MR. HALL SKKLTOX AT EPSOM. Mr. Hall Skelton was accorded a. very warm reception at the Ttegent Theatre last night. The candidate was in good form, and outbursts of applausi , marked the approbation of his hearers. The candidate said h< , hud tried to keep a high level kii academic debate throughout tho campaign". For three \ve>-ks he believed lie had staled an unanswerable case aatuii*: tin , (iovernincnt. lie had applied ci'iiMoini I'l'ih'-ipli ■> In llu> prulilenis of tiii' day. 1! : > opponent lind made no attempt to reply, Imi had n-lifd entirely mi :i• •μ-i , "1 th. , i-u'mur poli.-y. without i ,, t.:>' fining c.i.m , against the ' ■ -iw. nn.i'iit or Milium any policy wliii-ii :!.'■ ' u>\iTiiinp!it proposed to carry mil. Hi- '•H>lii>vo.l li • had completely exploded all the idle bogies oi his o]>ppiven;, which tliv latter rxpivud the decline ;n a -cept a Mihstitut; , for "cnuine politics. A number ,if people rose to move the moti.-n of i-uiilideiiee. but Mr. Major said he would a-k that privlegc. The latter r-aid the address showed a standard of intelligence unexampled by any candidate in the Auckland province, or even in New Zealand. He believed the candidate had every qualiliiatiun for Parliamentary life. His mental and physical vigour were most exceptional. He possessed t!'.or-c rare of nieinory. logic ana great doqui'iu'C liackcil by a most huniauitarian outlook. Hi , had raised l.ilii'ralsm in Koskill to the highest standiir.l. and had drawn aloinid him a great b >dy of democratic supporters from the three parties, which would as-iuv hi- siircesnext Wednesday, lie was an educational politician, a> i>aih~> ;■.> l u> «as and would ii'akc cue if the ni'.).-t eH'i-c----tive nicin' ci- in tiie new I'araanient. The iiioii.m wu.-i carried unanimonsly amidst prolonged applause an i ch-ering. Mi. llaii S! pltun. mi r'siug ti> thank the large ami ence. received an nvalion. drowning his words of thank-.
Nationalist candidate (or the Roskill Seat.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 8
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 8
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