SYDNEY, October 39. Following- are to-day's quotations on the Sydney produce market: — ■Wheat.—Market practically at a standstill Prices nominal. Bulk parcels offered jn the vicinity or 6/, ex trucks Sydney. Farmers' lots, 5/3 at Sydney. 5/i at country stations. Oats. —Tasmanian, Algerian, 4/3; white glß Ma!ze°— Yellow, 6/6; white, not quoted. Potatoes. —Tasmanian, £i Bto £21; Victorian, £i 7 10/ to £1S; new season's, £23; >"ew Zealand. £15 to £16. Onions. —Victorian. £38; American, £30. Adelaide quotations are:— Wheat. —Growers' lots, 5/6 J. Oats. —2/6- —(A. ana IV.Z. Caiie.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 4
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