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APARTMENTS VACANT. ROOMS (2), furn., with convs., to Let; St., City "° objoctiou — A PPIy 0. Wellington "DOOMS i2|, sunny, furn., use convs.; good -" locality: handy.—2o, Northcote St., (■rev Lynn. pOOMS (2), unfurn., c.1., califont, own v- J?°?Sj IU( -' to f: liiindy shups.—2ol, Great North Rd. 47 r, POO.M, furn, 2 beds, c.1.; suit friends; also Single R00m.—52. Belgium St.. --__ , 4 So ' "DOOMS (2i. unfurn., .open fire, c.1.; rent , , 1 , ,/6 ; adults.—4l, Malveru Rd., Morningsnlo. "DOOM, single, furn., in private family; **■ suit working man.—26, Randolph St., Newton. "DOOMS (21. unfurnished, separate gas At K tove and meters.—2o, Tranmere Rd., Ldendale. poo.M, front; suit in.c. or friends' c.l A* convs.—o, Warnock St., Grey Lyuu Terminus. DOOM, single, own meter; also. Front - LV Room, 2 single bods.—SS, Grey St. evenings. .-jm; pOOMS (2), sunny, front, unfurn. (half •*•*> house;; use all convs; 20/. —SS Burnley 'terrace. poo.MS (2>, unfurn., self-contained, own ■*-* gas stove and meter, c.1.—14. The Drive. Epsuiu. OIS "DOOMS (2), partly turn., sep. stove, meter - Lt and entrance; reasonable.—o, Morrow St., Newmurket. »:; pOOMS i_, front, large, unfurn., fireplace, AA sep. entrance aud cooker. —40, Franklin Rd.. Ponsonby. 14 "DOOMS (21, nice, front, unfurn., gas A-* 1 stove, tires, separate meter; 3min tram. Inquire Stak. ><i;i pOOMS, Grafton, 1 double, 1 single; c.1., £* convs. : moderate.—Apply Ivauhoe, 01, Wellesley St. "^ poOM, large, comfortable, all convs. ; suit -AY two friends, or single.—so, Wellesley St. Mast. DOOM, large, front; suit friends; single 1 I'eds, c.1., convs.; Ist section.—7::.. West St. 4^4 DOOMS (21, unfurn.. c.1., separate gas A-V stove, meter and fireplace; after 5.— 2H. Millais St. "DOOM, front, single, furu., use convs.. -AY handy Symonds St.; 10/6, including gas.—lnquire Star. S3O pOOMS (2), furn., fireplace, c.1., own AY' =as gtove meter ; suit m.c.—6a, Edinburgh St., Newton. pOOMS 12), or Half House: own stove Ay all ,i meter, convs.; moderate rent. — 132. Dominion Rd. pOOMS (2). unfurnished, vicinity Ornkei AA Rd., Remuera : cheap rent, quiet people.—lnquire Star. SIS "DOOM, single, nicely furn., gas ring, c.1., AY convs,; rent moderate.—l 3, Kensington Ay.. Dominion Rd. ROOMS, furnished, suit respectable busi--1 ness. girls or gents; city; all cunvs.— Apply 21. Pitt St. RoOM*_-t. front, furn.. fireplace, electric light, convs.; own entrance. Also Ifa'h. 58. East St.. off Symonds St. ROOMS ("_>, furn., front, sunny: fireplace. use gas. convs.; HO/.—S4, Brown St.. Ponsonby. ROOM, double, turn., city C-inin. Queen St.: 22/0; separate cooking.—Apply 00. Wellesley St. W. ROOM, double, furn.. separate cookintr: city: no car fares; respectable: 22/0. 32. Upper Vincent St. ROOMS, nice, sunny, furn: 10/: Ureakfasfc optional: convs.: quiet: handy to car.— 26. Arthur St.. 242 ROOMS, furnished : breakfast if required ; moderate rental : delightful position. 11. Victoria Ay.. Mt. Kilen. BOOMS (2). turn., or unfurn., second section. Dominion Rd.: separate gas: moderate rent. - -Phone 21-MPS. 303 ROOMS (2), kitchenette, meter, convs., furn. if required: near 2nd section.-----22. Royal Tit.. Eilendnle. ROOMS (2). tuifurn.. kitchenette, separate cooking, convs.: £1 ; close cars.