..To the E.i;t.,r.' Sir.—We are indebted to your correspondent "Anti-Congestion." for hi- letter on the above subject, for. to my mm.i. his suggestion .'pserve- the earne-t consideration of our city fathers. Symonds - Street at the ore-en: time i- quite easily tiie most conge-ted junction in our city, an.l some remedy will most, certainly have to be found \.i the ->-:-y near future "> relieve :hi- unsatisfactory -rate. Your correspondent's -ugge-tion :> utili-e Belgium Street '•-> rc!i-\c tl.e SymotidStreet "!.doi-ka_re" - d-.-ciJe-.liv fea=-:h!c. and -penis, at the pre-ent tim-, the mo-t practical -olution of tiie difßcukv. -I am. cr . UI'Tf.F.T.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
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