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SITUATIONS VACANT. [Prepaid Advertisements, not exceeding nneen words. One Shilling; three consecutive insertions. Two Shillings and Sixpence.] A iIATEUES and Professionals wanted, ail kinds vaudeville acts ; good lees tm.U. — McCumbe. 2s, U..SI. Arcade. A MATEUR Vaudeville Artists, any cupii- ■**• city. Pupils desiring experience. Locals also encouraged.—Kingston, 547, Mauukau Kd. Attendance Oxieiiunga l'ic- j lures, Thursdays, Saturdays. | A SPIRANTS Stage gain experience ' •**• Vaudeville Trials; select houses; . money prizes.—Kingston, 547, iianukau ltd., hpsoin. "DLACKSMITH wanted, good all round, -*-» immediately.—Apply Semmens, Taueatua. Q2 I BOOT Trade—'.Machinist, first-class, tor Light Work.—Apply Northern Boot, Ltd., Federal St. T»OOT Trade.—Wanted, First Class -'-* Pressman.—Apply The Murray Shoe Co., 32, Cook St. ' BOY wauteil, a&siet on Baker's Van.— PnvlH, 20, Mowhurii Ay., Mt. Eden. BOY, smart, wanted for messages, etc. — Apply Meltzer Bros., 60-67, Victorin St. West. 13 BOY, smart, to learn Brush Making,—J. F. Brown, Cambourne Kd., off E-J'in-ilnli- 130 BOY, smart, about 14 or 15, wanted. — O'Leary Bros, and Downs, Ltd., Seedsmen, Cook St. TJOY, to assist in warehouse; one just J-» from school preferred.—Hoare and Co., Wak&feld St. !_. OIS wanted for factory.—4ppl; Garland, *-* Ltd., Manufacturing Confectioners, Arthur St., Poneonby_ ; 9 TDOY. wanted, 15-17 years; 6/ per day ;go -*-» round with vegetables.—Hop Wah, Karnngahape Rd.. Auckland. 140 T3OY (17) wants Apprenticeship to Build- -*-* ing or Joinery ; technical experience; r "r"neo.-—Wr ; te B. STAR. 13n BOY wanted, smart, hont-sc, as Appren■! tice to Manufacturing Jeweller.—Apply Walter Denison, 96, Queen St. | T?OY, strong, wanted for Store, ternpor I -*-*' ary.—Apply immediately, Hawkeswood. ! Ltd., Wholesale Merchants, Anzac Ay. 164 "ijKICKLAYEK, good, wanted to finish -*-*, Red Press fireplace.—Apply on job, corner Aratonga At. and Wheturangi Rd., or Box and Son, Alexander St., Glenmore. rXABINETMAKER'S Machinist wanted; V- , must be first-class man. —Shenkin, <-. 'Williamson Avenue. /CABINETMAKER wanted, good wages, vV constant work right man.—Apply, Newton Manufacturing Co., Newton Place. 54 C>AKPENTER wanted, small job.—Apply J Pacific Motore, Ltd., 403, Queen St. 126 CARPENTERS (2) wanted, pood wages] ' to good men.—Apply new job, Amaru ; Rd.. Campbell Rd. , ! pARPEXTEES (2), good men. —Colney. 'Builder, Aldred Rd., Remuera, first on left, off Victoria Aye. piARPENTERS (6); must be good flnish'tit hands.—N. Cole, 410, Smith's Buildings, Albert St. H-iKPENTERS wanted for Arties a. and Manly Beach. 2/6 per iiour.—Powley, Builder. Whancnparnna. CARPENTERS WANTED: LABOUR ONLY. CONTRACTS. Apply Saturday morning, at completed jobs, Alfred Street. Onehunca. ' MARCH, LTD. (COAT and Vest Hands wanted , Anpiy Ait-pII and- Jaggs, cor. High nnrl Sts. (COAT Machinist, Trousers Finisher, ex- . np'-ienopd. wnntPd: best wages; flVeflny week.—J. Pane. Wellesley St. . /COMPOSITOR. flrßt Hass.—Relianpp *-J PrlntPr.v. Albert St.. Pity. 17fi riORNET Player wanted, Saturday nights, ' Onehnnca Picturps: must bp cood renrtpr.—Apply to-night, StranC Theatrp, Onphnnira. 3?> A -LEADING ADVERTISING COMPANY OFFERS A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A HIGH-CLASS REPRESENTATIVE. Only 100 per cent Businpss Gpf-ters (Male or Female) will be considered.
The Remuneration will be upon an unusually liberal basis, and will increase in proportion to results. This Permanent Position is probably the most attractive ever offered to the better class of selling representatives. Apply, In strictest confidence, to AUSTRALASIAN, 87 P.O. Box 635, Auckland. THOROUGH OF NORTHCOTU. RANGER AXD DOG REGISTRAR. Applications will be received in the Town Clerk's Office, Northcote, until 4 o'clock p.m. on TUESDAY, 10th November, Ib2o, for the joint appointments of Ratiier ana Dog Registrar for the Borough. Remuneration £18 per. annum, plus driving fees and 25 per cent commission on doa tax collected. Conditions of appointment may be seen In the Town Clerk's Office, Northcote, during, office hours. H. W. WILSON. Town Clerk. October 29th, 1923. •Jα "ROYS WANTED. *- J Wages to Commence, £ 1 PER WEEK. Quick rises according to ability and willingness. Apply W. F. TUCKER AND CO., Manufacturers of Jelly Crystals, Baking Powder, etc., Severn Street, Auckland. 33 Q.IRLS (TWO), SMART, YOUNU, Just Leaving School, AS JUNIOR CASHIERS. Apply SECRETARY, Box 1334, G.P.O. JNSURANCE. GUARDIAN ASSUR\NCE CO.. LTD REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF A CLERK WITH 3 OR 4 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ' Apply in writing, enclosing references, MANAGER. 1 P.O. Box. 1070. I QPOTIKI HOSPITAL BOARD. Wanted immediately, experipneed Probationer, salnry £05 per annum. Also Cook, .-22 per week. For further particulars apply to, MISS BAGLEY, Department of Health, Pukemiro Chambers. Anzac Avenue. 43 T> GREER AND SON, LTD., Warehousemen and Manufacturers, SB-44. Douglas Street, Ponsonby, Have Vacancies for the following experienced hand? — 1 TROUSER MACHINIST. 1 KNICKER MACHINIST. Highest wages. Excellent working conditions. Five-day weefc.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
Word Count
718Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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