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WANTED TO SELL. A BEAUTIFUL Fairy DoU's Pram given .■*A. away free. Guessing Compttition ; send address. —35, Great North Rd. D ANY Barrow, Ladder, Washtub, from Pelham's. 150, Victoria St. W., lasts a lifetime- Phone D A UCK.LAND SCALiI CO.. Little Queen f*- St.—We Repair and Sel! S'-ales of any description.—Ring 44-'«W9. _D_ A UCKLAND Pram Supply, St. Kevin's ~- Arcade. Newton.—Prams. Push-'-hairs. Cash or terms. Safety Straps. 3 ■ _B AUCKLAND'S Cheapest Place for New and Second-band Building Timber, etc. Sawyer and Lowndes. Lower Hobson St.. next Power House. D A 2/4 TIN of Koife's Wax contains as a"V niiita as three 1. tlus. —Ootainajle everywhere. L> "DEES, 3 hives, healthy.— Vessev, Portage XJ Rd., Otahuhu. "DENZINK Iron, new principle, no pump- ■*-? ing. safe, easy to operate. 32/6 each.— Westenhouse. Rutland St. B TJIG REDUCTIONS in Prams, Push ■*-* Chairs. Doll Prams, etc.. at our SHOWROOMS. Thompsons Buildings. 313. Queen Street (5 doors above Town Hall). W. A. THOMPSON AND CO. C T>OWLERS I— Your Club Colours, Hat A* Band, Badge, aad Tie at Cox, the Hatter's. Karangahape Rd. D /"'HEAP MAIZE CHEAP MAIZE. *- 11" SACKS 5/3 A BL'SHEL Pig Pollard. «/ Sack. PERKINS AND CO.. City Markets. 152 OOLLIE Dog Puppies, and beautiful Black Persian Kittens. —J. Walker. 315, Queen St. CONCRETE Foundation Blocks, 1/ each, less discount.—Cowperthwaite Cement Roofing Tile Co., Mount Eden. 'Phone 20-328. O COUNTERS, Shop. Office Partitions, Doors. Glass Frames. Gas Stove, Mantels, Grates. Venetian Blinds. —Appleton. Newmarket. DEAF?" Why? Write Proctor's. High St.. Christchurea, for ten days' free trial of Acconsticon. Y4 DOORS, Windows, Weights, Sashes. Sashlizbts. Mantels. Grates; large selectionInspect.— Sam White. Market Place. D DOORS (glass), Partitions. Totara Posts. Match Lining for Sale cheap.— Sawyer and Lowndes. Lower Hobson St. D EUREKA Inhaler for Asthma. Bronchitis and Catarrh. Chronic cases wanted. — Dewar. Strand Arcade. FENCING Posts.—Matai, Puriri. Totara ; best and cheapest.—A. H. Shepherd. Morningside. 'Phone 20-002. C FIREWOOD.— Ti-tree Block. 6 sacks £1 casi!, delivered.—Hadfield, 6-34, Manukan Rd. Phone 20-514. U FIREWOOD —11 Sacks Kauri Blocks, delivered anywhere. £ I.—Edwards and Son. 2. Warnock St. 'Phone 26-498. T FIRE —-'Underwriter's" Chemical Extinguishers, invaluable for fire prevention. Only 95/.—Manning Co.. 135. Albert St. B IDEAL Boiler and S4ft Piping (2lu), suitable greenhouse ; cheap.—G. Lynn, South Rd.. Papatoetoe. MOTOR Car Cases (2). —P. B. White, 51. Lome' St. MOTOR Car Cases, any quantity, 12/6 each, ex store. —Schofleld, Ltd.. Newmarket. Phone 511. 25S PAINTERS' Ladders. Trestles, Steps, Wheelbarrows, Washtubs. — Pelham and Sons, 130. Victoria St. W.— Phone 40-654. d RANGES. —New and Second-hand. All sizes and makes. Old Stoves for part payment. Hot-water services installed. Repairs in all its branches neatly executed. Payne. 56, Richmond Rd. 'Phone 27-097. S SASH Cord, English, 2/6 hank: Stainless Knives. 13/6 idos.; Garden Ftorks, 5/9. Boyle. 