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SrrVATIQiS WANTED. [New arrhals and all others will Bud this column the best means of reaching Employers. Fifteen Words, Oue Shilling.] A BADLY Cleaned Chimney Means Fire. - £ -*- Practical Chiinuey Sweep—Colquhoun, 3, Totara St., Pousouby. Phone 26-75' J. U A CHIMNEY Sweep, practical, clean, -*-*- couscieutioue, minimum dirt, dlsturoance.—B. Hartung, 24. Hay den St.. City. D A BOUT Chimney Sweeping.—No dust -"• guaranteed; also work —Write Smith, n. Kxmouth St., off Newtou Rd. £ A BOUT Concrete Paths, Tarring, Sand- ■"• ing; first class work, reasonable. —IS. Cross, Z2, Randolph St., Newton. E£ ADVERTISER (27), European, desires Position Merchant's OUice; extensive Indian experience (Calcutta); testimonials. Address, 6. Grey St., Devonport. A XTJsi.NTlUj>—lloors Painted from £o ; -"-best material only. Satisfaction. —Write F. 1619, Stab. /CARPENTERING, Building—Let mc give you a price for that job.—Phone 21-558. piAKFENTER wants Work; anything in the trade. —Francis, 14, Spring St., l'onsonby. PjAKPEXTER and Joiner—Alterations, additions, etc.; contract or labour. — Apply Builder, 96, Ladies' Mile, Ellerslle. OAiCRYING wanted for market gardeners ; also Stable Manure, 12/6 load, delivered.—Chamherlaln. Point Chevalier. "TiRESSMAKER, competent; Smart Ftooks J- , almost completed in day, 12/6, fares.—■ 21, Valley Rd. Phone 20-565. competent, desires PosiXJ tion by day; fee 10/6; half expenses; town or country.—Write H. 903, Stab. "CVMPLOYMENT wanted, evenings, by lady, any capacity.—Write W. 837, Star. ENGINE Driver, second ticket, wants Permanent Position, country mill preferred ; excellent refs.—Write F. 1437, Star.
FRENCH Polishing Contract Work wanted, trade or private.—Write H. 1292, Star. GARDENER, expert flowers, vegetables, lawns, wants work, 2 or more days, romilar. —Write F. 1433. Star. thoroughly experienced, out- -" door and under glass work ; refs.; West End, Westmere, Grey Lynn preferred.— Write H. 1105. Star. GIRL (15) wishes Situation as Apprentice to dressmaking.—Write W. 853. Star. GIRL, young, wants Position as housemaid; excellent refs.—Write Beta, 101. Graftnn Rd. '■& HELP, daily or part daily, good plain wo': • f-pe now.—Write F. 1465, Star. TTOUSEKBEPER'S Position wanted by -*-*• widow with two children; urgent.— 150. Grey St. ]J OUbEKEEI'Eis'S Position wanted, with •*-*- child 3J years, to wiSower or bachelor ; own mistress; country preferred.—Write ii. 4',)57, Star. 31 JOl.\i£it, tirst-cluss, seeks re-engagement, bench work.—.loiner, 121, Ponsoaby Rd. LADY, young, requires Position, Drapery Store, 10 years' experience.—Write H. 1214. Staij. T ADY, experienced, wants Housemaid's <*-* Position, near city; £I.—Apply 53, Walmsley Rd.. Otahuhu. 13 LADY, domesticated, seeks Position, Housekeeper, Auckland ; own mistress ; refs.—Write M. Star. T AI>X, young, wants Housework daily, 8 -" till 5, Sundays excepted; Devonport preferred.—Write V. 1372, Stab. LADY r6quires Position, offlQe, or assistant, booksellers and stationers. — Apply Streetou, Saunders Aye., Takapuna. . 41 T ADY, young, would like Position, good ■*-* home, light household duties; small remuneration ; companion.—Write F. 1417, Star. ' T AWKMOWEKS Sharpened, 3/6; satis- -" faction guaranteed ; experienced.—Send your address to H. 1116, Star.
