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WANTED KNOWN. A CCOHDEON Pleating, the latest in five -A- styles.—The Crothall Way Co., 13T, Symonds St. " AFTERNOON Teas, Luncheons, etc., are -"A- obtainable Sundays at Home Made rake Depot, above Cheltenham Beach. S4 A GOOD Serviceable Umbrella from 8/11. "-"*- Umbrellas Re-covered or Repaired at I-ethaby's. 16, Strand Arcade. B A LARGER Tin of a better and brighter Polish" in C-O Waxshine : 2/3, I 3. \ LI. Customers, old and new. note The -"*- Standard Laandry. 359. Queen St.. is Low under new management. •* \ LI- Suede Shoes converted into patent ■**• leather finish. 5/. —CO Polishes, 822, N.Z. Insurance Bides. A LWAYS apply "Cynthia," the new non- —"*- greasy Foundation Cream. before powder, 2/6. chemists and stores everywhere. r» \ PPLEGARTH Herbal Pills for mental depression. 14V» A POPULAR Present — Au Umbrella -A- bought a; Lethaby's brings good Inek. Ifi. Strand Arcade. R A PPLEGARTH'S Herbal Pills for nervous -A- exhaustion. 14S A SPECIAL Each Day makes the crowds —"A- come our way.—Tutt's, My Hatter, Symonds St. D A T Last—Lawnmowers Set and Sharpened ■**- by an Expert: workmanship guaranteed.—Repair Depot, station St., Newmarket. A UC'KI.AND ladies making history. 'Good- •<■"*■ will" Envelopes assisting, 25 for Cd. I'hamptaioup and Edmiston. A UXOLINE Pomade Dandruff Cure, abso- -*■ lutely certain and harmless : price 2 0. H. Cleal. Hairdresser. Queen St. C BABY Wear, sweet and dainty.—Try The Lily Elsie. Whitehall Bldgs.. Uppex Queen St. DETTER Times Arriving. thanks to I ■*-* " Goodwill " Envelopes ;25 for 6d.— Totman. Stationer. Queen St. "DIG REDUCTIONS IN PRAMS, Push •*-* Chairs. Doll Prams, etc.. at onr ' SHOWROOMS, Thompson's Buildings. 313, | Queen Street (3 doors above Town Hall). W. A. THOMPSON AND CO. C BLUE Serge Suits for a Fiver; guaranteed dye.—Laurie and Hardy, Foresters' Building*. Albert St. " B "DOOTS and Shoes Repaired thoroughly. -*-* Best materials used, prices reasonable. Craig, corner Pitt, Vincent Sts. B BROWNE BROS., 37, Strand Arcade (third floor).—Beit value Irish Linens. Table Damasks. Sheeting, etc. C •DUTTONS, Braiding, Hemstitching: no 4r* waiting.—F. H. Dyer, 2nd Floor. Pacific ('formerly Watson's) Buildings. Wellesler St. B CHAMPION NICKEL-PLATED GAS STOVES. High Efficiency Burners. Large Top. Most Efficient, yet Cheapest. PRICE, £11 10/. Ask for One. PHOKE the Snails. Lime does it.—Any . *-* quantity from Collier, SS. Ponsonbv Rd. 'Phone 26-246. PURCHASE YOUR PAIN'S FIREWORKS NOW, From W. H. HAZARD, Queen Street, Shops Close Half-day Wednesday, Election Day- 66 pAXXOT BEAR THE THOUGHT OF DRINK. THANKS TO DRINKO. There are no relapses with Drinko—lt eradicates permanently the craving for alcohol. Read this letter from a Hastings lsdy: "After two years and two months your Drinko Treatment still holds good, and although my husband was treated secretly he has" a complete disgust for drink now, and cannot bear the thought of it. You can imagine how happy we feel." Drinko is certified absolutely harmless by a Government Analyst. Odourless anil tasteless. Write for free booklet and testimonials. Strictest secrecy observed. Only plain wrappers used. The Lady Manager. Home Welfare Proprletary. 4 M. Willis Street. Wellington. RB YX7HAT IS YOUR AGE? But we do not want to know. We ask the question because no matter what your age, yon have an opportunity to make money by making Home-made National Sweets for us—EXTRA MONEY which you can easily earn eren though yon never had previous experience. i CASH FOR SPARE TIME OR FULL TIME. If you want a spare time occupation; our proposition offers you a chance to earn up to 5/ per hour. These next few months we will have several thousand orders to fulfil for our Xmas Trade. We —ant yon to help us snpply National Sweets —and share in the profits! Whatever your age or position, if you want more money, let us tell you about our plan for making it. Yon owe it to yourself to send in the Coupon for our offer TO-DAY. NATIONAL CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY, 77, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. Here's the Coupon. Now tell mc how the extra pounds can be mine. Name Street Town S HO N JE r. O N* E T. All Honey is good, but the varieties of colour and flavour are so great that buying ordinary Honeys is always an experiment. Some are strong-flavoured and distasteful, some are so mild as to taste like sngar. But this is not so with IMPERIAL BEE HONEYT It is a blend of the best honeys, with the flavours so balanced that It is pleasing »to all, and it is always the same. YOU WILL BE SURE TO GET THE RIGHT THING BY ORDERING IMPERIAL "REE. M P E X I A L -Dee D TTARDWARE TTARDWARE. TTARDWARE TTARDWARE. ( tLOSING-DOWN £_ALE OF QRUICKSHANK, ATILLER AND pO., LTD., IN LIQUIDATION. pRICKET ATATERIAL. fTIENNIS TJACQUETS. TJOXING p LOVES. /1 OLE pLUIfS. AND ALL SPORTS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED prTces; ✓ UTLERY. T7"ITCHEN TITARE. And rpOOLS. rtARDEN "REQUISITES. TJAINTS. ALL IGAIN AJARRED TQOW.V, COME EARLY. THE OPPORTUNITY WILL NEVER RECUR. ADDRESS: QUEEN CTKEET. OPPOSITE SMITH AND CAUGHEY'S.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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810Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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