The Newmarket Town Hall was packed !on« before S oVlock last night, and people were standing in the passage-way when Mr. •!. Stewart. Reform randidalr for Aiu-klaml Ka*t. gave an address. Mr. S. Donaldson, Mayor of Newmarket, presided.
The meeting was. on the whole, h good one. although a large section of tho audience was in the Labour interests, find did not to let the candidate know it on several occasions during his speech.
About half way through the. meeting, and when the candidate referred to his offer to resign if Mr. Lcp could prove that tin- Government intended to reduce wages 7/0 a week to help the family man, there was an uproar. The rowdy element seemed to be led by one man. and on the request nt" the chairman, the ofiender was removed by the police. This action was the signal for the departure of about .'SO other men. who walked noisily out of the- hall.
With the departure of the interjectors and friends the candidate repeated his challenge to Mr. Lee to prove his allegation before the editors of tin , two Auckland newspapers or any cither impartial authority.
The candidate then continued his address with very few interruptions. At the close he answered several questions, and a motion of thanks and confidence was carried with cheers and groans.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 8
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