—27. Paice Aye.. Dominion Rd. 147 ROOMS (2 or 3), unfurnished, c.1., gas stove: convenient to trams. —05, Prospect Terrace, Dominion Rd. ROOMS (31, unfurn.. kitchenette, tireplace, own gas stove, private entrance: 25/ week : ______ — Inquire Star. SOO ROOMS (".). large, unfurn.. Edeil Terrace : separate cooking nml entrance : car stop at door — Inquire STAR. 7SO ROOM, unfurn., rarge, l'rnnt, separate entrance. kitchenette. —11, Cameron St.. off Victoria Rd- Devonport. _J ROOMS (2), nice, unfurn.. own meter and gas stove, use califont, etc.: no children ; IS/ week. —127, Crummer Rd., Grey Lynn. t ROOM, large. unfurn.. City ; small, suiinv verandah attached; fireplace, cupboards, " convs. : refined.—lo, Liverpool St. . ROOMS (21, large, unfurn., fireplace, own stove, meter, entrance, c.1., c .nvs: car stop lPmiu. city; reasonable. — 02, Great North Rd. 42X Room, large, also Bedroom, unfurn., c.1.. Use convs.—ll4, Crummer Rd.. Grey Lynn. 4SO ROOM, sunny, turn, or unfurn.. c.1., gas stove, separate entrance: quiet, cheap rent; i-iniu. trams, buses. Khyber. Pass; suit business girl.—lnquire 'Star. MT. ROYAL, top Symonds St., under new management.—Bed Sitting Room, kitchenette, furu.: also Room. 2 beds: suit business people. Phone 40-152. TWS. »") BED Sitting Rooms, furnished ; also —'' Room; suit two business ladies or gentlemen : good locality ; first section.— 'Phone 40-452. OQ NEW NORTH RD.—Two Single Fur—<y» nished. also Double Unfurnished Rooms: all convs.. c.1., gas stove; reasonQ | GRAFTON RD.—Double Bed Sitting, O'i» <- wn kitchenette. —Phone 43-078. 155 3 A V A C A N C Y. • BELLA VISTA." 7, LOWER SYMONDS STREET, For M.C* Nice Front Room. Also Large Room with 3 Single Beds. Suit friends. Tariff Reasonable. 123 APARTMENTS WANTED. BEDROOM, with use verandah or tent, in or about Milford Rd.. Christmas fortnight.—Write S. 1067. Star. DEVONPORT or Cheltenham. —■ Unfurn. Room, kitchenette or breakfast; bachulor.— Write 11. !__. Star. FLAT, furn.. unfurn.. vicinity Shelly Reach baths. Cheltenham. Devonport, 2 business girls. Moderate.—Write S. 1046, Star. FLAT, small, furnished, refined adult family, for business woman and daughter, vicinity Great South Rd. ; terms moderate. —Write F. 1508, Star. ROOMS (2 or 3) and Kitchenette, furn. or unfurn. —The Home Finders, SS, Queen St. 372 ROOM, nice, part furn., 10/ ;»,lady; sep. gas. fireplace, convs.—Address at 101, Wellington St. ■ . ROOM, furn.. with breakfast, wanted by Business Lady, Mt. Eden or top of Symonds St.—Write S. 1453. Star. I»O0M. unfurnished, wanted for elderly V lady Point Chevalier: 3 months from December. -Apply C. Andrews. Seymour St.. Point ____!__ __j UNFURNISHED Room, large .kitchenette, two ladies, mother and daughter; quiet, pernuinent; Epsom, Mt. Eden.—Write S. ISSS, Star. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. JERSEY Cow, a beauty, due to-day: magnificent house cow; £10. —Spinier, Wyllie Rd- Papatoetoe. HEIFERS. Jersey. Jersey Holstein, Brindle. just in: quiet and sound; £S 10/ each. —Spinley. Wyllie Rd., Papatoetoe. PIANOS FOR SALE. ri—' DEPOSIT —10/ weekly.—Haake Overoi>o struig. as new. —Sly's, 144, Synionds St. PIANOS WANTED. GOOD Sound Piano, small deposit, weekly payments. —Write S. 2030, Star.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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959Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 3
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