41. Victoria St. B SCORIA for Concrete, delivered: Z yard* £l •/, 4 yards £1 15/.— E. Ball. 'Phone 21-497. D QOYT-HE Handles, 7/: Scythe Blades. 8/; © Skelton Spades. 8/3; Hedge Shears, 5 9: Rakes and Hoes. 2/9. —Boyle, 41, Victoria St. J B SINGER Drophead. best shuttle. £4 15/: New Home, £3 10/; White, £2 10/. Open Friday Evenings.—Globe. Short's Bldgs. SIX Months' f 'redlt without Interest; pm>!l deposit.—Wicklus and-Sutcliffe, 42. Karangahape Rd. D STAMPS.— Send for approvals, British Colonies and Foreign Stamps.—Empire Stamp Co.. Box 116. Napier. STONE Crusher. 12 x S: Portable Engines: Winches, steam, friction and belt-driven : Steam Pumps.—Appleton. Newmarket. TIMBER, by Auction. Tuesday. 11 o'clock. by H. Buer. —See Auction Notices. IACRE Green Oats. —T. Sadgrove, Mr. Albert Rd. 506 Afk PLANS. Elevations, Dainty. ConveniJt" ently-nlanned N.Z. Bungalows. 5/. complete.—Designers. Box 1270. Wellington. QAA OR 400 Dozen Plain Pints. Corks. OUU Bottles. f.o.b.r. What offer? Write H. SS6. STAR. BOWLERS OF THE CITY AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS will find their Club Colours. Hat Band. Tie and Badge in stock or made to order at COX. THE HATTERS, 20S. Karangahape Road, the firm being makers to the Auckland Centre. Club secretaries can arrange and rely on their Colours being kept in stock. AYS QANFORD'S FISH FERTILISER. Promotes VIGOROUS GROWTH and is Speedy in Action. UNRIVALLED for VEGETABLES and FLOWERS. Made entirely from fish. Contains No CHEMICALS. Cash Price, £10 10/ Ton ; 141b Bags, 3/. AT ALL SEED MERCHANTS. C O E C O N D - H A N D BRICKS. lU.<s»> SECOND-HAND Bl'.it'KS Fur SALE. s<p PER 1000 DELIVERED. Apply „ WINSTONK. LTD. MCKENZIE'S AUCTION MART OPP. RAILWAY WORKSHOPS. ■Wardrobes. Bey. Mirror, from .. .'! ] 5 11 .Kitchen Tables, with drawer, from ]2 (i "White Frost" Ice Chest, as new 7 on Conib. Chests, from 3 <j y O.R. Settee. Wire, Squab and Cushion, from 2 17 6 Wheelbarrows 1 new 1 1 ] 7 ( ; Lawnmowers, from 15 y CASH OR TIME PAYMENT. 27U-Sl. BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. Phone 43-959. S rpo TIMBER AND FIREWOOD A DEALERS. A widow wishes to SELL THE FREEHOLD OF 143 ACRES OF BUSH LAND, ; suitable Tor obtaining logs, posts, battens and firewood : land is of good quality. Situated close to POKAKO RAILWAf ; STATION. Steel iram line runs through property to railway station. There is a FIVE and a ONE-ROOMED WHARE on property. PRICE £7 PER ACRE. There is money to be made out of this. Apply to WIDOW. BOX 11. OHAKUNE. 3Qj ,-pASY TERMS.—BEDROOM SUITES. EASY TERMS. —DINING ROOM SUITES EASY TERMS.—CHESTERFIELD SUITES EASY TERMS.—CONG. & LINO SQUARES EASY TERMS.—SEAGRASS FURNITURE EASY TERMS.—BEDSTEADS AND BEDDINGS. EASY TERMS.—KITCHEN FURNITURE EASY TERMS.—CARPETS AND RUGS EASY TERMS.—FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 6D IN THE POUND PER WEEK WILL FIRNISII YOUR HOME COMPLETE. rpHE QAK "pUHNISHING / IOY., SSMONDS STREET. (A Few Doort Below Scots Hall.) S
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
Word Count
916Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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