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"WANTED KNOWN. A LARGER Tin of a hotter and l.righter Polish in C-0 Wuxslihit:; 2/3, 3 , 3. \ LL Customers, old anil new. note The •"- Standard Laundry, ;;.''.>. Queeu St., is now under n.'\v manM.4eme.ln. 2+ A LL Linen Towels. Tablecloths, Servi- •**- etti's. Handkerchiefs, lowest prices.— Setter's Irit-h Linen Stores. Jcrvois Rd.. I'onsonhy. > A LL Suede Shoes converted Into patent ■**- leather finish. X>l. —CO l'olishes, 522, y.z. insui-iiin-c niiiKs. '. uWAYS apply "Cynthia," tlie; new non--~V- greasy Foundation Cream, before \> or, v, 6, chemists and stores ©verywhpre. j> A PPLEGARTH Herbal Pills for mental •*■*- depression. 140 " \ NCHOU ' Butter Supreme—Gunrnn- ■*"*- teed by the neat, safe, and sanitary ' Anchor " Carton. Ai! Uro.-crs. U A PPLEGAKTHS Herbal Pills lor nervous ■*-■*- pxhaustion. 148 A SPECIAL Each Day makes the crowds come our way.—Tutt's, My Hatter, Svmnnd? St. D A T Last —LawnmowersSet ami Sharpened by an Expert: -workmanship guaranteed.—Repair Depot, Station St., Newmarket. A UCKLAND Indies making history. "Goodwill" Envelopes assisting. JC> for 6d. rtmmptalonp and Kdmiston. BABY Wear, sweet and dainty.—Try The Lily Elsie. Whitehall Bldgs.. l'p!>ex tjupen St. BETTER Times Arriving, thanks to " Goodwill " Envelopes ; 2.3 for 6d.— Tutmnn. Stationer. Queen .St. ULUE X-Ray Oil for your ailments.— -*-* Obtainable at Sanford's Fish Shop, opp. G.P.0., Queen St. A Hair Colour Restorer and Tonic. It works. P.N., 4/. —Wiles. Chemist. ISO. Parnell Rd.. Aneklapii. A " Nickel-plated Gas Stoves; high efficiency burners, large lop; most efficient, yet cheapest; price £11 10/. Ask for one. /COUNTRY Orders filled promptly. Satisfaction assured. —Wiles, Chemist. Ist), Pnrnell Rd.. Auckland. A , T~iON'T forget to have your picnic ham- -*-" per on Saturday night at the AngloAmerican, 17, Queen St. "PUHEKA the key to success, a Mind Power Course of Lessons.—Particulars, Box 17, Newton P.O. D "CVREWORKS. —Fifth November comes ,J- only once a year. Buy the youngsters ' a Box of Hazard's Fireworks ; 2/6, 3/, and 10/ per box. A Pen and Eversharp Pencil J- Doctor.— J. Buchanan, cor. Queen and Fort Sts. Repnirs promptly executed. D FIREWORKS, best quality English and Chinese; boxes, 2/6, 5/, and 10/.— Hazard's, Queen St. A TjMREW.OEKS, English and Chinese, of -T best quality ; boxes. 2/C, 5/, and 10/, from Hazard's, Queen St. A Whizz. Bang.—Pain and Sons' Famous Fireworks in boxes, 2/6, 5/, 30/. and 20/, from Hazard's. Queen St. A FOU All Gastric Troubles and Affections of Stomach, rnnsult W. T. Anderton, Herbalist. 17. Mt. Eden Rd. _7 HEMSTITCHING. Button Making. Embroidery, Pinking, Braiding, moderate; prompt attention. —Greer Scott, 73, City f'hnmbers. D HEMSTITCHING, Buttons. Pleating, Skirts Made Up. Dressmaking. Evening Gowns; charges moderate. —12. Victoria St. W. D "TNECTO" Hair Dye, procurable in nil J- shades from Miss Borjroke. Toilet Specialist. City Chambers. Auckland. D KEWPIE Califonts give abundant hot water; cost £5 14/ net cash.— Keesing. 29. Wellrslpy St. E. A T ADIES: To be healthy and strong use ■XJ Orange Lily.—Full particulars, Dewar, Strand Arcade. D MADAME BELMONT, Character Headings ; ladies only.—l 9, Lincoln St., Ponsonhy. 