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SHIPPING. TTMON milP pQMI'AN* OF NEW ZEALAND. (Cireurnstaaccs l'ernuttiu; ' CANADIAN -AUSTRAL!AN K.M. IJNE. To Canada. United Slates and Kurop«Ma i>u\.;. Uonnlniu. VU-t<..rLa .8.C.) and Vauconver. Proposed SaLliiiss From Auckland: 2-M.S. XIAGAIiAt Tuescjur. 2-Ub November R-M.M.S. AOUANGI* Tucs-.i-'BU December K-M.S. NlAGAKAt..Tuesday, 19th Janua" E-U.M.S. AOKANGIV.Tues., IGtfx February R-M.s. NIAGARA?..Tuesday. 16th Marclj R-M.M.S. AORANGl...Tuesday. 13th April •Masnifioeat New v}uadrupl-s Screw ilotor Sii:,i II.W, Tons Register. rTriplo S-iyy.o;; Fik-1. 13.415 t«ns K^gis** l *-. SYDNEY. R-M.S. NIAGARA.. .Tue*-. 10; h Nov.. 5 p.m. EXCCBSIONS TO HONOLULU. I'ar;i-:-iilars cm Aypli^tion. SAN FRANCISCO UOYAL MAIL LINK. T.. Tniu-j suites. Cinaila and Europe. From Wellington, via Rarotonga. Papeete ami Sjn Francisco. H.MA TAHlTl...Tuesday. lwU NoTMßtier RMS MAKCBA...TBesdav. Sth Deceo-.i>e? R.M.S. TAHITI T-jctriay. SJU January R-M.S. UAKURA.-.Tuesday. ±n<t February R.M.S. TAHITI Tuesday, -'nd >lare!i X.M.S. MAKri:A Tuesday, Marvg COASTAL. INTERCOLONIAL. AND ISLAND SERVICES. Olsborne. Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedin. and Timarn. iCanro Only.) Kai'-ia Friday. 30th I. p.m. N>w riymoiitb iFrnin One'nuasai. . .Monday. 2nd Nov.. o p'-'i. Tγ. 2.11 Wellington to Lrttelton. Wabino Monday. We.].. Frt. at 7.45 Ma--.ri.. . .Tnesiiar. Tbnrs.. Sat . at 7.45 p.m. Bprxu> Rtw>he«l Ancklaml Sydney Dire«t. ilacDg.Tnuj Friday, lSib Nov.. 3 p.m. Mafcenn Friday. L'7th November Ma'jJ3?ainu !as .TC'.oajniiilation for Ist, -Ed. anU 3rd Class I'ass»ng»rs. Meltvurae. ria Biuff (From Wellington). Manuka Monday, -nd November Sydney iKron Weltinjrtonv. Mabeno Frjtlay, 14th November Ma-.ipganni FridaV. 27tb N'.v«»raV"»r Fiji (Scra>. Samoa lApial, Tcmaa iVavau. Haaj'.ii. and Xnitwlofa). Tffua SatnTday. 7t'n Nov.. 11 a.m. TEHDERS. T ICEXSED Drainer—Price wanted for -*-' CynnectiDg Sewerage.—lnquire STAB. 763 TDKR'E wanted for Painting, etc.—New - 1 - job. Manukau R<!.. E>psom, opposite Epsom Avenue. 102 waa'.ed U-r Building Small Cotx tage, Milford.—Particulars from Albert J. Stratford. 4.. Domain St., City. /"\UARRY O-xners —Price wanted to V: » Xv??:? S'.'OOtl. raore or Ifss. Oin x 6in Blnestoae in Quarry. Tenders close This office, November -5, 1523.—Wri*& H. l'!'Sv Stab. rpENE'EKS v;anted for Erection and Supx ply c*t Bungalow at ureenhithe. —W". S. Moiallsn. Graephirh»>, mENDEI'.S w£Lnte<l. Bricklaying, Painting. J- F..L—New Job, Cedar Rd., off St. Irf?onard'« Rd.. Mt. Eden. 69 rj\ V BUILDEBS. RESIDENCE. ST. "STEPHEN'S AVENUE, PARNELL. FOX DR. J. A. TTATSON. I Tenders for the Erection of the above (in wood j will he received until 2 p.m. ; THURSDAY, November 5. E. EUPEBT MORTON. Registered. Architect, Phone 43-OS3. Ellison Chambers. , \ DDITIONS AN-D ALTERATIONS AND ERECTING WAREHOUSE, Wyndnam Street. Auckland, for MESSRS. BOOTH. MACDONALD AND CO.. LTD. Tenders clow at 4 p.m.. TUESDAY. 3rd November. Architect's Plans and Specifications at Anckland Office of the Coiapanv. NORFOLK BUILDINGS, Albert Street, Auckland. QJSBORNE HARBOUR BOARD. Contract No. -47. Tenders are invited for the SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TIXI3ER FOR G.RAJS PUNT. Tender Farms and Specifications maT &c obtained on application at the Engineer's Office. Tenders Close Noon. MONDAY. 9tn November, 1&25, at tie Office of the Engineer, the lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. v BOROUGH COUNCrL. ROAD FORMATION. Tender? are invited nntil Noon NOVEMBER 2. I'rJ-i. for Excavation and Road Formation. GUI Street. Avondale South Plans, etc at office. St. Georpe Rd. Lowest oi any tender not necessarily accepted E. HENSHALL, '1 Borough Engineer. RENDERS. RESIDENCK LANDSCAPE ROAD REMUERA. The date for closing of Tenders for th< above has been extended till Noon, MONDAY. November f», 1925. U. L. MASSEY, A.R.1.3.A., A.N.Z.1.A., Rt-jistered Architect. Shortland Street. rpENDERS, CLOSING NOVEMBER 7. Are Invited for ERECTION OF SHOP (IN BRICKS AT TAKAPUNA. Plans and Specifications mar be «een ai fc«aSt2S? r R ta SL c *- **"*»*• ° r an? " Tend " not E «^sarily gOROfGH OF MOUNT EDEN. I ■ j SEWERAGE. Tenders w:ii be receiTed by Bnder sig-ned nntil 5 p.m. on MONDAY. November 2. 1925, for :ne Construction of Sewer age Work. J Plans and specifications may be seen on j application at the Borough Engineer's ; Omce Valley Road. S. GRAY, f Town Clerk. ■pOAD FORMATION AND SEWEB I DRAINAGE. ; REMUERA. j Temlrrs Trjii be received by the underi i". - '"' ,}'■'>■'. ;: -- >:la °o MONDAY, Novembei I ....V^ , i/'^ - " o3^. 23 Chain s of Road ForI " r ! s may be seen a 1 . -*. M. KELLY. -„.-, " . -vf'r •' n ' l Koa <3 Ecfineer, i •• - c BidgsL. Bigh St. ;T° BUI LDERS. ; ™™**S RECEIVE NOON MOXUAY, NOVE3I3ER 0 I FOR THE ERECTION OF PREMISES IN SWAXSOX STREET. 11. CLJNTON SAVAGE. Reristered Architect, j 22., Victoria Arcade. 14 ! UAEBOL-R BOARD". : SHIPWRIGHTS AND BOAT BUILDERS. COXSTRrCTION OF PONTOONS. Tenders, endorsed "Tender fo- p nn i gg f3gakFßs£Hr£ Snvitsa lor tho (MaterLol' s^ 1 Accident Insurance covered by Board Enclose £5 snarantee of pprformance: I accepted ° r Sny tend " not Ee «ssarny V. E. SANDERS. P.O. Box 33. Thame* SecretarrOctober 2«. 1?25. 30
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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756Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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