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"IJUDsON S Cjacrete Boile' S lut« +~ ; £ , S£4S_£_ Be M _r ££tig£& \ JCtorla Sc K. " *•»«« Bids.. \£ORTGAGES—Seconds S5 FTH -U- sauted lmmediaifciy: cash n_rt*7« ""J , «™«at—'■'•- L. Batter. 64, Qu^f/ IyrOETGAOiIS, soann. wanted to Buy TChambers. ,u,i - "• i'aoeau S^-SV* , ' Society. Us other «enrlil«.-G«._i" £5 "'WARDS to Lead, repayment! Alien, rvom 44, Security Bldas. °-*JU asd security.—Write W. 526. £-.' £60 . WANTED ia-iedlately. secnrJrT B"m i ?T?. MmM,|tsit&Ma^w y X?l9n lu^< J L - N 'i" off £350; £50 7i c*J__,.J £2 75 . o2 7" °& gages.—G. MayM?l, PhoeaU Cham^S ■°» *W> Craig, 25. Pboe_i_ X?QXO —FIRST McrtcagA, 7 _„ — .l^V? l,^* 1600 : IreehoW secW-Wri£ I»* . V«V| cTAE, £3000 • £2000 ' £1000 ' £70 ° FtJE cv'JUUU, ame( i iate investment in first class city or suburban securities at cnSSi rates.—Kavanagh. De Cock. and BorfS Solicitors. _7-_S. Union Building cS_S& L OANS E ASY T° S eccb£ MONEY ADVANCED DAT OP APPUr» TION. OX -^^-t-A-PIANOS AND FURNITURE (wither removal), "joui MOTOR CASS, BUILDING SOCTETV SHARES and every das 0* Secarir? OCR INTEREST IS LOWER OTE REPAYMENTS EASIER THAN A \T OTHER OFFICE. " Strictest Privacy and Honest Treatott: Assured. Loans in other offices Mid «p Larger amounts advaceed, end placed «-" our easy terms. Before negotiatta* e i»where get our terms and yon ivillborroir ( JJQOTABLB J^OAN U5 AKD piNANCE j r-OiIPANTT, J TD., ! Second Floor, HIS MAJESTFS AHCATIF ; Phnne 44-729. QUEEN STREET rag £OAN AND Jpx-VAKCB qs_ FACTS WORTH KNOWING. We are now Lending MoneT at LOWE* INTEREST than any other O'See, and onr 1 REPAYSIEXT SXSTEM is rw«__S i< i the EASIEST IN AUCKLAND. ! Being established over 10 -rears, onr 1 REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALINGS can be thoroughly relied upon. An important potct is loaaa are ocadncted with STRICTEST PRn'ACX, and is jNO FEES ARE CHARGED, it will p/v 1 TOU to see us before going elsewhere ! WE ADVANCE any Amount oa FURNITURE, PIANOS, MACHINES, SH>TO!I , CARS (■nithouc removal) ; also PSOilKj SORT NOTES. ! LOANS IN OTHER OFFICES PAID OFF iAXB LARGER AMODXTS ADVANCED J SATISFACTION GUAHANTEKK ' ! ■pMPIRB T OAN AND TCnNANCB r<O« WYNTXBAM CHA3IBERS. opp Gig Cα, : WTNDHAM ST., CITY. Phone 42-Q6lTp I TiTMEDIATE PRIVATE ADVANCES ,J- WITHOUT FEES. FUSS OR EMPIT ; PROMISES. Oh Furniture. Pianos, Sewing Mac-lies (without removal). Buiidinj Sodety Shares, Life and o_»r Approved Securities. USE OUR MONET. Pay 11 Back On Easy Terms. ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. LOW CHARGES. EAST REPAYMENTS. I T IBERAL JOAN riO., T. TO - I Ground Floor, PALMERSTOX , BLDGS., ! 47, QUEEN STREET. CTTT. P i ! A UCEXAND J OAN AND "piNANCI I T D-TTED. 34, COLWILL CHAitBEBS, SWAKSOK STREET. GTTT. THONE 2191 (Three Rings). D ' TX7EEECLY SAVINGS INVEST3CEST. iVY ONE SHILLING contributed ireelly ! toward A UNITY SERVICE BOXD i PROVIDES FOP. :— ! 