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SIXUATTONS VACANT. j 1 >:. <1::-MaX, immediate:?, £-.5..; Youta, 1 -..i..v farm. :-"- . M.\. da:-y farm - .-; r .:-_i-:r>. :'"'. }'■-?■.x ' | {>' Si'Ei TABI.iI ' -•":■:• required £•■ take -* 1 - _a._e : Apartmer.: House in return! : r — It.. ■■ :.-■-■ SUB. _!_' O-iADMAN. experienced, t" look after j AY j__S-_ vL p-mice rr,_d.— ui.ler, Maii_:a- , RADDLE Hani. z-jo4. wanted; one o*ed k> :-, --. ■:? prefe-red— Ni ■.•:•• snd Co.. - .-iIT-. H.H. \ r |'..nX'l: ■.■...: • -J. ,' I -".i c.jat rs.ik.-r. — T. Mi-i *,,. >>":. Qu_£n __ u;>>:g:r> ' riIAILORING. — F - !a«s c'.«:mali»" : - 1 - wanted.—P. Gro.->« and Co.. 4 ana •'. I ":rbam St. E. 'PAII.''Ki.SS - Trouser ana Vest Han.l. j *■ -;r--' ; .i" want-:: :. — Ariply Bunker and , . it_j2___ S: - __. j rr<HIN M:!le .-üb>vL wanted f»r medical I •'-• demonstrations: 1 1 . f ' a:eeting.— • __2v 'J-'. Pri:. ■-■-- St r nAJI.OKS. wanted immediately: I "• r-erraancr.t positions. — Apply i.'f... 1:.7. Karangahape Rd. ::4f> r pr.'irSEP.S and Vest Hand wanted, good i wa^'es. —Apply .f. Glan>'e. 73, Victoria TUT.OR ( Tniversiry Man, i'OAi'll BOY OF 13 to prepare for Upper School. Reside larse country near Auckland.—Apply with copies [_itjmonials to F. 14Sf». Star. experienced. wanted for! »* Kaikohe Hotel.—Appry T. Buxton, 4'J. I Rd.. Epsom. 498 TTJINDOW Dresser, experienced, wanted : * ' good opening fnr competent man.— .Tames Adams and Co.. British and American Shoe Store. Queen St. 490 ArOUTH, strona. intelligent, to assist in •*- sarden work.—Dobson, Hortos Co., -. Arawa p:.. i p m. "VTOUTH. strons. wanted. references *• required.—Apply R. 30 a.m. Monday, Dominion Waste Products Co.. Pi/wer House Lane. "\~OCTnS (FOUR) WANTED. - 1 - Over I« Years. For Cardboard Box Making. Apply THE BANKS BOX CO., LTD.. St. Paul Street. A LEADING ADVERTISING COMPANY OFFERS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A HIGH-CLASS REPRESENTATIVE. Only 100 per rent BuElnesii Getters fMale or Female) will be considered. The Remuneration will be upon an Tinusually liberal basis, and will increase in proportion to results. This Permanent Position is probably the most attractive ever offered to the better class of selling representatives. Apply, in strictest confidence, to AUSTRALASIAN, 87 P.O. Box 638, Auckland. A PPLICATIONS, to be made on P.StC. ■**■ Form 17a, obtainable at principal post offices, will be received up to Noon for the following positions:— Clothing 6th November, 1925. SUB-STATION OPERATORS. PUBLIC • WORKS DEPARTMENT, KHANDALLAH (near Wellington), and PENROSE (near Auckland). General Division. Commencing salary, £200 per annum; maximum, £270. It is desired that applicants should have had a regular training in electrical engineering, and subsequent experience in the erection, maintenance and operation of high and low tension lines, transformers and switchgear. Further particulars may be obtained on application. A. C. TURNBULL. Secretary - , Public Service Commissioner, li Wellington. A UCKLAND HARBOUR BOARD. APPOINTMENT OF JUNIOR STOREKEEPERS. Superintendent's Office. 29th October, 1925. Applications will be received at this Office until Noon on MONDAY, 9th November, 1925, for the positions of four Junior Storekeepers. Salary to commence, £104 per annum. Applications must be in applicants' own handwriting, and must be accompanied by copies of testimonials. Conditions of appointment may be *seen at the Board's Office, Quay Street. By order. H. B. BURNETT. 6 Superintendent and Secretary. BAY OF ISLANDS HOSPITAL BOARD, KAWAKAWA. Applications are invited for the position of Medical Superintendent to the above Hospital. Salary, £500 per annum, rising to £600. Free house and private practice allowed. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary before the 10th November, 1925. S. D. GODWIN, 16 Secretary. -OOY, SMART, WANTED TO LEAKN' THE TRADE. r. Apply, f -. SCOTTS, LTD, vil'. Drapers and Clothiers. Karangahape Road 423 BOYS WANTED. Wages to Commence. _1 PER WEEK. Quick rises -according to ability and •' willingness. Apply W. F. TUCKER AND CO., Manufacturers of Jelly Crystals, Baking ' Powder, etc., Severn Street, Auckland. 33 pOURT CITY OF AUCKLAND. APPLICATIONS ARE CALLED FOR POSITIONS OF DOCTORS TO THE ABOVE COURT. Terms of appointment may be seen at the Office of the undersigned. Applications to be addressed to the. Secretary, and close on WEDNESDAY, November 4, at 5 p.m. "!; THEO. J. SPRY. < Secretary. 206, Victoria Arcade, Auckland. 3 r-i O U N T X OF FRANKLIN. ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER. Applications will be received by the Franklin County Council up to 5 p.m. on FRIDAY, November 13, 1925, for the position of Assistant County Engineer, at a salary of £300 per annum. General conditions of appointment can be seen at the Council Chambers. Hall .vtrept, Pukekohe, and at the office of this paper, or will be forwarded on application. I. F. Mc ARTHUR, Pukekohe. County Engineer. October 00, 1925. 124 \ jpORD SALESMAN WANTED. ;, •.. Only men with good sales record. I G. A. HAYDON, LTD.. : ay, . Ford Sales. . ■ . ' ■*$ and 50, Hobsuu St. R. «*BER AND SOX( LT _ Semeaandllanufacturer enced hands— lot ' th <» following experti _3fe.l _•**-• "--KER MAOHTKIST. I Highest wages. __«*,»-* j Jlons. Jlve-day we*?* 0 *"-~-.Tki_ c
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
Word Count
773Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 258, 31 October 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.