GUARANTEED FILMS AT HALF PRICE. Clearance of Ensign-Speedy Films. A rare opportunity to stock up for the summer. "Ensign-Speedy" films, an j excellent English film, clearing at halt j price at Harringtons. Every film guar-1 anteed perfect. All sizes except No. J l2O. —Only at Harringtons (N.Z.), Ltd., 140, Queen Street.—(Ad.) Saturday morning at Tonson Garlick's will be a wonderful shppping period for scores of economists. Half prices are attracting tremendous attention. Make your visit early.— (Ad.) "Charlie's Aunt," "from Brazil, where the nuts come from." Funny enough to make a cat laugh. Tivoli and Everybody's, Friday.—(Ad.) Sharland's Tomato Sauce makes a good addition to soups and gravies. It makes them richer and more appetising.— (Ad.)
LEASE WANTED. T EASE House and 2-3 Acres wanted, close ■*-' city; good bus or train service—Write F. 1676, Stae. PLANTS FOR SAT.E. — /CHRYSANTHEMUMS, named varieties:) VII per dozen.— J. Stinn'T, o'-i, Hill St.. Oriphnngn. I T/'UMAKA Plants, outdoor grown, 3/ 100. ' -*-*- postage 6d, 100 extra.—.Skiun»-r, •*:;, ! Hill St., Onehunga. -,r, • MACHINERY FOR SALE. ALP. WILLIAMS. Impnrmr. HMaioml ; St., Thrpf Lamps.—Circa t -.I- o.'' Marine ami Car Enginn.s, Ma;r;" - '.-. i;~, BANDSAW. Cresrent. SCiln. zoort r.,n.!i- i tion: also i2;n Buzzer.—Hi rlidrilsot., -I, lJurham St. \V. j I "pLLIOTT W'jodworkf-r. with pandpapi-r i attachment; only bad 'j months' use; I rhoap. — Apply t'.o. Box 1.72.-). Ain-klnml. ' ' \riLKI.VG Plant—B !i.p. Tansy* Knaln- i ! -'-L BoilAr lOulh: Bench. C. Sat., cheap ! I Write P. 14' M. .Star. ! SOLID Saw Bench. Hlnze-ta'iie. Ken'-e nn-i ' side. n»i spludle; cheap.— T-, Norfo.k i ] St.. __■*-' '' j \"\~INCHE.S, Biotrers. Auto Sparkf-r, I'];ir- ' ' * V fnrm Srales. Drillinc Machln»«. I'ullfy- i Shaftinp. B"itii.p. Tools, etc.—Gray acii i McLarhlan. ti'J, Albert Sr. | O-CTLINUER heavy duty Marine Emrin». ' i t-* 'tin x ."ijiu bore nml stroke, p>cn\ nrjpr ! j;4o.—Johnson and Sons, Lid . KngineiT>! Parncil Rise. :;ii MACHINERY WANTED. , "VTAUINK Englnf. rer<>r?e sear. propf-lli-r i j}L =hafr. ■■omplKc to suit Si'i ]-\ :o n, I for na«h.—Write W. "M 2. Star. ; . _. . j DOGS FOR SALE. . FOX Terrier, yonn:, for Sn!p : o-an.-r | >.iviu?. —50, Summer St , I'on-nnhy I i£_SHEEP and Caftle Dngn f3), tip top. broken, yonne. and splendid worker?, £6i oarh or £ 15 for rho 3 : th»se dncs are ivorrh easily £ 10 each.—Write B. 4042, Stae. 108 |
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 3
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