1. Cash Payment -fter seven Years. 2. Educational Annuity in 14 Years, i 3. House Property Endowment 20 Tears. \. Superannuation Ansuitv 40 Years. 5. Guaranteed Security ccder "Trust Deed. Motto : 'MUTUAL SERVICE." Yon supply trees, we ropply land and tead same "until maturity. .CO-OPEEATIVE TREE PItAS-TSG SOCIETY, LTD., Station. Mill. Mine and Qcarry OtrneM, Auciiand Office : 10. Ferry Baildings. D 'pHE OLDEST ESTABLISHED LOAX - 1 - COMPANY IN AUCKLAND. We Lend Money on any Security, ettc_ v PIANOS, FURNITURE. era, wit-gnl removal: also BUILDING SOCTETT SHARES. Terms of repayment to suit yourself. Ofiices so situated as to give utmeit privacy. Inquiries treated strictly confideatiai JEWELLERY, ETC We Lend on above at Half the Currsat Ruling Kate in AnckU-d. TDEAL T OAN AND "piNANCE p<J^ LIMITED. (Still Undor the O!d M_D2_ensent). ALSTON CHAM3ERS. 63, QUEEN ST. 'Phone 44-"7. 2 j piTY LOAN AND FINANCE COJEPANY. I ARE YOU REQUIRING READY CASH? WE ADVANCE MONEY STBICTLT ! PRIVATE on Furniture, Pianos, Sewi-S Machines (without removal), Motor Can. ! Building SocietT Share?, etc. Onr intsreK j and rep-yment Ersiera are the easiest ■ obtainable in Auckland. No publicity, assurin. you absolute privacy. No fees or tines. Call, write, or : phone, and you receive immediate attention. _. CITY LOAN AND FINANCE COMPAST, Room 22. HeUaby's Builuicgs (3rd Floor), I Queen Street (opp. GJS.O.) ■ 'Ph"ne 41-7-Sl. ? CASH ADVANCE? IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE. Should you r«=-q\;ir? urpeat financial a?sis;a=c«-. it Is comto know that sr? her? I T.j aysist yo'j and your confidtiic?. Mar.r y-ar; of business : ro_dn<-!»il on the "HonestT is th? Bo=: Policy" ha-i«. tave earned for us a rfrmaiicn for ABSOLUTE INTEGRITY AND FAIRNESS IN EVERY TRANSACTION. OUR POLICY— —Lowvst Inr'T'?;. —Totir Otvti Terras o: Repayment —AnU Ahsc-lute Trivsry. fir auh rirz ?;r: t> io this i polioy v,-,-. hay- : fh» respect ani] -o-xiwi:: of our many clients. Immediai-; advanc-s on Furaltor?. Pianos. S.t:c: Marino* (Wuh- • \i- K"—.-va:-. Motor «. irs. Baiidiiig Society Pi:_res. a:.d Every <-; s? ? of Security. Existing Loan? i's;.! or. rpHE T3ELIANCE T OAN - 4XI •piNANCE pOMTANY, Jj™' ! IRVINE'S CITAMBEr?. .First Floor), ' G2. QUEEN STREET. P_ODe 42-909-J. S. EMANUEL. M-.nacws Director. (Bran.::-. C'Sce : HAMILTON.'' * DYERS A3?D CLEA?TEBSVN partmrc:; f ■ :.. :-' sr=.J Oocts" Hit*. fox's Ha: rs-vry. Kftr'-.-jah.-.r-e Re - -~L M-ftAA— CARi'ETa Cipaned andl Dian--I>UU tv.- v<. E:?ctrical Beatia? Va'-uum Proc's—r>om°s:ic vacuum Cleaning Co.. S:rcua Arcade.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
Word Count
813Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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