ITo the Editor.* Sir, —By tliis time farmers and the public generally will liavp fully realised there is more than a suspicion of truth in the idea that in so far as agriculture at least in concerned, the governing power is located in the Waikato, and the Premiership in the Minister of Agriculture. Not only has the repeated ■ request of the majority of farmers for the establishment of the single ward ! system been flouted, but the. Control Board Election itself ha-t been postponed from .June to August 31st. Briefly, the position is that the request of the great majority of the members of Xew Zealand's chief industry for n simple amendment to the Control Act has been ignored, although the amendment asked for is generally recognised as one of ordinary common justice and fairplay. the granting of which would have been in no way whatever detrimental to any other industry or section of the community. To the farmers' indignant inquiry, who is to blame? there is unfortunately only one answer. The Government held the key of the situation, and the Government alone is to blame. It matters not that according to rumour its intentions were good but were frustrated; by its actions, not .by its intentions, must it be judged. We are .painfully conscious that the Government and its head—the man who is said to get things done—have failed to get thij thing done, and so far as wo can judge, have failed pitifully. What must we do now? Fight on! Right is right, aud wrong will never triumph finally. Now and first let every one who values justice and fairplay make sure their votes are recorded for men who will not only vote, but press and work for the enactment of the single -ward system. Our duty is to return to Parliament men of principle who -will fight for what they know to be just awl right, not party camp followers:—l am, etc., GEORGE GIBSON.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 20
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