GUARANTEED FILMS AT HALF PRICE. Clearance of Ensign-Speedy Films. A rare opportunity to stock up for the summer. "Ensign-Speedy - ' films, an excellent English film, clearing at half price at Harringtons. Every film guaranteed perfect. All Sizes except No. 120.—Only at Harringtons (X.Z.J, Ltd., 140, Queen Street.—(Ad.)
! • ' I "Charlie's Aunt," '"from Brazil, where j the nuts come fioin.' . Funny enough to ! make a cat laugh. Tivoli and Every - j body's, Friday.— (Ad.) LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. MR. AND MRS. FKEEE AND FAMILY extend thanks to Dr. N. S. Macky, matron anil nurses Mater Miserifordiae Hospital, relations ;iml friends, /or klnrtiii-Kg I shown id their .sou and brother, Willie, i during his Imp operation. EL j yOME Kind Person wanted to Adopt healthy Bnb.v Boy, one week old • cn-tirr-ly given up.--Write- V\ 1514, Star. 17 OST, Lnrty's Tan Kiel Kijjht Hiind Motor I-" -({love; reward.—'Phone 43-045, or j 40-fiflS. ( iL . i T OKT. Hnndbag, Suede, containing £ I ■'- i note and sovereipn enso, etc. ; viclnily ('alsnry St., Penry and Shackleton Rd>.': Toward.- -Love. Mariu* Ay.. Edcndalp. 7 - j CJTRAYED.— £5 Reward for information that will load fo Hip oonrlrtion of anyone detnininj? Fnun (irpyhoiinrl Tup : lost or stolpn from Selwyn Rd., Kohimarama : 10/ reward for returning.—'PhoiiP 46-026. 7.-, T() Invest on First Mortgage.—■ cwUUVI Mowbray, Ltd., 30, Shortland St. I -C'JfiO SECOND Mort., Splendid HesiC * IUU denee, Remuera. handy tram ; good margin seenritv.—P.O. Box 753. Aneltlnn.). "ATAN wanted to Shear 40 Sheep.—Apply JX r. H. Searle, corner Trafalgar St. and Pfh T<d . Onplinngn. SOUTH RD.—Good Plat Sertion v - , renulred immediately.—J. H (Don) Millar. Brunßwirk BlflgK.. Queen St. 71 TfEMTEItA-EPSOM.— Supprior Allotment J -*' required urgently.—J. H. (Don) Miller). Briinc-n-lek Bldgs.. Queen St. 71 rpAIT.ORF.RS— Trounpi- and Vest HandT -*- firct-elTss, wnntPd.—Apply Bunker P"'l i'".. IT.". Oneen St. IR2 , SITUATIONS WANTED. "VTIGHT Pantrymaid wants Work; good ■*■' worker.— lnquire Stab. Hj
Page 9 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 9
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