40 MADAME MARIE will give Advice, 10 a.m. to 0 p.m.—7, Mira St., off Lincoln St.. Ponsonhy. MRS. WATSON, Character Reader, may be consulted at 12. Scotia Place, off T'pper Queen St. "-VTAFTHALINE"—Death to Moths and Silverfish; nil Stores or Domestic Vafimm Cleaning Co.. 12. Strand Arcade. D PILE Cones (Coonley's) give instantaneous relief; sufferers report wonderful results : 4/6. —Dpwnr, Strand Arcade. A TJOLFE'S Wax is. after all, the t>est and J-* , most economical Floor Polish. Sold everywhere. D OAY "Anchor" and foe satisfied.—ln cartons. "Anchor," the World's best butter All Orncors. D CIEWING Automatic Drophead Machine, *-" cheap; Singer Round Shuttle, £4 15/; Treadle, £3 15/. —Globe, 154, Queen St. D LINGER 6(5 Oak Drophead. £6 15/; guaranteed : spveral Singer Hand Machlnps. cheap.—Globe. 154. Queen St. D rpHE "Golden Cow" Carton Is the sign, of "■- 1 - " Anchor " Butter supreme. All Grocers. D rpORALINB clears tlie Tubes and saves -»- the Lungs. Chemists and Stores. 1/6 and 2/6. A WILL the Public of Auckland see Tutt's Daily Specials In our Special Window. Symonds St. p 4?jr DEPOSIT. £1 Weekly—Your House c"" , " and Section in 12 months.—Homes P.O. Box 210. Auckland. TDURCHASE YOUR PATN'S FIREWORKS NOW, From W. H. HAZARD, Queen Street. Shops Close Half-day Wednesdny, Electior Day. 6( TVr ANTED KNOWN THAT CRUICKSHANK. MILLAR AND CO., LTD. (In Liquidation). Are Sacrificing the Remainder of their Great Stock of Ironmongery and Sports Goods at their Shop in Queen Street, opposite Smith and Caughey's. A HONES O N E V All Honey is good, but the varieties of colour and flavour are so great that buying ordinary Honeys is always an experiment. Some are strong-flavoured and distasteful, some are so mild as to taste like sugar. But this is not so with IMPERIAL BEE HONEY. It is a blend of the best honeys, with the flavours so balanced that it is pleasing to all, and It is always the same. YOU WILL BE SURE TO GET THE RIGHT THING BY ORDERING IMPERIAL TJEE MPERIAL -DEE 5 ■yyOULD YOU gELL JJS JWEMNG "pOB £^.7 If you could make as much as £1 in only two and a half hours of one evening would you be willing to sell us that tlmeJ YOU can do both; sell us the time, and make an even £1 between 7 o'clock and 0.30 of a single evening. EXTRA POUNDS FOR EXTRA PLEASURES. Tou may not feel the need to prepare foi a "rainy day"; lucky for you if you're right! But you can surely use extra money, whether it is for necessities vi pleasures. And you can earn It, too, just like hundreds of others are doing in their spare time day nr evening by makinz NATIONAL CONFECTIONS foi y US. Motor trips are great fun. Hunting a . six-letter word meaning eat is diverting. V . -a. good movie is worth the price of ud?ro^w n n ~ ut , mot «r rides, movies, even vacltToT, b c oUs cost mone - v - *° d 0 pttr-to &*» c T ntless other thlnss wltho a ut n .experiS, Oner r easUy ' Pteamatly, other wants-tw 6 - - thMe or any the one that will n<l? 0 better offer than Kame .....„.- Street ..."." • if own ■ - ■•. ••'.' 3 ■ •'••« ;::::::: ■'. '-~-~- : •..-■• I . ■ ■-■■..
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
Word Count
1,012Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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