T IGHT House • Duties wanted; email wages, good home essential.—Write W. S2B. Star. T INOTYPE Operator wants Position, ■ ■*-* town or country; good jobbing and news experience on machines.—Write B. 4591, Star. LOCO. Steam Tractor Driver; full certificate ; running repairs; competent. Write F. 1405, Stab. MAN, married, 2 children, wants Work; can drive Ford; urgent.—Write W. 1031. Stab. MAN wants Day Work, garden, odd jobs, anything: good worker ; keen.—32B, Queen St., Onehunga. MAN, young (21) requires Position, experienced roundsman, also pressing; will do anything.—Write F. 1510. Stah. MOTOR Mechanic wishes Situation; do turning, fitting, drive truck , or marine joh.—Write F. 1408. Star. PAINTING and Paperhninrinz. — Reims papered from 10/; first-class work guaranteed.—Write S. 2C3, Star. PAPERHANGING, Painting, etc., by experienced tradesman ; estimates given A. B. Longley, 58, Wellesley St.', 'phone 46----091. PLUMBING, all classes, satisfaction, price, quality.—W. R. McCallum, 23, St. .1 times St., City. PEKSON, refined and experienced, seeks Position, children's nurse, during day • ref. — Vdng 12-430, after 5. T>OSITION wanted in Wholesale or Retail -t by thoroughly experienced storekeeper; grocery and general.—Write F. 1574, Star. SALESMAN and Qualified Bookeeeper *-5 desires Position, progressive firm ; good address and proved business getter.—Write F. 1407. Star. SITUATION wanted near Onehunga by respectable, young woman ; housework, good cook ; references.—Laklng, Tailor, Oneffunga. 54 AILORESS wants Gents' Work to do at hnnie.—lnquire 18, Pratt St. rpO Country Newspapers—Reporter- •*■ Canvasser, experienced, at present employed on a daily, seeks change.—Write ■p nfii. Star. wants Work, apartment house, " » or Work by the day ; hours 8 to 3 — Write F. 1509. Star. WOMAN, young, seeks Position, pressing in factory or laundry; good worker urgent.—Write H. 1065. Star. ATOUNG Man wants Position where he -*• ran livirn trade of saw doctor.—Write "VTOUNG Man, arrived from East, hardA enp-e-pl-ie. lntpllirronf-, desires Employment: suita'hle remuneration; refer ences. —Inquire Start. 7g5 PARTNERSHIPS. PARTNERSHIPS, Investments arranged in Genuine Businesses. —Our only address: Business Sales C. 32, Queen St. PARTNER wanted ; good salesman ; sell Drapery, country ; no capital required ; must provide car or security.—Write W. 057, Star. PROPERTIES SOLD AND WITHDRAWN. A GENTS —Take notice, have appointed A Abbott and Elmsiy Sole Agents my ■ Cheltenham Property.—L. T. Wyl.e. ! ptHARLES COWARD, 41, Queen St., has v- , ' Sold my House, Amy St., Remuera. I Agents withdraw.—'M. Beuth. TO! LAND Agents—Take notice, my House. 5. Owens Rd., Pevonport, is "withdrawn from snle.— J. Mcßnp. T AND Agents.—Take notice* our Proner- -*-* ties, Pah Rd.. Epsom, and Station Terrace. Remuera. have been Sold by Charles Coward, Phoenix Chambers, 41, Queen St. M. and C. Blnns. IQI ■\fl~Y Bungalow, Panmure Rd., Ellersiie, -**■ Sold by Charles Coward, Phoenix Chambers. —L. Index. 101 WANTETJ TO WIRE. INVALID Chair, pneumatic tyres, wanted to Hire) urgent— Writ* F. 1414, Bu*.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
Word Count
891Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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