water. PRICE £1450, on rea:-..nable terms. Furniture at Valuation if desired. < (CI) * GRAFTON. | PRICE, £900. I TTOUSE of 7 rooms on two floors, bath-■J-A. room, combined washhouse and sculj rery; usual convs. Freehold Section with, j approx. 40ft frontage. Very handy posiI fion: just off Grafton Rd., close to Bowl- ' ing Green aud easy walk to city. PRICE £900. Terms. 122) ' SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. j 83, QUEEN STREET. "I "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS ITS I GOOD." £75 DEPOSIT—MT. ALBERT.; YEW BUNGALOW of 4 rooms, bath- ! ' room and washhouse: modern conveniences ami appointments: porelain bath and basin, range, electric light, hot and mid water. Volcanic \ section 5(1 x ISO. Elevated position | and within easy reach of 3rd section | trams. j PRICE, £97-"">, on £75 deposit, b.'lance as arranged. (SI) I SAMUEL VAlL_r& SONS, LTD.! I S3, QUEEN STUEET. j "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S j GOOD." i I, B ! PONSONBY. I ; s: 1030- £ 1050 i j (OFF JERVOIS KOAD.I jTTP-TO-DATE 5-ROOMED RESIDENCE, with pantry and bathroom, elec. light, i pore. hath. etc. All convs. under main roof.' In good order inside and out. Artistic papers. Elevated section, 40 x 12c, in good order, concrete paths and borders. Motor garage. Immediate possession. MOUNT ALBERT. £1150—ONLY £85 DEPOSIT REQUIRED. •VTEATLY _ BUILT 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW, with kitchenette and large sleeping porch. All modern convs. Worth mii spectiou. J i WESTMERE. \ £1225 £1225 .. I ! JUST FINISHING. i R ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, built of i " best materials, well finished throughout. ' electric convs. throughout. Splendid value. i Call for further particulars. We can show I plans. CASH REQUIRED. £150. j GREY LYNN. £1001) £1000 I j WITHIN SECOND SECTION. i 1 * LARGE 4-ROOMED HOUSE with con-, —A. veniences, bathroom, etc.. with extra ; Section alongside, having in all a frontage lof 100 ft. Good chance for speculation. !ARTHUR H. BUCKLEY,! ■ 1.3. WINSTONE BUILDINGS. Queen Street. I B , j POSSESSION AT ONCE. | I VERY SMALL DEPOSIT. | A LITTLE BEAUTY. PRETTY LITTLE BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, nice bathroom with i porcelain bath and basin, wardrobes, host jcf cupboards, etc., open brick fireplace. i gas range: sewer drainage: motor garage: I lovely section. GOft frontage, all in garden, lawns. shrubs, live hedges and well , formed paths : close beach and tram : , | easy distance ;p Royni Oak. Price £1125. I ■ for'quick sale; small deposit. I ! MILFORD. ; VERY EASY TERMS. • j BUY THIS NATTY LITTLE BUNGALOW, spend the holidays there, aud sell it at a profit. BRAND NEW BUNGAI LOW, o rooms and large tlassed-in sleepI ing porch : beautifully finished : latest ' art papers : up-to-date bathroom, with porcelain bath and basin, califont; open brick fireplaces : wardrobes presses and host of cupboards, gas range, p.w.c. ; septic i tank : lovely seciion. (»<i x 155. Glorious j vows. Price only £1450, on easy terms. I — • ; SOLE AGENTS. | TOM HADFIELD & SONS, j ■""■■ WINSTONE BUILDINGS. GREY LYNN. j £750 £750 £750. £100 DEPOSIT £100. XTP-TO-DATE SEMI-BUNGALOW, 4 V Rooms and Kitchenette, range, eas stove, c.1., bath. w.h., c. and t,p w e Everything in beautiful order. ", Only two minutes to trams LOVELY ELEVATED SECTION, with, harbour view. This costs per week only 27/, which includes 10, off the principal. SOLE AGENTS— iWM. FOUHY AND CO., j CAMPBELL'S BVILDIXGK. Corner High! i Street and Vulcan Lane. i 'Phone 4G-232. gsg j
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
Word Count
931Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 4
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